Tag Archives: demonic possession

Demonic Possession and Lost Souls–Responses To Critics

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Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive.

Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept these concepts, based on our objective findings.

We share what we’ve learned to help you cut through the misunderstandings and misinformation and avoid the serious problems related to the issues.

Below we list feedback from three anonymous individuals, along with our commentary.

Comment #1:

“Your teachings are not very accurate. ‘Ask for help from God, your guides, or angels of the Light’? Obviously, you’re spouting New Age nonsense. In reality, God does not tell you to ask for help from angels or spirit guides because that is a way to become possessed by demons. Angels won’t listen to you. They will only listen to God. Clearly, you don’t know the One True God. Nobody is haunted by ‘lost souls,’ those are demons! Only the One True God can help you. Read the Torah and you’ll know.”

Comment #2:

“It’s doubtful you can help yourself with demonic possession or lost souls, as you put it. Only a properly trained exorcist with the Catholic cloak, crucifix, rosary, bible, and the help of saints can help those who are possessed.”

While we recognize that organized religion can be wonderfully beneficial for many people, other-dimensional entities including demons, lost souls, and angels are not religiously sanctioned, and predate today’s organized religions.

The belief in angels can be found in almost every culture in recorded history, and shamans and sorcerers of countless cultures have performed depossessions.

For example, over 6000 years ago Sumerians carved human-like beings with wings into stone, Sumerian priests performed exorcisms, and the Sumerians recited protection prayers, as depicted on cuneiform clay tablets.

Once you are well informed about these topics, it’s perfectly safe to do your own depossessions with the help of higher-level spirit guides (who are always willing to help if you ask!), though you can always seek the help of an expert.

Comment #3:

“I don’t believe in spirits, ghosts, demons, god or any of that stuff. I’m an atheist. Science has proven you do not know what you’re talking about. The unknown happens and your imagination takes over, that’s all it is. Gullible people see scary movies then re-create the horrors in their life out of a need for excitement or even from being crazy. The only way to get your brain to stop creating delusions is to get the right medication and go through therapy.”

We tend to view those who worship science while simultaneously attacking spirituality and religion, proclaiming their superiority over those who believe in God, other-dimensional beings, and metaphysical concepts, as conceited, bigoted miscreants who deny evidence of the unseen from countless cultures around the world that date back to the beginning of recorded history.

If you can’t touch it or prove it within the rigid confines of modern science, it doesn’t exist, say the skeptics. Scientists today focus on technological advances including sending spacecraft to other planets and other mundane concerns, which is rightfully their domain.

Inaccurately contending that (dogmatic) conventional scientific method applies to everything, including concerns beyond the material world, is not scientific.

Demons, disembodied souls, and the topic of possession may seem irrational or frightening, but there’s nothing to fear once you realize it’s simply a matter of protecting yourself from misplaced energy that needs to be sent to the Light.

See other columns on the topic here: https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/category/spirit-possession/

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package shows you how to protect yourself spiritually, even against demonic energy. If you’re feeling depressed, angry, fearful, or having a tough time quitting bad habits and addictions, our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 and the new Spiritual Detox™ Script can help.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Beware–Possession is Common and Not Always Like in Movies

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Deliver Us From Evil is a new film about an NYPD cop who battles demons.

The film is based on events in the life of Sgt. Ralph Sarchie who retired as a decorated NYPD cop after 18 years of service. He now dedicates himself to demonology cases full time.

Some people are giving this movie a bad review because they wanted more special effects or because it wasn’t as scary as The Exorcist and other, similar movies. The main purpose of the movie, to help people understand that demons are a real and major problem in this world, is lost on them, unfortunately.

The screenwriter for the film watched real-life exorcisms related to Sarchie’s demonology work. Like most films on the subject, it highlights the most dramatic and obvious cases of possession.

Does that mean you’re free from dark energy as long as you aren’t levitating off your bed or speaking in tongues?

Unfortunately, no. Based on our work with Spiritual Detox and depossession for over 14 years, we want you to know that interference from dark and demonic energy is much more common and subtle than most people realize.

Here are seven less obvious examples of potential demonic influence:

1) You feel anger at the mention of anything related to God or religion. (Note: You don’t need to be religious to protect yourself from demons, but completely rejecting God or the Light will make you more vulnerable to them.)

2) Uncontrollable addictions, including, but not limited to, sugar, gambling, or sex. A person may be genetically predisposed to addiction and possession makes it worse.

3) Drastic, nasty personality changes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4) Intense disharmony between you and a relative, coworker, or ex, no matter how you try to repair the situation.

5) Depression, especially when you can’t shake it no matter what you do and feel like there’s a dark cloud over you.

6) Hearing voices, especially with negative messages.

7) Recurring nightmares, especially of being chased.

Skeptical? Sarchie says to those skeptical of his work or to the idea that demons exist, “It does not matter if you believe or not. You don’t have to believe in God. You don’t have to believe in the devil. It doesn’t withdraw you from this battle.”

“It’s definitely on the rise. I hate to say it,” Sarchie said in an interview. “As society pushes God out, no one can deny that that’s happening. There’s a good portion of society that just cannot stomach Jesus Christ and when I see that, I have to wonder where that hatred comes from.”

He also said that when someone sees what he’s doing and understands the battle between “good” and “evil,” the person is in a sense going back to God and, “…the Devil hates that.”

Just being more aware of the demon problem will help you avoid it.

Note: Sarchie believes that only priests trained in exorcism should remove demonic entities from people. We understand why he believes this since his experience with exorcism is from a religious viewpoint. However, it’s important to note that a traditionally religious exorcism is only one way to remove demons and dark energy. There are many spirit releasement experts who do very similar work with the help of legions of angels from the “other side.”

Now that you know more about how possession isn’t usually as obvious as in movies, this awareness will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from demons.

If you’re feeling depressed, angry, fearful, or having a tough time quitting bad habits and addictions, our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 can help.

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Beware of These 10 Types of Demons Part II

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Are there different kinds of demons, and are demons even real? Yes, based on our experience of clearing places and people of dark energy for more than 13 years, we believe so. We didn’t believe in demonic energy prior to our findings, but we now believe that both positive and negative energies exist in the universe, and that there are different entities associated with both sides. In this article, we explore different types of demons and why they target different types of people and situations.

Sexual Orientation Demons

Based on our empirical research, we believe that sexual orientation, like many characteristics, begins with the soul before birth. However, we also believe there exist demons that encourage gay sex as a way of breaking down some heterosexuals, or even gay or bi people who are uncomfortable with their orientation. We believe this to be particularly true if they are abusing alcohol, using drugs, or have great shame and fear about sex due to a strict religious upbringing.

Then there are those who believe homosexuality is a sin and rally against gays, and even gays who are biased against straight people. Any sort of strong prejudice, especially when it leads to a polarized political issue (i.e., gay marriage), which leads to more strife and chaos, we believe can involve demons. The universal demon motto seems to be, “The worse the anger, chaos, and division among people, the better.”

Bad Mood Demons

Everyone has occasional challenging days or longer periods in their lives. It’s easy to become pessimistic when things aren’t going well, but always try to look on the bright side and keep your energy and that imaginary (or real, if you so choose) Light up. Imagining yourself protected with a bubble of Light positively impacts your subconscious mind (your subconscious can’t tell the difference between real and imagined) and actually can have a protective impact on your life. Otherwise, letting pessimism grow and not protecting yourself can make your negative energy a beacon for the little demons to come running.

Religious Demons

There are countless good and even saintly religious people in the world. But those who are influenced by religious demons can be far from it. Religious demons are fueled by the guilt, fear and, or shame of their host, and derive great pleasure in convincing their targets to do terrible things. At the very least, religious demons can encourage their targets to be very intolerant in the name of their religion.

Religious demons also target those (e.g., atheists) who express negative sentiment against religion or New Age tenets.

Drug demons

Any street drug or mind altering prescription narcotic will lower your spiritual protective energy and allow dark energy and entities to attach to you or even possess you in extreme cases. Drug demons have a great appreciation for those who use drugs regularly, for they can allow demons to take complete control of their lives. We believe this is a key reason why addicts have such a difficult time overcoming their addiction.

Demon party

Add excessive alcohol and, or drugs to any of the situations above and the target will be certain to be the host of a demon party. Come one, come all; the weaker the host, the more demons jump on board, and the worse off the person becomes, along with those close to him.

What can you do if you think there may be dark energy intruding in your life? The most important way you can guard against any future interference is to always react with unconditional love and compassion instead of anger or fear, even in response to hatred and prejudice. Responding this way, even if it’s only in your mind, will stop the back-and-forth volley of negative energy demons strive to incite.

Use our demon repellant MP3 audio, Spiritual Detox, to minimize the demonic influence in your life.

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Beware–Three Levels of Spirit Possession

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Spirit possession has become a more popular topic in recent years due to it being featured in popular media, including TV shows and movies. Although extreme cases make for more potent entertainment, they aren’t very common in the real world. Below we describe the other levels of spirit possession so you know what to watch out for.

1) Mild possession includes the phenomena of spirit attachment, and ghosts, which are not technically possession but are related and can still cause problems.

An example of this is an entity that exists in the home you moved into. His body died there of old age years ago, and for some reason he decided to stay instead of go into the Light. At times, without you realizing it, he enters your energy field and you experience brain fog and forgetfulness (he had Alzheimer’s before he died). Your dog sometimes barks incessantly at something or someone in the room, but no one is there. Your six year-old daughter asks you who the old man standing in the hall is, but you don’t see anyone.

What you need to do in this situation, as odd as it may sound, is explain to the older gentleman that his body is dead, this is no longer his home, and it’s time for him to join loved ones in the Light. Say, “Go to the Light” and point upwards. Calling in spiritual helpers of the Light and his loved ones who have already crossed over may be necessary to help him move on.

2) Moderate possession afflicts those who regularly drink heavily and, or do drugs, which lowers their spiritual resistance to lost souls and negative energies. It can also start as the result of surgery, or extreme emotions from childhood abuse or other trauma.

If you’re strong-willed, the entities might not have too much of an influence, but since they’ve joined your energy field, it’s still easy to confuse their emotions, desires, cravings, and thoughts with your own. Hearing voices in your head and feeling energetically drained is common. If you find yourself feeling or thinking something completely out of the realm of your usual thoughts, ask yourself, “Is this really me?” It might not be.

A sudden, strong interest in or craving for, one that you never had before, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, certain foods, gambling, or even sex with a different gender (caused by gay or straight lost souls possessing straight or gay people, respectively, or being possessed by the opposite gender) is often a sign of moderate possession.

Using the technique above can also help to remove entities in these cases, as can resisting the cravings, but a more in-depth approach is often needed.

3) Severe possession is the worst possible form, though more rare. People who are severely possessed are controlled by one, a few, or a whole entourage of lost souls and sometimes demonic energies. These people might be weak-willed or they are simply more susceptible to possession due to their brain chemistry, spiritual makeup, karma, and, or other reasons.

Depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, multiple personality disorder, and other problems can result from severe possession. Suddenly and unintentionally speaking with a foreign accent, like Brittney Spears did when she had some troubles a few years ago, can be indicative of a stronger lost soul from another country who has “moved in” unannounced.

Severe possession can cause or contribute to serious addictions, ones that are very difficult to overcome. After all, the possessed person is using, smoking, drinking, etc. not just for themselves, but others with them as well and they’re not fully in control of their mind. Unfortunately, rehab clinics don’t yet focus on this part of addiction.

In these extreme circumstances it’s best to get assistance from someone who has experience removing lost souls and dark energy.

Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Beware of These 5 Demonic Possession Myths

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Due to several movies in recent years about demonic possession and exorcisms, the subjects have gained in popularity.

Are they fictitious notions, merely part of a scary Hollywood storyline? 25 years ago, we thought so and naively assumed that in terms of spiritual energy, only God and positive energy existed.

But after studying metaphysics for over 25 years and performing what we call Spiritual Detox (which is similar to a depossession without the religious terminology, often of Latin origin, of a Catholic exorcism) on ourselves and many others, we are convinced dark energy and demons exist.

Misunderstandings about the subject abound. When we read that Roman Catholic priests in Poland are launching the world’s first monthly magazine about exorcisms, we were hopeful that it would help clarify the issues.

Unfortunately, we believe the magazine could do more harm than good. Here are five possession myths that the priests perpetuate in the process of discussing their new magazine.

1) The rise in the number of possessions is due to a rise in capitalism and the occult. Blaming capitalism or the occult for more possessions is like blaming death on living life or obesity on eating; it depends how you live and what and how much you eat.

If they experienced the occult (which only means “hidden knowledge”) firsthand instead of relying on hearsay stemming from paranoid zealotry that dates back to the bloodthirsty Inquisition, they’d discover that fortune-telling, including tarot cards, astrology, numerology and other forms, is not dangerous and there is no risk of possession from these ancient spiritual tools. In fact, scary movies pose more risk.

Ouija boards and channeling can attract mischievous entities, but they are easily avoided if one knows what they are doing, and we do not recommend novices use them. We advise avoiding black magic and spells, which present much more risk.

2) A depossession or exorcism should only be performed by a priest. There are many people who are not priests who regularly perform successful depossessions. One of the more successful people in this field is Sue Allen of the UK.

Religious exorcisms follow a traditional process that, at times, recklessly cast out demons. We and others who do similar deposession work believe this can be dangerous because the entity can wander off and possess someone else. Instead, we call in Angels of the Light to help guide the troublemakers to the Light.

3) “Authentic exorcism is absolutely free of charge.” What the priest means is that authentic exorcism by priests is free. There are many professionals who can remove lost souls or dark energy but since they do this for a living and don’t have the support of a multi-billion dollar religious enterprise behind them, of course they need to charge for their services.

Unfortunately, there exist unscrupulous psychics who will tell a client bad energy is causing their misfortune, and that they can remove it for thousands of dollars, then do very little to fix the alleged problem. Avoid them.

4) “Possession comes as a result of committing evil. Stealing, killing, and other sins.” In our experience, we’ve found it’s the reverse; one does not always become possessed from “sinning” (though it’s possible), but those who are stealing, lying, or killing commonly are possessed. We’ve discovered that people can become possessed from drug use, alcohol abuse, extreme emotions, physical or sexual abuse, and surgery.

5) Mental illness is not the same as possession. We’ve found that mental imbalances are often caused or made worse by entity attachment or possession, especially in very sensitive individuals. Sadly, many mental health experts ridicule the idea of possession, yet ironically, usually know little about the subject.

Copyright © 2012 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Spiritual and Demonic Possession: 6 Symptoms

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Have you ever felt inexplicably angry, sad, exhausted, or otherwise not yourself? Ever experienced a dramatic personality change while under the influence of alcohol? It’s possible that those feelings weren’t you, but the affect of dark or other-dimensional energy.

Based upon our empirical research, we believe it’s possible for lost souls, defined as those which have not yet gone to the Light after their physical bodies have died, to intrude in your everyday affairs, even to the point of dramatically influencing your behavior.

These unseen influences range from benign lost souls looking for a way out of their predicament, to outright malicious demons who desire to harm you.

There exist many spiritual professionals today who offer different forms of depossessions, clearings, and cleansings. Unfortunately, since the origin of the attachment or possession can be very complex and often difficult to pinpoint, and the process of removing the harmful energy can be time consuming, few practitioners are experienced enough to successfully handle the tougher cases.

Regrettably, even if they take measures to protect themselves, some people are more susceptible to the influence of lost souls and attack by dark energy.

Below we list 6 common symptoms.

1. Sudden drug and, or alcohol abuse. What a better place to get a fix for an invisible, wandering soul than from an existing user. Suddenly drinking or craving alcohol more than you usually do is a sign that you may have company.

If your friends are asking you, “What’s gotten into you, why are you over-doing it so often?”, maybe something really has gotten into you and is driving you to abuse your body.

2. Unusual behavior from a young age. You may very well have picked up a wandering soul early in your life if you’ve endured abuse, surgery, or serious illness as a child, and it (or they) might still be with you.

3. Excessively emotionally trying periods of your life. Extreme stress breaks down your spiritual defenses and opens you up to strange energy.

4. Acute, unexplained bouts of depression. If you can’t explain the source, it’s possible you may be carrying a heavy, unseen load.

5. Hearing voices in your head, especially negative messages, could be a sign that you have a spiritual hitchhiker with you or that you’re hosting a party with uninvited, invisible guests. We believe it’s possible for problematic, other-dimensional energies to plant ideas in your head in order to manipulate your behavior for their benefit. Spiritually sensitive people, or those firmly tuned into their intuition, frequently hear messages within from the other realms, but it can be challenging to keep themselves closed off to foreign, toxic energy.

6. Reading this information and having a strong, critical reaction to it. Guess what? If you have dark energy with you, they’ll do anything to get you to ignore advice that would result in them being identified and escorted away. What you’re feeling, although it may simply be subconscious fear, could be the reaction of unseen entities and since you’re so used to it, you believe it to be your own.

The good news is that it’s very rare for even the darkest of other-dimensional energy to be able to cause you harm if you are aware of this phenomenon and take measures to protect yourself.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo