Become a Man Magnet; Easily Attract Good Looking Men subliminal MP3 suggestions
I am feeling incredibly self-confident
I am doing what I need to do to look my best
I love to smile and feel good
I am enjoying eating healthily and exercising
I love meeting new people
I am making time for exercise
I love to carry myself with confidence
I am paying attention to my posture
I’m looking good, even on a budget
I am dressing for success, even on a budget
I am letting go of the past
I’m excited about my love life
I enjoy starting conversations with good looking men
I enjoy looking attractive men in the eyes and smiling
I am feeling and exuding confidence
I’m enthusiastic about my love life
I’m confident and in control
I approach men I want to meet with confidence
Rejection is easy for me to take
I see and seize opportunities often
I enjoy dating
I feel better about my love life daily
I am attracting new and exciting men
I’m becoming a stud magnet
I’m feeling more compassionate every day
I’m feeling more confident every day
I easily and freely let potential dates know I’m interested
I’m excited to date
I’m grateful for my love life
I’m worth it
I am becoming a man magnet
I have a way with men
Men love me
I easily relax around men
I a wave of relaxation comes over me when approaching attractive men
I like making men laugh
Hot men are attracted to me
Men can’t get enough of me
I easily talk with hot men
I find it easy to interact with men
Beautiful men are my friends
I’m smart and funny
I’m confident and charismatic
Men see me as a leader
I drive men wild
I’m very comfortable with men
I love approaching hot men
I always say the right thing with men
Men admire me
Men think I’m clever
I naturally pick up attractive men
I’m a great catch and men know it
I easily maintain eye contact with men
Attractive men want me
Men want to be with me
I’m always poised
I’m feeling self-assured
I feel incredible self-confidence around men
I am feeling secure with myself
I have a lot to offer men
Attractive men love me
I offer a lot of value to men
I attract good looking men easily
I’m always at ease and in control
Men appreciate and respect me