Hermes Trismegistus, the author named in the text of the enigmatic Emerald Tablet, said, “That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that is below.”
According to the Hermetic tradition, occult sciences such as astrology and numerology symbolize events and circumstances in your life. Notice the quote above states “…is like…” instead of “makes happen.” The microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and the macrocosm reflects the microcosm.
The ancients believed human beings are intimately connected to the universe. You have a choice to either learn about the energy flow of the universe and move with it, or ignorantly fight against the currents of life.
One of the best ways to move with the currents of life, to know and capitalize on your personal timing, is through personalized comprehensive astrology and numerology.
If you aren’t ready for an in-depth strategy, learning about universal occurrences such as the Universal Year (e.g., 2022 = 2+0+2+2=6), eclipses, and retrogrades can still be helpful.
Two Universal and Personal Numerology Cycles
See this blog post and this article for information about the Universal Year. Scroll down within this article to get an idea about the balanced, over-balanced, and under-balanced form of each of the root numbers 1-9, which can give you a little insight about each Universal Year and your Personal Year. The Universal Year is intimately connected to the Personal Year, which is more relevant to you, personally, than the Universal Year. The second linked article above also features information about the Personal Year and how to calculate it.
To take it a step further, simply add the Universal Year or Personal Year to the current calendar month to get the Universal Month or Personal Month. For example, since the Universal Year in 2022 is 6 (2022 = 2+0+2+2=6), in January the Universal Month is 7. Since January is the first month of the year simply add January (1) plus 2022 (6) which equals 7. The Personal Month is derived the same way; if you’re in a 3 Personal Year in 2022, you’re in a 4 Personal Month in January of 2022. These four cycles are a good place to start with basic numerology. Although these cycles are only four of hundreds of timing cycles, they are easy to follow and symbolically strong enough that you will recognize their importance.
Listed below are select universal astrological events for 2022.
2022 eclipses:
Solar eclipse 4-30-2022, 10 degrees, 28 minutes Taurus
Lunar eclipse 5-15-2022, 25 degrees, 17 minutes Scorpio
Solar eclipse 10-25-2022, 02 degrees, 00 minutes Scorpio
Lunar eclipse 11-8-2022, 16 degrees, 00 minutes Taurus
2022 Mercury retrograde periods:
Mercury retrograde 1-14-2022 10 degrees, 20 minutes Aquarius
Mercury direct 2-3-2022 24 degrees, 22 minutes Capricorn
Mercury retrograde 5-10-2022 04 degrees, 51 minutes Gemini
Mercury direct 6-3-2022 26 degrees 05 minutes Taurus
Mercury retrograde 9-9-2022 08 degrees, 55 minutes Libra
Mercury direct 10-2-2022 24 degrees 11 minutes Virgo
Mercury retrograde 12-29-2022 24 degrees, 21 minutes Capricorn
Mercury direct 1-18-2023 08 degrees, 08 minutes Capricorn
2022 Venus retrograde periods:
Venus retrograde 12-19-2021 26 degrees, 29 minutes Capricorn
Venus direct 1-29-2022 11 degrees, 04 minutes Capricorn
2022 Mars retrograde periods:
Mars retrograde 10-30-2022 25 degrees, 36 minutes Gemini
Mars direct 1-12-2023 08 degrees, 07 minutes Gemini
Be a little more cautious regarding important matters involving higher than average risk on the day of and the days surrounding eclipses and Mercury retrogrades. This includes, but is not limited to, big purchases, investments, and legal contracts.
See this blog post for information about Mercury retrograde.
See this blog post for information about eclipses. See this blog post for additional information about eclipses.
Venus and Mars retrogrades traditionally are not as noticeable as Mercury retrogrades. As always, any single universal celestial phenomenon symbolically affects you in a unique way, as it relates to your personal astrological patterns. A particular retrograde or eclipse may represent big life changes for one person, and almost nothing for another person.
This blog post includes information about multiple, basic astrology factors, including Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde, and more.
Although the aforementioned celestial and numerological happenings are minor in relation to the massive body of universal and natal indicators, tracking these cycles and events, especially in conjunction with your natal factors and patterns, can help you limit your risk and save time and money.
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
Learn more about spiritual myths, meditation and how to use it to your advantage, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package:
Copyright © 2021 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
Category Archives: Astrology and Numerology
Words of Wisdom About Astrology
The majority of people roll their eyes at the topic of astrology. Here’s an example: “I don’t believe in astrology. It’s a lot of crap. I just think that’s another thing you should throw out the window. Mysticism. Cheap. It’s amazing that people still hang on to that after all these years.” Mick Jagger
Well, we don’t believe in the type of astrology you’ve likely been exposed to either, Mick.
What Mick and many others don’t realize is that astrology is like mathematics; you need to know where and when to use the many different factors and protocols (well beyond the mere Sun sign or horoscopes) for consistent accuracy.
Unfortunately, the Age of Reason in the 17th and 18th centuries contributed to the corruption of the ancient science of astrology, as did the commercialization of it starting in the late 19th century, giving birth to Sun sign astrology and horoscopes.
Astrology reached its developmental peak during the Middle Ages after over 2000years of practice (in more informal and straightforward forms) in Babylon, Egypt, China, India, and elsewhere. Wise practitioners throughout the ages who understood the cyclical and ordered nature of life gave insight to kings, queens, pharaohs, emperors, religious leaders, and other powerful, influential types who wanted to capitalize on their fate and be prepared for challenging times.
Here are some quotes by people who looked beyond superficial astrology to understand the value of comprehensive astrology.
“Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.” Dane Rudhyar
“Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself.” Plato
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Hippocrates
“Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer.” Benjamin Franklin
“It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology. Donald T. Regan
“Millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do.” J. P. Morgan
“The essential purpose of astrology is not so much to tell us what we will meet on our road, as it is to suggest how to meet it – and the basic reason for the meeting. Which quality in us, which type of strength is needed to go through any specific phase of our total unfoldment as an individual person.” Dane Rudhyar
“Oh the wonderful knowledge to be found in the stars. Even the smallest things are written there … if you had but skill to read.” Benjamin Franklin
“I think the Greeks first took astrology to India and took from the Hindus the science of astronomy and carried it back with them from Europe. Because in India you will find old altars made according to a certain geometrical plan, and certain things had to be done when the stars were in certain positions, therefore I think the Greeks gave the Hindus astrology, and the Hindus gave them astronomy.” Swami Vivekananda
“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.” Sri Yukteswar Giri
“That we can now think of no mechanism for astrology is relevant but unconvincing. No mechanism was known, for example, for continental drift when it was proposed by Wegener. Nevertheless, we see that Wegener was right, and those who objected on the grounds of unavailable mechanism were wrong.” Carl Sagan
“The Birth-chart has to be understood as the archetype or seed-pattern of one’s individual being – as the ‘symbolic’ form of one’s individuality, and therefore also of one’s destiny, for the two are identical.” Dane Rudhyar
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
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Copyright © 2021 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo
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Numerology: Sex and Love and The Numbers One Through Nine Part II
Pythagoras, known as the Father of Number, believed number mysticism is one of the keys of the meaning of life.
“Number rules the universe.” Pythagoras
Everyone has been exposed to basic numerology, and we don’t blame you if you’re skeptical. Instead of relying entirely upon single factors like the day of birth, we’ve found pattern recognition using multiple indicators is the most dependable way to delineate personality and fate.
Feel free to use single factors like the day of birth or sum total of the month, day, and year as a point of reference if you are exceedingly clairvoyant. However, few individuals are so consistently intuitive that they don’t need a comprehensive approach using pattern recognition to get reliable results time after time.
Imagine standing before the largest building you’ve ever seen, many times the size of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Now imagine entering its lobby, which is only a fraction of the entire structure. The lobby is analogous to the full date of birth, whereas the rest of the colossal building represents the patterns that stem from the full birth data (full date of birth, exact time, location, and full legal birth name). We prefer a thorough approach; we’re constantly updating our systems of analysis, eliminating what proves to be invalid, and expanding upon that which holds promise. Ultimately, the more rigorous our checks and balances, the more accurate forecasting and personality and compatibility analysis becomes.
As a beginner, it’s easy to use basic number mysticism. To get an idea of the symbolism behind the root numbers 1 through 9 (all numbers can be reduced to a single digit through fadic addition: 787 = 7+8+7= 22= 2+2=4) please see the number symbolism guide in this article.
Starting with the full date of birth and using the date 2-17-1984, you’ll notice the Full Date Total is 5 (2+17+1984= 2003= 2+0+0+3= 5). This factor is referred to as the “Life Path” in modern numerology. It’s comparable to the Sun sign in astrology, and it’s a good place to start.
In the first article in this two-part series, we considered some basic early life energies. Next, we’ll consider one of the more important middle life energies (the day of birth), and one of the more important final third or so of life energies (the year of birth). Using the date of birth above, 17 day of birth yields 1+7= 8, and the year is 22/4 (1+9+8+4= 22= 2+2= 4).
Each number includes a balanced, under-balanced, and over-balanced form. Typically, the subject experiences the day of birth (a middle life cycle) and especially the year of birth (a final third or so of life cycle) as more balanced than under or over-balanced. In other words, maturity symbolically allows him or her to fully capitalize on the opportunities and more effectively cope with the challenges of middle and later life cycles and phases.
It’s important to take into account that although individual numbers sometimes dominate in a person’s patterns (particularly in select timing phases), ultimately a blend of numbers prevail together, representing unique character and personal timing.
Note: the energy of single factors like the day of birth and year of birth is supported or mitigated by the energy of the overall patterns, but you can still get an idea by considering single factors, especially if you have highly developed intuition.
Below, we list the balanced form of each root number as they relate to sex life.
1: Considering drive, assertiveness, competitiveness, and an energetic personality are some balanced qualities associated with the number 1, it makes sense that those with strong 1 frequently initiate sex and that it’s rarely boring. 1 is a mental number—they are creative enough to keep things fresh, and you better be prepared for a workout. Although 1 strongly represents being centered and turned inward, it also symbolizes intense focus on his or her partner, making the connection that much more intimate. As a long-term timing cycle it tends to involve more limited and exclusive love life opportunities.
2: 2 is an emotional number and those with heavy 2 are masters of emotional connections. They feel so much; they know instinctively how to please their partner. Rhythm is second nature for them, and becoming one with their partner is the norm. Just be sure to send him or her positive vibes because they feel that sort of thing as if they have an emotionally based sixth sense. As a long-term timing cycle, in terms of overall love life, it can be extremely rewarding.
3: Who knew sex could be so fun! Those with strong, balanced 3 energy know for sure. They are forever young; nothing will slow them down in the bedroom, even old age. 3 is an emotional number; the highest form of 3 is laughter, sexual expression, and having a good time. As a long-term timing cycle, it can mean lots of opportunities and younger lovers.
4: If you want a reliable and hard-working lover, those with lots of 4 energy are best. They rarely get tired before you do, and will always be there for you. 4 is a physical number and he or she is likely to have endurance in the bedroom. As a long-term timing cycle, it may not present loads of opportunities, but sensible and stable partnerships are the norm.
5: 5 is a mental number, yet could also be considered a physical number. Those with strong 5 energy are some of the most versatile, experienced, and erotic lovers on the planet. When it comes to a good time, 3 may have 5 beat, but 5 instinctively knows how to take sensuality to a higher level. Get ready for variety and freedom if you experience this vibration as a long-term timing cycle.
6: 6 is an emotional number and is more similar to the number 2 than other numbers. 6 is the cosmic mother or father, and in the bedroom he or she is the epitome of love, affection, and emotionally based sex. You’ll never have a more responsible and caring lover. As a long-term timing cycle, this is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable in terms of love life and romance.
7: 7 is a mental number, yet it could also be considered an intuitive number. Those with heavy 7 intuitively (frequently via mind-reading or raw gut instinct) know how to please his or her lover. They give meaning to the term “spiritual sex.” No words need to be said; he or she just knows exactly the right things to do. Tapping into past lives, subconscious memories, or even other-dimensional beings during sex are as normal as the sun rising in the morning. As a long-term timing cycle, this can be rather quiet regarding love life, but pleasant if he or she is on good footing upon entering it.
8: 8 is a mental number, yet could also be considered a physical number. Those with strong 8 are most likely to be performers in the bedroom and are a dream come true for those who like to be dominated. 8, like the 4, has stamina and won’t let you down. As a long-term timing cycle, love life tends to be intertwined with business and, or career.
9: 9 is an emotional number, yet could also be considered an intuitive number. It’s similar to the 7 in relation to spirituality, and similar to the 6 in terms of love and affection. If you want a lover with heart, one who is naturally one of the most giving lovers you’ll ever have, 9 is for you. As a long-term timing cycle, this is similar to the 6 above; it can be exceedingly rewarding in terms of love life.
The languages of fate, comprehensive astrology and numerology, are as challenging to learn as any foreign language. But you can still gain surprising insight into human character, compatibility, and timing with basic number mysticism.
Learn how to strengthen your psychic ability and make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package.
Gain insight about personality and timing with our Numerology Decoder Software.
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
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Copyright © 2021 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
Numerology: Sex and Love and The Numbers One Through Nine Part I
Pythagoras, ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, taught that numbers have mystical qualities.
“All is number.” Pythagoras
Considering the symbolism of numbers is all around you, it’s no surprise numerology is one of the most popular forms of divination.
You’ve probably seen day of birth numerology, and if you’re skeptical, we understand. Our findings show us that instead of cherry-picking single factors such as the day of birth, pattern recognition involving multiple factors is the most reliable way to interpret personal fate, personality, and compatibility.
Still, if you possess above-average psychic ability, it’s perfectly acceptable to use even just the month and day (or just the day) of birth as touchstones to glean insight about an individual. Just realize there’s a lot more to it, and it’s best to confirm any notions with a more comprehensive approach.
The full date of birth is like the mere entry way and foyer of a massive castle spanning several square miles, the rest of the castle being the patterns that stem from the complete birth data (full date of birth, exact time, location, and full legal birth name). We regularly update and expand our systems of analysis involving comprehensive astrology and numerology; it’s a constant and endless process with the ultimate goal being greater precision in prediction, and personality and compatibility analyses.
As a novice, you can start employing basic numerology immediately.
To start understanding the symbolism behind the root numbers 1 through 9 (which are the basis of all numbers), and the process (fadic addition, e.g., 656 = 6+5+6 = 17= 1+7= 8) to yield root numbers, please see the number symbolism guide in this article.
Starting with the full date of birth and using the date 2-17-1984, you’ll notice the Full Date Total is 5 (2+17+1984= 2003= 2+0+0+3= 5). This factor is referred to as the “Life Path” in modern numerology. It’s comparable to the Sun sign in astrology, and it’s a good place to start. Next, you could look at two of the basic early life energies, which are 2 (the month) and the sum of the month and day, 1 (2+17= 19= 1+9=10= 1+0=1).
Each number includes a balanced, under-balanced, and over-balanced form. Generally, the subject experiences the early life cycles (such as the 2 listed in the above paragraph) more often as over or under-balanced instead of balanced. It’s not easy in youth to fully capitalize on opportunities and cope with challenges.
Keep in mind that everyone’s overall numerology patterns include a mix of more than one ruling number that represents unique personal character and timing. However, a single number heavily recurring throughout the patterns can symbolize the subject frequently seeming a lot like that specific number.
Note: the energy of single factors like the month of birth is supported or mitigated by the energy of the overall patterns, but you can still get an idea by considering single factors, particularly if you are exceedingly intuitive.
Below, we list the under-balanced and over-balanced forms of each root number as they relate to love life.
1: The subject is too passive (under-balanced), or too aggressive (over-balanced) when it comes to love and sex, and opportunities tend to be meager. Solitude is common, as are brief romances. However, enduring romantic connections can occur with opportune collective personal timing.
2: He or she is too unresponsive (under-balanced) or too sensitive (over-balanced). Love life opportunities tend to appear more frequently than average, and the subject may be involved in more than one at the same time. 2 tends to be associated with fewer than average negative love life scenarios, but duality leading to strife and contention can occur.
3: Guilt, shame, and regret are hallmark negative traits of the 3. So many love life opportunities in youth may find him or her taking on too much, yielding hurt feelings and broken hearts. Another negative 3 love life related energy is an impossible to fill longing for love, or longing for a lost love. The subject needs to keep in mind that nostalgia is largely an illusion, and that he or she needs to strive instead to make the most of his or her situation now instead of constantly looking in the rear-view mirror.
4: Low energy, and lack of creativity and passion top the list of negative love life related traits associated with 4. Extreme over-balanced 4 energies include a rigid attitude toward intimacy, being too physical (like a machine) and crude, and not being heart-centered. Although opportunities tend to be limited, those that appear tend to endure.
5: Opportunities abound for those who possess strong 5, but he or she goes through lovers too quickly. The grass is always greener elsewhere for him or her, and he or she never stays long before jumping to the next option. Or, as an under-balanced energy, dependence and refusing to leave a relationship after it’s over can be a habit. The subject learns about variety, over-indulgence, and possibly recklessness.
6: The downside of the six involving relationships includes being non-committal, sluggish, and apathetic (under-balanced), and possessive, rigidly stubborn, and excessively idealistic (over-balanced). Opportunities are likely to be plentiful, yet an uncompromising and even unforgiving attitude is likely to interfere. Romantic fantasies crash hard upon the rocks of reality.
7: Other than unconditional and spiritual love, 7 is one of the numbers least associated with a happy love and romantic life. Intellectual, technical and, or spiritual pursuits interfere with love life matters. Actively seeking love under the 7 tends to yield disappointment. The subject is of an unusual wavelength, as if they are mentally on a different planet. However, if both are under and, or of the 7, then it can be a nice match.
8: Rebelliousness, lack of compassion, desire for control, and aggression are par for the course in regard to over-balanced 8 energy and love life. He or she may bully lovers, or at least be confrontational or manipulative. Under-balanced energies find the subject being passive, insecure, and cunning. Love life opportunities aren’t plentiful under the 8. Meeting a match at work is fairly common, yet so is an expensive breakup.
9: Past life love coming back into the subject’s life is common under early life 9 energy, yet it ends sooner than expected. It occurs usually to finish the chapter started in a past life. The downside of 9 can be too much of a good thing, difficult break-ups, resentment, and emotional volatility. 9 can include the best life has to offer, but it frequently includes steep challenges too, in regard to love life.
Even though comprehensive astrology and numerology are disciplines that demand as much time to learn as any foreign language, introductory, basic number mysticism can give you a remarkable glimpse into human personality and compatibility.
Learn how to strengthen your psychic ability and make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package.
Gain insight about personality and timing with our Numerology Decoder Software
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
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Copyright © 2021 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
7 Metaphysical Tips to Give Your Child an Edge
You can probably think of ways adults could have assisted you in your childhood so you would have had an edge in life. If you have kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, godchildren, or you mentor or teach kids, maybe you help them in ways you were not. Below are some metaphysical ways you can give kids an edge in this world.
Meditate daily. This will help you be calm and centered so you can react to your child in the best way possible. When she is old enough to sit with you and focus, you can teach her to meditate too. Think of the head start she will have in all areas of life if she learns how to tune out distractions and find her inner peace.
Clear your energy. Spiritual debris is everywhere and children are more vulnerable to it. Clearing yourself and your home will benefit your kids too.
Don’t drink heavily or do drugs anywhere near your kids. Spiritual troublemakers come running to people who overindulge, and these lower energy forms can target the weaker energy of kids too. But even if you do it away from your kids, you’re still setting an example for them.
Consider a numerology or astrology reading for your child. A good comprehensive numerology or astrology reading can help you realize your child’s talents and skills so you can encourage them in the right direction for future success. It can also uncover potential problem areas so you know what to help them work on.
Notice past life signs. If he is especially good at something, he may have done it before in past lives. Encourage him. An unexplained fear may also be a carry-over, and you can help him deal with it with your awareness.
Pay attention to dreams. Encourage your children to think about what their dreams mean to them so they learn about how the subconscious mind speaks to us in dreams. Nightmares of being chased might indicate troublemaker spirits in the area.
Pay attention to their “imagination.” Sometimes imaginary friends are more than that. Children, usually up to around age 7, are better able to perceive ghosts or lost souls. Sometimes imaginary friends are harmless, but if you sense something unseen that is negative for your child, use spiritual clearing to send it to the Light.
Teach your child acceptance. By being an example, you will show him the best way to handle difficult situations that you cannot change.
Teach your child forgiveness. By being an example, you will show her the power of forgiveness, and how it’s for you, not the perpetrator.
Teach your child gratitude. Expressing gratitude for the circumstances, things, and people in your life will show him how gratitude can act as a magic wand to help deal with conflict and bring more good things into your life.
Teach your child to honor and trust her intuition. This can be with or without meditation. Children often just “know” things. Pay attention to this and help her develop it.
Teach your children about karma. Help her realize good actions will beget more of the same in the future, and how destructive behavior comes back to you too.
Teach your child about life after death. Help him understand that death isn’t an ending, but a transformation, and that we’ll all see each other again.
Teach your child how to be of service to others. Help him realize that even a small, seemingly insignificant yet loving gesture can make a big difference in someone’s life.
Don’t encourage love life fairytales. When she is ready to date, help her understand that everyone has many soul mates, each might be destined for a different purpose (not always marriage or together-forever-in-bliss), and relationships started at a very young age are not always destined to be lifelong.
Turn off the video games and TV. This isn’t really a metaphysical tip, but still important. Help your teens learn basic life skills like keeping a budget, cooking healthy meals, daily exercise, productive scheduling, avoiding procrastination, how to deal with difficult people in a positive way, decision making, and taking responsibility for their actions.
Work through your own issues so you don’t project them onto your child. Heal yourself so your child won’t have to heal because of you.
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
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Copyright © 2021 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo
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Numerology: All About the Number Six
Known as number mysticism in ancient times, numerology is one of many forms of divination, and one of our favorites.
Our long-term experience shows us that pattern recognition using hundreds of indicators is the best way to reliably interpret personal fate and personality. But you can get a glimpse into character and timing from a limited number of factors.
Those who are exceedingly psychic can use one or a handful of indicators, such as the day of birth, as touchstones to pierce the veil between here and the higher planes. These individuals are very rare, at least those who offer consistently high accuracy rates.
To start employing basic numerology, keep these two tips in mind:
- Fadic addition is used to reduce numbers to a single digit, the root number. The year 1995, for example, yields the number 6 as follows: 1+9+9+5=24, 2+4=6. Every number holds unique symbolism, but it’s easiest to start with the nine root numbers.
- Concentrating on the day of birth and full date of birth is a good start, due to these two indicators representing ability and how the person is seen. The date of birth February 15th, 1995 includes 6 (15=1+5=6) as the day of birth, and 5 [2 + 6 (1+5) + 6 (1+9+9+5= 24, 2+4=6) = 14, 1+4=5] as the full date of birth. If you want to focus on additional factors, the month (2), month plus day (2+15=17, 1+7=8), and year (1+9+9+5=24, 2+4=6) are key indicators as well. Keep in mind that many other factors are derived from the full date of birth.
A single number heavily recurring throughout the patterns in the personal and, or timing charts can make the person seem a lot like that specific number. However, most people’s patterns include a mix of several prominent numbers, making them appear like more than one number.
Below we list key energies associated with the number six.
- Abstract and philosophical thinking, rather than analytical, is strongly associated with the number six. People with strong six energy can expound hypothetically with the best of them, but don’t expect him or her to get too deeply into analytical thought and reveal the cold hard truths, which are not very harmonious in their opinion.
- They want justice for all, aren’t elitists, and refuse to exclude anyone, even though it may eventually work against the individual. For example, they are likely to love the idea of eliminating competition and offering participation trophies to all kids, even though, ultimately, tough love better serves kids because they learn to deal with failure.
- Six is the cosmic mother and father. Those with heavy six make wonderful, responsible parents offering much sympathy, warmth, compassion, understanding, nurturing, and generosity. Though they need to guard against being a dumping ground for others’ problems. Six tends to be a good cook and loves to eat, so they need to be cautious of gaining too much weight.
- Some of the best therapists, restaurateurs, cosmetologists, stylists, teachers, doctors, nurses, caretakers, designers, gardeners, painters, interior decorators, healers, managers, administrators, and performing artists possess strong, balanced six energy. A fair and balanced approach with a heart is a winning combination.
- Typical mantras of those with heavy six include “it’s the right thing to do,” “there ought to be a law,” “that’s wrong,” and “you should do it.”
- The six too often carries false guilt. They can’t help everyone, but still feel guilty from not offering their time and energy everywhere possible such as volunteering at the shelter or helping their neighbor.
- Over-helping and poking their nose where it doesn’t belong, meddling in other people’s affairs is a common problem, as is refusing to accept what they can’t change (particularly other people).
- Nobody is perfect. These traits typically are associated with under-balanced or over-balanced six energy: stubbornness, intolerance, overly opinionated, dogmatic disposition, resentment, jealousy, sacrificial, perfectionism, distorted idealism, and controlling. They are the most likely to have a Mr. Nice Guy/Gal smile pasted on their face while inwardly critical of others, thinking about how screwed up the world is. One of their biggest challenges is accepting that everything is perfect the way it is.
- Those with heavy six often have a strong talent for beautification and harmonizing, such as creating a wonderful home environment, both artistically (e.g. home decorating) and one that is emotionally supportive. They are very family oriented and need to be in a serious relationship.
- Upon maturity, those with strong six energy tend to be a fantastic judge of character. But in youth, they tend to idealistically project all their desires onto others, thinking the person is perfect when he or she isn’t.
- Six as a long-term time cycle indicator can be brutally demanding in early life, yet tends to be wonderfully rewarding in later life.
- Entering collective strong six timing energy typically represents a new romantic partnership for singles, yet a breakup for those already involved in a relationship.
Though the language of comprehensive numerology is a discipline that takes as much time to learn as any foreign language, even basic number mysticism can give you a remarkable glimpse into human personality and compatibility.
Learn how to strengthen your psychic ability and make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package.
Gain insight about personality and timing with our Numerology Decoder Software
Our FREE Spiritual Detox Script can help you get rid of toxic energy and help you make the most of your life.
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Copyright © 2020 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
Astrology: Get a Major Edge by Following Moon Void of Course
Timing is important. If you pay attention to personal and universal cycles, you can use it to your advantage and even get a major edge.
Astrology and numerology are tools that can give you a great deal of insight about timing. But, like learning a foreign language, they take many years to master, beyond the superficial versions like horoscopes.
However, there is one aspect of astrology you can start using today that will help you tremendously in regards to timing, especially with new ideas, purchases, new people, and making plans. It’s called Moon Void of Course (VOC).
Most people don’t know about Moon VOC and even many astrologers overlook it. We’ve tracked it since 1993 and can tell you, without a doubt, it’s worth following.
Moon VOC occurs every few days and can last from five minutes to two days.
The Moon is related, in part, to your intuition and instincts. VOC is like driving through a tunnel where your antenna can’t pick up the radio signals. Knowing when the Moon is VOC will help you know when your intuition might be off, and thus make better choices.
Please note: It’s usually not a good idea to rely on only one or a few astrological or numerological considerations; a comprehensive approach using patterns of considerations is imperative for consistent levels of accuracy in delineation and prediction.
However, since the VOC is an important affliction, you will benefit even if it’s the only astrological information you follow, as long as you know there are many other important astrological and numerological indicators needed to get the full picture.
The following are some of our observations about Moon VOC over the last 27 years:
Things initiated during a VOC are rarely finished or take much longer than expected to complete.
New acquaintances made during a VOC are short-lived or problematic.
New purchases during a VOC will break down, need to be returned, or not be used.
Anything requiring a lot of concentration will be more challenging during a VOC.
New ideas brainstormed during a VOC won’t manifest or will backfire.
Important plans made during a VOC won’t happen or will happen differently than expected.
Too much sun, food, booze, or spending too much money is typical during a VOC.
Trying a new restaurant or ordering something you usually don’t when out to eat during a VOC often ends with regret.
You probably won’t be happy with the result when you decide to get your hair cut in a different style or buy new clothing during a VOC.
Routine cleaning, work, or purchases (like what you normally purchase at the grocery store) seem to be fine during a VOC.
It’s a great time to break bad habits, exercise, relax, meditate and get centered.
Fearful thoughts or dreams during a VOC often turn out to be baseless.
Testing VOC
One way to perceive VOC more clearly and test the accuracy of our claims is to observe people and their actions during a VOC. Don’t mention it to them, notice their decisions, purchases, plans, people they meet, or things they start during a VOC, then notice the end result.
This is an example of the objective empirical research with which we’ve been successful.
We still sometimes test VOC. An example is when we meet someone new during a VOC, we allow things to unfold naturally and see what happens while ignoring the VOC. But ultimately, we find VOC situations yield VOC results, even when we didn’t know it was a VOC.
The VOC doesn’t affect you or situations directly, but it does represent what is destined.
People born during a VOC may not be as symbolically affected or may be affected differently. Follow VOC times and perceive for yourself.
Can you work around a VOC?
If you decide during a non VOC time to buy a new vacuum, for example, then notice the day and time you had planned to buy it is a VOC, can you avoid a bad purchase if you change the time? Try it and see, but you might find that the vacuum won’t be in stock, malfunctions, or something else will lead you to believe that vacuum purchase wasn’t a good idea.
VOC Information Sources
Many astrological calendars and software note easy to follow VOC times, and you can also find many listings online.
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Copyright © 2020 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo
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Numerology: Stunning Peak Into The Number 22
Thousands of years ago, through empirical observation and pattern recognition, adepts discovered select numbers such as 7, 9, 11, 22, and others symbolically possess a stronger link to other dimensions (i.e., the other side), thus are more mystical than other numbers. The realization that numbers symbolize personality and timing trends gave rise to the science of number mysticism.
Master Numbers, including 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, and 99, can be both mystical and mundane, typically relating to extraordinary circumstances.
Our findings show that, through comprehensive charting including hundreds of factors, everyone has at least some Master Numbers. Some people have a much higher than average amount of Master Numbers and are recognized as unusual in some way, positive or negative, relative to the average person.
Since this article is about introductory level numerology, it’s important to understand the concept of fadic addition: the year 1993, for example, yields the number 22 as follows: 1+9+9+3=22. The year 2020 yields 4 (2+0+2+0=4), but the number 2020 is similar enough to Master Number 22 to be considered a variation of it (though less potent), due to the zeros naturally being like Master Numbers. Just as 20 is a more potent vibration than 2 due to the zero, 2020 is a more potent vibration than 4.
Another thing to keep in mind is aside from the day of birth, such as the 22nd of January, the patterns in comprehensive numerology are comprised of every possible number and combination of numbers stemming from the full date, time, and location of birth.
For example, before getting into comprehensive charting, the date of birth January 22, 1993 includes, in this order, 1 (January, the first month), 22, and 22 (the year 1993). Or, to make it more simple, using the root numbers, 1, 4, and 4. From those three numbers, you can extract many factors to get an overview analysis, thus gain remarkable insight about the subject: 1+22=23, 22+22=44, 23+44=67, 1+22+22=45, 1-4=3, 4-4=0, and so on.
If the aforementioned information confuses you, don’t worry, that’s normal. Just like the novices of the mystery schools of antiquity, through selective guidance, trial and error, and relying on discipline and intuition, you eventually learn how to delineate personality and timing. Just as learning a foreign language takes time, it takes years to be able to consistently, successfully apply the languages of fate and personality, comprehensive astrology and numerology.
Focusing exclusively on the day of birth and full date total is a good start, since the day of birth tends to represent obvious talent, as does the full date total. Using the above example, January 22, 1993, those two indicators are 22 (22ndof January) and 9 (1+22+1993=2016=2+0+1+6=9). You can also utilize three easy to figure numerology predictive indicators, the Universal Year, Personal Year, and Nine-year Cycle.
Note: unless you are one of those rare, consistently psychic individuals (frequently they have a lot of 22, 11, 9, and, or 7 energy) who only need a handful of indicators to regularly identify character and timing, the best way to reliably get accurate results is through pattern recognition with comprehensive numerology and astrology.
Below we outline typical traits and concepts associated with the number 22.
- Of all the single and double digit numbers, 22 has a distinct advantage in relation to being both grounded and connected to the higher planes. It can take care of mundane matters, yet also dream big and implement those plans like nobody else. If you had to choose one number to associate with the world’s largest skyscraper, the world’s largest bridge, and the largest superhighway, it would be 22. 22 is thinking big, and doing big. It’s also the strongest financial and material vibration. Great leaders, inventors, problem solvers, captains of industry, and influencers throughout history often had a lot of the number 22.
- Frequently when we encounter an individual possessing a generous amount of the number 22, it’s a treat because they (similar with those who have a lot of 11) often relay messages from the other side, sometimes not even realizing they are doing it. They can see things that others can’t and have an unusual awareness. For example, you ask the person how they could possibly know specific details about one of your family members after only having known you for five minutes and they respond, “It’s like how you would remember something from years ago. The information just comes to me.” In other words, they psychically reach over to the other side and glean secret information as easily as if they were doing an Internet search.
- With great talent, sometimes come challenges; the number 22 can symbolize brilliance, but commonly with at least some madness (sometimes mildly amusing, sometimes full blown insanity). Although it’s important to note that what society sometimes considers a mental disorder (e.g., psychic ability), may be better described as a misunderstood talent. Sympathy to them because it’s not easy being both a mundane creature and someone who is accessing the other side at the same time, sort of like simultaneously being awake and dreaming.
- Those with a lot of the number 22 energy inspire others and people can feel their magnetism and charisma. Great personal power, unusual intelligence, and leadership are common, as are unusual approaches to problem solving.
- Unconventional and quirky, yet wildly successful are commonly traits of the number 22. Cindy Lauper is a classic example of someone having heavy 22 energy, including the day of birth (6-22-1953). Her 1983 hit, “Time After Time” is considered by many to be timeless, another common trait of the number 22.
- The inferiority they sometimes feel stems from having tremendous talent and not knowing how to apply it. Don’t let the over-blown ego fool you. Those with heavy 22 actually can back up their bluster with astonishing results.
- The full potential of the 22 is difficult to manifest, and sometimes the subject is seen as a do-nothing or slacker until later in life; upon maturity the subject is finally able to capitalize on the power of the 22. When the patterns in the charts support it, the person will achieve great things.
- On the dark side, 22 can symbolize powerful, international criminals. Master villains (in private enterprise or government), those involved in big schemes, frequently have a lot of the number 22. These are the types who usually pull the strings behind the scenes and avoid getting their hands dirty. They take a local strategy and make it international and are always ten steps ahead of everyone else.
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Copyright © 2020 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
Predestination and Crime Q and A
“Isn’t there always deliberation involved with behavior? Wouldn’t you say that an individual who deliberates is free to commit a crime or not, which would indicate most crimes even fraud or murder aren’t fated?”
We would like to believe that life’s unpleasantness is avoidable, that bad behavior can be prevented, but our long-term findings tell us otherwise. Unique personal adversity, including myriad unavoidable life events and circumstances appear to be part of the predetermined human experience.
Impulse Control
Self-control allows you to manage emotions and personal conduct toward goal-achievement relating to all areas of life.
Impulse-control disorder is classified as a psychiatric disorder involving the failure to control one’s actions. Examples include regularly blurting out inappropriate comments in a social setting, the inability to stop eating or drinking, white collar crime involving the compulsion to habitually trade on insider information, frequent physical theft, or uncontrollably committing acts of violence.
A psychopath (zero remorse) with lack of impulse control or even someone with sociopathic tendencies (may be remorseful, but does it anyway) makes matters much worse. Many killers don’t deliberate, or even have time to deliberate if their life is on the line. It’s kill or be killed.
Lack of Impulse Control Can be Inherited
According to a research article titled “Genetics of Impulsive Behavior,” there is no single gene that can be identified as an “impulsivity gene,” but the lack of impulse control can be inherited: “As described, impulsivity is a heritable, disease-associated trait, useful as an endophenotype for gene discovery. Impulsivity is, however, not a unitary construct and, as discussed, multiple laboratory behavioural tasks and self-reported measures are used to assess different aspects of impulsivity. On the other hand, it is also true that there is no one gene that will be identified as an ‘impulsivity gene’…”
Impulse Control and Dishonesty
A Wall Street trader convicted of extensive insider trading and fraud spends two years regularly visiting a psychotherapist, yet still fails to understand what motivated him to lie and cheat. You could say an intensely competitive and merciless system in which he worked encouraged him to act illegally. But if he were to fully take responsibility for his actions, he would admit it’s possible he has an innate tendency to act dishonestly, considering his behavior from an early age as well as his long, corrupt career as a Wall Street “bankster.”
What about parents who teach their kids to take responsibility for their actions? Does that prevent bad behavior? Our findings tell us that even if the subject had loving parents who taught him well, if his astrology and numerology patterns include strong negatives, the parents’ influence won’t stop it; he still has the likelihood of being a bad egg.
We aren’t contending that all crooks are born that way because environment plays a role too. However, recognizing patterns in the natal astrology and numerology charts firmly representing duplicity, along with handwriting that includes the same (noting his personality at the time of writing), as well as lack of impulse control, suggest inherent problems.
Predestined Incarceration
Based on pattern recognition involving comprehensive astrology and numerology, criminal activity and incarceration appear to be fated at least some of the time. From a spiritual standpoint (considering reincarnation) we’ve noticed personal natal patterns that suggest select individuals have had past incarnations including long stretches of incarceration, such as a prisoner of war, or a jailed criminal. It’s reasonable to think that incarceration leaves an indelible mark on the subconscious that may carry over into future lives: avoid impulsive, reckless action or you’ll be put in a cage. It’s possible that an individual’s higher-self wanted the prison time to work on impulse control or other personality traits–spiritual growth tends to blossom through solitude and hardship.
Astrology and Numerology Patterns and Family Dynamics
Our findings show that whenever significant, life-changing events (rewarding or challenging) occur in someone’s life, they are reflected in his or her astrology and numerology patterns, as well as in those of his or her loved ones, which supports the idea of predetermination. Something had to happen for that individual and his loved ones to endure, or enjoy, the ensuing life circumstances.
For example, the white-collar criminal’s family enjoyed two decades of the high life, but then it all came crashing down. Both the good life and later destitution are reflected in the four individuals’ natal and timing patterns (husband, wife, and two daughters). Even before the aftermath the impoverished existence could have been foretold because all four family members have patterns in the charts that symbolize dramatic changes, and lack support for enduring wealth. Extremes are easy to identify, like with the above, but sometimes the patterns aren’t as explicit.
A lot more in life appears to be fated than most people realize, but keep in mind that you have free will to attempt to mitigate life’s challenges, as well as optimize life’s rewards.
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Copyright © 2020 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
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Numerology Compatibility Secrets Part II
Eons ago, truth seekers and spiritualists recognized that numbers represent qualities as well as quantities.
Number mysticism, the ancient and more complex form of today’s modern numerology, is one sure-fire divination method to discern personality and compatibility.
Everyone has unique strengths and problematic traits, and remarkably, those traits are represented in the astrological and numerological patterns (over-balanced and under-balanced forms of each number).
Granted, learning comprehensive astrology and numerology is like learning foreign languages; it takes time and discipline. However, you can get clues about personality and compatibility through basic number symbolism, as long as you realize that there is no “this (one single factor) equals that (a specific personality trait),” and final conclusions must be corroborated with supporting patterns.
Of course, there are those exceedingly psychic individuals who are able to use single factors as touchstones to consistently get accurate reads, but those people are atypical.
The day of birth (e.g., June 7th) is one of the more popular indicators in modern numerology, and also can be used effectively for signs about a person’s overall temperament and how they appear to others.
Since this is an introduction to numerology and compatibility, we’ll group all the day of month numbers together that have the same root number: 1, 10, 19; 2, 11, 20; 3, 12, 30; 4, 13, 22, 31; 5, 14, 23; 6, 15, 24; 7, 16, 25; 8, 17, 26; 9, 18, 27.
The reason 7, 16, and 25, for instance, are grouped together is that the root number of 16 and 25 is 7 (16=1+6=7, 25=2+5=7). 7, 16, and 25 share a lot of the same qualities having the same root number. Non-root numbers are an area of advanced study. Every number is unique.
Illustrating extreme over-balanced or under-balanced forms of numbers helps to learn the related energies. Below we highlight compatibility issues with each of the root numbers one through nine. A single number heavily recurring throughout the patterns in the personal charts can make a person seem a lot like one of the root numbers illustrated below. Otherwise, most people’s patterns in their personal charts include a mix of several numbers, making them appear like more than one number.
1: The problem with two ones is that they can’t both be ones at the same time and get along, unless their energy is perfectly balanced. Two impatient, intolerant, and headstrong people may find it difficult to be together. If balanced, one tends to gravitate to eight, sometimes nine and four, and always can get along with two, unless two is too fault-finding, an over-balanced trait of the two. One and seven get along if they spend most of their time apart, or at least if one gives seven lots of space.
2: Although two gets along with almost anyone, she believes five lacks tact and may stray, and seven is reticent and seems too distant. A self-depreciating two mirrors the under-balanced one; this couple should be careful of too much modesty and others trying to take advantage of their good will. Two wins the award for keeping the peace among difficult people.
3: Three can’t stand seven’s lack of communication and the fact that he always seems like his mind is somewhere else, like in outer space. She wants to enjoy life and the five and nine offers her a thrilling escape, until they get into trouble. Four is much too serious for three, and six can be too stuck in convention.
4: Four loves one’s efficiency and pragmatism, yet can’t stand three’s emotional volatility and nine’s lack of discipline. She appreciates six’s reliability and seven’s mental instead of emotional disposition. But she loathes five’s recklessness and restlessness, who goes through romantic partners like some people go through shoes.
5: Five would like four to be more flexible, but appreciates four’s affinity for physical activity. He wonders how six can be happy while being so traditional. Five likes adventure and to experience all things in life. She makes a good partner to nine, unless they both like too much of a good thing. Five is willing to commit to two, as long as five is permitted some discrete freedom.
6: Nobody is more responsible than six, but few also have such high expectations in romance and partnerships. Eight can deliver and makes six happy as long as six doesn’t demand regular endearments because that’s not eight’s style. It is two’s and sometimes three’s style, so they get along well with six. Six steers clear of thrill-seeking five, and especially seven. The phrase “sixes and sevens” certainly does apply in numerology—the two numbers are like water and oil together. Six is family, emotions, affection, and teamwork, and seven is meditation, spiritual work, solitude, and “We spent yesterday together so I need some space now, thanks.”
7: Seven can be happy with anyone, as long as they don’t live in the same house. Seven may as well be married to God, as he loves solitude more than anyone. He’s never alone, and can call up his other-dimensional friends at any time. He’s always working on something, often doing other-dimensional work. Seven is familiar with the deeper, spiritual side of relationships and tires of others failing to recognize that relationships have a higher purpose, beyond companionship, sentiment, sex, and mundane concerns. Seven sees (and intuitively knows), for example, how person A has person B in her life to learn specific karmic lessons. Five would like seven to be more daring, and five makes seven uneasy, unless they are drinking together. Seven likes four’s stability, but not his avoidance of spirituality. Seven avoids the melodramatic three—he is alarming to the serene seven.
8: Eight as a successful businessman with a seven wife can be trouble. When he’s not building his empire, he wants to spend time with her but the lights are on and nobody is home, or so he thinks. She’s mentally and spiritually at a symposium in a higher dimension, but physically appears to be asleep with her eyes open. She can’t stand the small talk at the functions he drags her to, and would rather be with her psychic friends who eight calls “cosmonauts.” He sometimes wishes his wife were more like the two (eager to please) or four (grounded and practical).
9: Nine has a blast traveling the world with five, and is considering a spiritual retreat with seven. He’s very open-minded so clashes with, four, six and eight, but only if they are expressing the over-balanced energies of four, six, and eight. Nine helps one, but one gets tired of nine being a wanderer with his buddy five. Nine attracts the finest money can buy, but often times it doesn’t last. What does endure is nine’s inherent unconditional love.
Though the language of comprehensive numerology is a discipline that takes as much time to learn as any foreign language, even basic number mysticism can give you a remarkable glimpse into human personality and compatibility.
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Copyright © 2020 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo