Category Archives: Hypnosis

How To Use Spiritual Laws To Your Advantage In Life ​

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Many people claim using the law of attraction can help reach goals. Does it always work? No, because there are other spiritual laws, some that supersede the law of attraction, you need to be aware of in order to have an advantage in life.

Law of Universal Order

Examples of this law include planetary motions, tides, and the change of seasons, and why comprehensive astrology and numerology can accurately interpret personal fate. You can use ​these tools to predict and prepare for future life events.

Law of Soul Over Personality 

Your personality might want to be incredibly wealthy or famous, but your soul might have chosen a different path before you incarnated. Fortunately, the more you calm your mind (like through meditation, exercise, or ​artistic endeavors), and unblock your energy (through Spiritual Detox or other clearing methods), the easier it will be to perceive your best path. When you are on your highest path, the efforts of your personality will be more likely to match the plan of your soul.

Law of Subconscious Dominance 

The subconscious mind stores everything that’s ever happened to you, in this life and previous lives, and it has a lot more power over you than it ​may seem. Phobias are an example of this; someone who has a fear of flying can tell himself he is safe, be assured the pilot is experienced, and so on, but his body and mind will still react like a crash is inevitable as soon as he steps onto the plane. Another example is someone who has a fear of poverty; she might become a workaholic, and won’t be able to slow down even when it works against her and other parts of her life ​suffer. Fortunately, hypnosis and past life regression can be used successfully to find and release the root cause of these and most other fears. You can also use hypnosis or subliminal MP3s to give suggestions and direction to your subconscious mind to help achieve any goal.

Law of Reincarnation 

67% of Americans don’t believe they’ve lived past lives, but that doesn’t stop their soul from incarnating again and again. This type of amnesia isn’t a bad thing, since it helps everyone focus on what’s most important: the present. Still, you can use your past lives to your advantage by going back to a past life when you were very skilled at something, for example, and bring forward that talent, discipline, and or drive. 

Law of Intent ​

When your conscious intent is different from your subconscious desires or fears, you’ll encounter more conflict. You can minimize this by acknowledging your faults and working to improve them. 

Law of Projection

You perceive the world as you are, not as it is. However, the more you understand yourself, your defenses and fears, and the more you try to see ​other people and situations without bias, the better off you will be. 

Law of Destiny or Fate

Your destiny and fate ​(both words have the same meaning) began before you were born, after your soul (not your personality) agreed to the specific lifetime that included the physical body, ​early life family, and related experiences. The karma of your soul, from many lifetimes, also contributes to your destiny and fate, or what you experience in this particular life. 

Due to the unseen force of destiny and fate, you cannot manifest and maintain something major that isn’t at least somewhat ​within its unique realm. But the more you are in tune with yourself and your highest path (through centering and unblocking), the less likely you’ll be to waste time taking the wrong exits on the freeway of fate. ​

Law of Karma ​

This one is quite simple; don’t do anything to others that you wouldn’t want done to you. All actions, words, and intent really do return to sender, and usually not in this life. This includes good karma too. However, not all “bad” experiences are due to negative actions in the distant past. Sometimes they’re just part of the path your soul chose for various reasons. 

Law of Free Will

Fortunately, you have free will to react to fate and karmic situations. If you don’t like something in your life, you can use your free will to change it, within the confines of your destiny, or at least learn to accept it. 

Law of Asking for Help

So much protection and guidance is available to you from the spiritual dimensions, including hints about your next best step for any goal, but you must ask for it and then pay attention. We recommend asking guides of the Light, (your) God, your Higher Self, and any other energies of the Light you pray to. Do not mess with the dark side, or you’ll regret it and forever be indebted to it. 

We hope that by understanding how spiritual laws influence your life, you’ll use them to your advantage and experience more love, happiness, and success.

Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.

Learn more about spiritual myths, meditation and how to use it to your advantage, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package

Copyright © 2020 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

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Hypnosis Myths Part II

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The average person might think of hypnosis, based on what they’ve seen in entertaining stage shows, as a means to control other people. But that’s a myth and hypnosis actually has many benefits most people aren’t aware of.

