Everyone’s Birthrights Are Different

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We respect those who search for their own answers in relation to spirituality, the meaning of life, and the concept of fated personal circumstances and events. In our professional opinion, everyone’s birthrights are different.

Let’s define, in this context, what a birthright is. In simple terms, it’s what is owed to you, in a karmic sense (rewards and challenges); birthrights are the credits you’ve earned and the debits you owe from past life actions.

Contrary to popular belief and based on our research, we’ve found that birthrights aren’t automatic entitlements to the “infinite possibilities of the universe.” Free will exists, but total free will is only available to you in spirit form before incarnating. Why? So you can’t escape confronting the issues you’re meant to work through, and therefore grow and progress.

Popular New Age declarations such as “It’s your birthright to have whatever you want,” are inspiring and sound promising, but these statements are too often misleading and potentially damaging. Disappointment and feelings of despair and failure ultimately follow when the New Age adherent learns the hard way that he can’t simply erase his intense marriage problems and “create a dream relationship,” for example.

On the other hand, inspirational messages can be like fuel for those who are following their highest path, take the action necessary to reach their goals, work efficiently and purposely, and are destined to reach those goals. But inspiration may be only a temporary high, an escape from reality, for those who don’t take action to reach their goals, or more importantly, have not set goals that match their fate.

By the way, sometimes “failure” or not getting what you want is integral to important life lessons and even future success. If everyone “got what they wanted” all the time, what would the world be like and how would one distinguish between failure and success?

Alternatively, we wholeheartedly approve of feet-on-the-ground proclamations such as, “you can have anything your heart desires, as long as it fits in your karmic and destined plan.”

Successfully reaching important life goals demands diligent effort, not just pure inspiration and idealism. More important, to know what’s most fitting for you (and within your personal, unique karmic blueprint), you must first ask in meditation, repeatedly “who am I?” and “why am I here?” if you want to begin to make the most of your existence.

One person’s dharma (what one must do, in accordance with one’s karmic plan) might be to live a life having enormous power and influence, and another’s might be to learn humility and live a modest lifestyle. One person’s fate might include decades of deep romantic love, another’s might include decades of solitude (e.g., as a monk, in a religious order, or even in prison), perhaps necessary for his or her spiritual growth.

Remember, we’re talking about long-term plans, as in multitudes of lifetimes that serve higher purposes, not just about trying to get what one wants right now, in this life, such as the most coveted material aspects of the American Dream.

How do you know what your birthrights are? Keep asking yourself. Get to know your higher-self through regular meditation. Comprehensive astrology and numerology are great tools to help confirm your hunches.

Don’t be afraid of discovering that your personal earthly plan may not be as glamorous or seemingly rewarding as another person’s might be. Everyone has an important role in this world. Some are meant to make a difference in one person’s life, and some in many people’s lives, but all are part of the bigger plan and ultimately we are all in this together.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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