Hypnosis is defined by The American Heritage Science Dictionary as “A trancelike state resembling sleep, usually induced by a therapist by focusing a subject’s attention, that heightens the subject’s receptivity to suggestion. The uses of hypnosis in medicine and psychology include recovering repressed memories, modifying or eliminating undesirable behavior (such as smoking), and treating certain chronic disorders, such as anxiety.”

You’ve likely experienced a state of hypnosis many times, such as while zoning out watching TV. You don’t need a therapist to use hypnosis; hypnosis MP3 audios, a form of self-hypnosis, are particularly effective to get to the root of hidden fears and defenses, childhood issues, and relationship problems.

“Isn’t hypnosis spiritually dangerous? My faith is at odds with your teachings. As a Christian, I believe hypnosis opens the door to the devil and is mind control. Better to just ask God to show you what you need to do. Hypnosis deprives a person of free will and reasonable thought.”

Aside from avoiding hypnosis while in a moving vehicle or operating heavy machinery, it’s about as dangerous as zoning out and daydreaming while sitting on your couch (or in a pew half asleep during services).

Hypnosis addresses mainly subconscious concerns, such as hidden memories, and fears and defenses. It can also be used to address past lives, or even future lives, and guidance from your higher-self or super-consciousness.

“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.” ― Marcus Aurelius

Contrary to how hypnosis is depicted in some mindless Hollywood movie plots, it’s not mind control, and you don’t give up your free will or rational thought while hypnotized.

Your mind is of two main parts: your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind. Your unique fears and defenses, some rational, and many irrational, such as fear of success, reside in your unconscious. Hypnosis allows you to uncover the workings of your secret mind, beyond all the societal programming.

Conflict avoidance, and fear of dealing with the cold, hard facts of life, for example, may block a person from attempting to heal using regression therapy and hypnosis.

A case could be made that the real danger is keeping memories and false fears pushed way down within. Repression is like trying to hold an inflatable toy under water—the character traits and memories stuffed below will surface eventually. Whether consciously or unconsciously repressing personal issues, it depletes energy and causes problems in all areas of life.

It’s understandable that a person may not be ready to face his or her complex issues, and that is okay. He or she is not alone. But if he or she is ready, hypnosis is a powerful healing and self-discovery tool.

Though acknowledging hidden fears and defenses, and early life memories, may be unpleasant at first, the opportunity for personal growth and healing outweighs the initial pain.

Our powerful (and safe!) hypnosis and subliminal audio MP3s help encourage your unconscious mind to align itself with your conscious goals to improve your love life, career, and more.
Hypnosis MP3s:
Subliminal MP3s:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Hypnosis Myths Part I

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Hypnosis is perhaps most widely (and falsely) known as the state of being helplessly under the control of another person’s suggestions, such as in an entertaining stage show. Too many people incorrectly assume hypnosis is dangerous, But the truth about Hypnosis is quite different.

You may not realize you’ve experienced a hypnotic state many times, such as when letting your mind wander while driving a long, familiar route. That feeling of losing track of time while zoning out, which is similar to hypnosis, isn’t dangerous.

Hypnosis can be invaluable in modifying unconscious fears such as fear of flying, and can help in goal-achievement by coaxing your subconscious mind to align with your conscious goals. Hypnosis MP3 audios, a form of self-hypnosis, are especially effective if used regularly and over a long period of time.

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self.” – Aristotle

“My doctor told me it’s necessary to seek out a licensed professional with advanced training from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, otherwise hypnosis is too dangerous. Is this true?”

No. Hypnosis as a means of healing and self-knowledge has been in existence long before the medical industry tried to hijack it. Mere common sense will keep you safe, such as don’t use self-hypnosis (e.g. MP3 audios) while driving or operating heavy machinery.

“Though the doctors treated him, let his blood, and gave him medications to drink, he nevertheless recovered.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

Hypnosis doesn’t make a person give up their will—nobody will do something they don’t really want to do, such as embarrass themselves, or worse, commit a crime. Unless it’s being mixed with a cocktail of mind-altering drugs, like during a covert three-letter agency interrogation while the subject is strapped to a steel chair in the basement of a safe house, hypnosis is as harmless as watching TV.

Hypnosis can be uncomfortable since it has the ability to uncover subconscious memories (and not false ones as long as the therapist isn’t using leading questions), and get to the root of stubborn subconscious fears and defense patterns. Such an eye-opening experience can be unsettling, but you don’t need a doctor to face the truth and your mind typically won’t show you anything you’re not ready to perceive. A therapist can help talk you through your issues, but hypnotism is safe to use without any certification.

Sometimes conscious beliefs and understanding can be at great odds with the subconscious mind, which generates conflict. For example, even though you’re single and may consciously desire a relationship, if your unconscious mind associates love life relationships with pain and adversity, it will do everything in its power (despite your conscious wishes) to generate circumstances to keep you single.

Your collective subconscious mind, with all of your unique fears and defenses (everyone has his or her own unique set) is always in survival mode, and mostly illogical like a fearful child. For instance, as you attempt to detach from your mind through meditation, your subconscious abruptly sends you the message that you forgot to close the garage door–anything to get you to avoid meditation and maintain control over your life.

Generating rational fears too (e.g. look both ways before crossing the street), it certainly protects you from danger in the world, but it can also irrationally block you from what you want.

Subconscious thinking must match conscious wishes to reach goals quickly, and this is one way hypnosis can be very useful; subliminal programming helps to coax your subconscious mind to go along with your conscious plans.

You can’t consciously control unconscious functioning and impressions, which largely direct your behavior, but hypnosis can help to modify many subconscious fears, like fear of success or abandonment. You can’t rid yourself of many fears and defenses, but you can learn to live with them through hypnosis and subliminal programming.

Our powerful (and safe!) hypnosis and subliminal audio MP3s help encourage your unconscious mind to align itself with your conscious goals to improve your love life, career, and more.
Hypnosis MP3s:
Subliminal MP3s:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

A Spiritual Approach to Addiction

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Most people associate a spiritual approach to addiction with relying on a higher power for help. We do too, but based on our work with the hidden or spiritual side of life, we believe there’s another vital part of the addiction puzzle that most people miss.

Unfortunately, traditional drug and alcohol rehab doesn’t address it. We believe rehab success rates would dramatically improve if they did.

If you or someone you know has unsuccessfully tried to kick a habit or treat an addiction, it may be time to consider the concept of spiritual hitchhikers, or spirit attachment. We’ve found that those we’ve encountered who have a hard time quitting almost always have them onboard.

What are spiritual hitchhikers? After the physical body dies, it is natural for souls to go to the ”Light” or other side. Sometimes they don’t and if they died an addict, they’ll attach to a living human to feed their addiction. Addicts can unknowingly have huge groups of lost souls using them to get a fix.

How do you know if you’re harboring lost souls? One sign is the sudden urge to use drugs, drink, or smoke, or tasting it, when you haven’t used for a long time or never have. Another sign is hearing voices or thinking thoughts urging you to use, which can be easily misinterpreted as your own. If you pay attention, you might notice that it wasn’t really your idea to smoke, have that drink, or use.

Another sign of spirit attachment is a cynical reaction after reading about the phenomenon. If the aforementioned information triggered a negative emotional reaction, disembodied souls might be with you and attempting to control your behavior.

Other signs include feeling blocked, personality changes while under the influence, unexplainable depression, anger, or fears, feelings of being followed or watched, dreams of being chased, and feeling drained.

The most common way lost souls join living humans is through a weakened energy field. This can be the result of drug or excessive alcohol use, extreme negative emotions, illness, sex, or surgery. Lost souls can be anywhere, but hospitals, cemeteries, and bars tend to have more than average.

A Spiritual Approach to Addiction

Always seek professional treatment if you can’t quit on your own. The following are tools you can use before, during, or after treatment. If your will to quit is strong enough, and you are especially spiritually sensitive, the tools below might be enough to kick the habit for some addictions without traditional treatment. These also work for over-eating, excessive shopping, and any other habits you want to curtail.

Spiritual Detox

In addition to releasing spiritual troublemakers, a spiritual clearing expert, script, or MP3 can also remove dark energy and spiritual clutter, which is easy to pick up even for non-addicts. It can also heal emotional scars from this life and past lives.

Past Life Regression

We’ve found in our work that addiction usually started lifetimes ago. For addicts who don’t believe in reincarnation, viewing past lives as a metaphor is just as effective. Uncover and let go of the past lives associated with the addiction or habit with a past life regression expert or past life regression MP3 audio.

Take Responsibility

We might sound like we are contradicting ourselves when we (partly) blame addiction on entities, and then tell you to take responsibility, but we believe both are important. We agree that some people are more prone to addiction, but they also have free will to take responsibility, seek help, and stay sober.

Depicting addicts as helpless victims encourages them and others to avoid taking responsibility, empowering themselves, and kicking the habit for good. From the perspective of reincarnation and karma, addicts created the problem in past lives and now they need to resolve it.

Hypnosis and Subliminal MP3s

These valuable tools can help overcome addiction with positive programming that changes your perception of the habit, and replaces vices with healthy habits. With regular listening, they can be like the wind at your back, giving you an edge to conquer the habit once and for all. 


Go inward and overcome the urge to use when you have a craving, and overcome stress. The Let Go MP3 will easily help you reach a meditative state.

The White Light Trick

When you feel a sudden urge to use, try this:

1) Imagine yourself surrounded and permeated by white Light or sunshine.

2) Tell yourself that it’s not your desire to use and let it go.

3) Tell the entity that wants to use that he’ll have to find someone else to feed his addiction. Also tell it to go to the Light (and point upwards). Even if there isn’t an entity present, this exercise will help you detach from the urge to use.

Deciding you want to quit is half the battle. Reaching your goal will be a challenge, but addressing the spiritual side of addiction will make it easier.

The Spiritual Detox™ MP3 or Spiritual Detox script can make quitting a habit or addiction easier, and help you let go of depression, anger, and fear.

Copyright © 2017 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Your Subconscious Mind Always Wins

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The power of the human mind is astonishing. You’re aware of your conscious mind, the part of you that is knowingly reading this right now, but your collective subconscious mind is of its own volition, and doesn’t always agree with your conscious desires.

Try as you might, you aren’t really in control of your subconscious mind which greatly influences your behavior.

Hypnosis can greatly help to modify unconscious fears such as fear of expression or flying, and can also assist in directing your mind toward other goals, but subconscious defense patterns are much more complex and are much tougher to modify.

Handwriting analysis by a well-trained professional is very effective in delineating subconscious fears and defenses.

Below are 4 startling examples–the scary truth–of how your subconscious mind prevails and even rules your life.

1. Although seemingly noble, trying to never think about sex with anyone but your spouse or significant other is impossible, as are other attempts at rigid sexual morality. Why? Because your true (subconscious) feelings and human instinct aren’t in accordance with that strict moral notion–it’s natural to think, even fantasize sexually about people other than your spouse. While you chain your conscious mind in a box, your subconscious mind has a swinging singles party and the ensuing conflict in your mind wrecks havoc on your life; eventually that shadow-self you repress makes an appearance and crashes your morality construct.

2. You decide that from now on you’ll never get upset or angry and forever project blissful compassion. The problem is that it’s perfectly natural to feel “negative” emotions, and then to constructively express them. If you refuse to acknowledge your not so sweet feelings and stuff them down deep inside, eventually you’ll experience the beach ball under water effect: you’ll blow up at someone or otherwise inappropriately lose your cool, maybe in a case of road rage, or worse.

3. It’s better to put on a happy face instead of letting others see the sadness you’ve been holding at bay, or is it? Really, everyone wants to see you smile, but stuffing that inner disappointment only saps your energy. It’s much better to admit to yourself that despair is acceptable, then get in touch with it and deal with it effectively. Note: unrealistic expectations tend to foster disenchantment, so keep them in check.

4. “Selflessness” is often really a healthy form of selfishness. Does anyone really believe that “selflessness” exists? Look, we’ve always advocated helping those in need, but helping others feels good and is a motivator to continue, not to mention an effort to avoid guilt for not helping others, so it’s not really selflessness. While expressing unconditional love to those close to you may be interpreted as “selfless,” that’s a different matter, in our view.

There’s nothing wrong with self interest, as it makes the world go around. The problem is denying self interest, which then manifests in some nasty forms down the road, such as a hard-core advocate of some cause projecting his or her (natural) selfishness onto innocent parties, generating unnecessary strife.

In summary, stop holding yourself hostage to your conscious mind’s demands that conflict with your hidden, more potent mind, the subconscious. In acknowledging your mind’s “not so nice” impressions, and learning to accept and detach from them, it will give you greater peace of mind in the long run.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo