Category Archives: Handwriting Analysis

Your Subconscious Mind Always Wins

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The power of the human mind is astonishing. You’re aware of your conscious mind, the part of you that is knowingly reading this right now, but your collective subconscious mind is of its own volition, and doesn’t always agree with your conscious desires.

Try as you might, you aren’t really in control of your subconscious mind which greatly influences your behavior.

Hypnosis can greatly help to modify unconscious fears such as fear of expression or flying, and can also assist in directing your mind toward other goals, but subconscious defense patterns are much more complex and are much tougher to modify.

Handwriting analysis by a well-trained professional is very effective in delineating subconscious fears and defenses.

Below are 4 startling examples–the scary truth–of how your subconscious mind prevails and even rules your life.

1. Although seemingly noble, trying to never think about sex with anyone but your spouse or significant other is impossible, as are other attempts at rigid sexual morality. Why? Because your true (subconscious) feelings and human instinct aren’t in accordance with that strict moral notion–it’s natural to think, even fantasize sexually about people other than your spouse. While you chain your conscious mind in a box, your subconscious mind has a swinging singles party and the ensuing conflict in your mind wrecks havoc on your life; eventually that shadow-self you repress makes an appearance and crashes your morality construct.

2. You decide that from now on you’ll never get upset or angry and forever project blissful compassion. The problem is that it’s perfectly natural to feel “negative” emotions, and then to constructively express them. If you refuse to acknowledge your not so sweet feelings and stuff them down deep inside, eventually you’ll experience the beach ball under water effect: you’ll blow up at someone or otherwise inappropriately lose your cool, maybe in a case of road rage, or worse.

3. It’s better to put on a happy face instead of letting others see the sadness you’ve been holding at bay, or is it? Really, everyone wants to see you smile, but stuffing that inner disappointment only saps your energy. It’s much better to admit to yourself that despair is acceptable, then get in touch with it and deal with it effectively. Note: unrealistic expectations tend to foster disenchantment, so keep them in check.

4. “Selflessness” is often really a healthy form of selfishness. Does anyone really believe that “selflessness” exists? Look, we’ve always advocated helping those in need, but helping others feels good and is a motivator to continue, not to mention an effort to avoid guilt for not helping others, so it’s not really selflessness. While expressing unconditional love to those close to you may be interpreted as “selfless,” that’s a different matter, in our view.

There’s nothing wrong with self interest, as it makes the world go around. The problem is denying self interest, which then manifests in some nasty forms down the road, such as a hard-core advocate of some cause projecting his or her (natural) selfishness onto innocent parties, generating unnecessary strife.

In summary, stop holding yourself hostage to your conscious mind’s demands that conflict with your hidden, more potent mind, the subconscious. In acknowledging your mind’s “not so nice” impressions, and learning to accept and detach from them, it will give you greater peace of mind in the long run.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Finding Your Perfect Career

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One of the most common questions we receive is “What should I do for my career?”

Some are studying toward a degree and questioning if it’s right for them.

Some didn’t have parents or mentors who helped them develop interests other than TV, sports, or video games, or they were urged into unwanted careers.

Others want us to tell them what to do. They are so used to following directions and pleasing everyone that they have forgotten about their own inner needs and interests. This is an area where you need to be a bit selfish.

New Age “life purpose” marketing is popular today. For example, one “guru” says, “Knowing your life purpose is the first step to attracting great wealth and changing the world!”

Mythical assertions like this lead people to believe that their most fitting life purpose automatically leads to a high paying career. Unfortunately, we’ve found that not everyone is destined to have “the ideal job” and, or be rich. However, everyone has free will and can make the most of their circumstances, talents, and interests.

Many people are unhappily employed and have no idea what to do. Perhaps life has overwhelmed them, they are stuck in survival mode, and forgot about their passions and dreams.

Here are four tips if you don’t know what to do for a career:

1. As many successful people have said, follow your passions. What you “should” do, your highest path, will likely make your heart sing. Think deeply about what you’re passionate about, what you’re good at, and what you love to do. Somewhere in there lies what you “should” do with your life. Then your task is to figure out a way to make money with those things.

2. Learn to meditate. Then, ask these two questions every day in meditation: “What are my passions and talents and how can I use them to best serve myself and others?” “What is the next step for me in my quest for a fulfilling and successful career?”

3. Once you define a definite career direction, seek out a mentor who has been successful in a similar career.

Note: despite claims to the contrary by New Age marketers, not everyone is meant to be a self-employed entrepreneur. The rate of failure for American businesses, for example, is 90%. For on-line marketing, it’s 95%. It may be that you are best suited to be in a partnership, or even part of a large organization.

Keep in mind that your passion may need to remain a hobby while you pay your bills working a tolerable job. On the other hand, if you’re creative and it’s part of your path, you may be able to find a way to make money doing what you love. Also, sometimes you need to go through a longer process of trying different options, some of which may be needed to develop skills for a later career.

4. Comprehensive astrology and numerology, handwriting analysis, tarot and intuitive, and other types of readings can tell you a great deal about the career that is most suitable for you, and even give you significant clues about how or where to find it.

By the way, some people actually believe that to be truly spiritual you must provide “selfless service” and not put your interests ahead of others. If you want to be a martyr, fine, but we strongly discourage this because you can’t serve others in the best way you can unless you’re also serving yourself in some way.

Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Sociopaths: Identifying and Dealing With Them

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According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath.

A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming and will look you in the eye and smile, be your friend, then later when you’re not around, do whatever they can to get what they want or even intentionally hurt you for their own pleasure. They have no conscience.

Traits of a Sociopath

According to Dr. Stout, other characteristics include the following: they look and act like normal people; they never take responsibility for their actions; when confronted with the outcomes of their behavior, they’ll simply deny it and believe their own lies; they see others as “naive” for doing the right thing; they view their friends, family, and partners as possessions, there to serve them; they can instantly recognize someone who is honest, trusting, yet vulnerable and will prey upon them; they appeal for your sympathy; they’re not able to feel any empathy for anyone, they feel bad when they get caught, but it’s not guilt, they feel bad for themselves.

Does that sound like anyone you know?

We can tell you, based on our work with past life regression, that they’re going to have a very rude awakening when they are faced with their life review on the other side.

Where Does Your Conscience Come From?

Do you have a conscience? If yes, you may think about killing your insane and sadistic boss, but you would never follow through. We believe there exists a spiritual angle to this.

Your parents, we hope, taught you right from wrong. Still, many sociopaths had good parents, so this alone isn’t enough to make someone virtuous.

For some, religion has taught them to do the right thing. Perhaps they are “God fearing” or they believe what their spiritual leaders have told them about the consequences of bad behavior. This can be a very positive thing, but potentially harmful regarding behavior that isn’t truly a “sin.”

We believe everyone has guardian angels (or spiritual guides, or whatever you want to call them) and they often encourage you to do the right thing.

Our findings indicate that past life awareness also contributes to your conscience. If you really messed up in past lives, this time you may be extra careful and overcompensate to avoid making the same mistakes, even if you have no conscious memory of your past lives.

What about people who do follow through and commit horrendous acts? Those who, for instance, plan them ahead of time or casually orchestrate them for the heck of it very well may be sociopaths. They may have been born that way, have gradually acquired mental imbalances and, or abuse in their childhood and other experiences may have contributed.

For others, believe it or not, our findings indicate to us that demons or dark energy can encourage destructive behavior. Our experience with Spiritual Detox ™ shows us that although it’s very rare, extreme possession is possible.

How to Deal With Sociopaths

The author of The Sociopath Next Door gives many tips, including the following:

1) Accept that not everyone has a conscience.

2) Suspect excessive flattery.

3) Abstain from interacting with a sociopath. Cut your losses and avoid them.

4) Trust your instincts.

We’ve found that the best way to enhance your intuition is through meditation. Also, handwriting analysis is a proven way to discover red flags.

Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

What Would Life Be Like if Everyone Had Lie Detectors? 

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A 2002 University of Massachusetts study about lying found that 60% of people lied during a 10 minute conversation. The average person told two to three lies in that 10 minutes, most didn’t even realize they were doing so, and men and women lied about the same amount.

Psychologist Robert S. Feldman says. “It’s so easy to lie. We teach our children that honesty is the best policy, but we also tell them it’s polite to pretend they like a birthday gift they’ve been given. Kids get a very mixed message regarding the practical aspects of lying, and it has an impact on how they behave as adults.”

You can’t force someone to tell the truth, but Imagine what life would be like with personal lie detectors (perhaps a smart phone application of the future?). With such technology, everyone would be forced to tell the truth at all times, which wouldn’t be very pleasant for some people.The Lies People Tell

Politicians would find it more challenging to win over voters with stirring speeches. They would instead be judged on their true intent and actions. When a politician says one thing, but means another, your lie detector would go off and you’d hear a “beep!” Personal agendas would become obvious and Washington might actually enact useful legislation.

Husbands, wives, boyfriends, and girlfriends would no longer be able to stretch the truth in order to keep the peace, or hide their behavior. “That other woman doesn’t mean anything to me.” Beep! “I got pregnant by accident.” Beeeeeep!

People would be forced to practice absolute sincerity in the workplace–no more corporate treachery and duplicity. “I love my boss and I’ve never back-stabbed any of my coworkers.” Beep! “Our corporate mission is not mainly about profit” Beeeeeeeep!

Children wouldn’t be able to get away with anything, and parents would be held accountable for everything.

What about the little lies you tell yourself? Even though they can make life easier to deal with at times, your personal lie detector would help you be brutally honest with yourself, helping you to become self-actualized more quickly (and possibly go crazy from always having to squarely face reality).


Delusion can be harmless, such as with children fantasizing, or dangerous, as with conniving, powerful dictators. Someone who is truly delusional can fool a lie detector if they really believe they’re telling the truth, so make sure to buy the Delusion Detector add-on application to cover all your bases. Just be aware that it won’t allow you to wear rose-colored glasses when perceiving the veracity of your love relationships, and will deal a serious blow to excessive romantic fantasy. At least it could potentially save you a lot of heartache.

What is Truth?

There can be different versions of the truth, depending upon one’s perspective, but the truth is usually very simple.

Seasoned liars and sociopaths can be very creative with their version of the truth, giving new meaning to the art of rationalization and deceit, twisting reality to conform to their agenda.

Try to be Understanding

Find it in your heart to feel compassion for those who live a life of denial and delusion. After all, the majority of dishonesty, we believe, is the subconscious defense type used to protect the self from the pain of truth, not the malicious type.

Beneath the self-deception, which most people exhibit in various degrees, there’s a vulnerability and a lack of courage to live life more honestly; it is often learned early in childhood as a coping mechanism. Very few people are capable of living their lives in complete honesty.

After all is said and done, the truth tends to bubble up to the surface. People on their deathbeds realize things that weren’t as obvious before. After they cross over, we believe, based on life between life and past life research, there is no denial, dishonesty, or delusion on the other side. Everyone, regardless of what their faith was (or lack of it) while incarnated, reviews their lifetime and becomes aware of everything they did, to themselves and others, the “good” and the “bad,” not in judgment but for awareness and understanding. Imagine what life would be like if everyone was taught from a young age that everything you say, do, and intend is recorded in an invisible spiritual ledger. If this were true, and we believe it is, no one gets away with anything by pretending their negative actions are justified, trying to evade detection, or confessing their sins.

Dishonesty is one of the more easily discerned personality facets through handwriting analysis, and you have a built-in lie and delusion detector. It’s called your intuition. You can develop it through regular meditation. The more you meditate, the more you will be able to perceive the simple truth about yourself, situations, and others.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

In Support of Handwriting Analysis

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Skeptics of handwriting analysis say they want statistics on the validity of handwriting analysis, such as those involving published medical studies. Yet time and time again the outcomes of such scientific studies are proved unreliable due to bias (e.g., the study that found the drug superior was sponsored by the company that makes it).

Or, skeptics suggest that a handwriting analysis study should be “peer-reviewed.” However, there are many studies showing that peer review doesn’t enhance the accuracy of scientific work at all.

Even so, if they insist on scientific reviews, there exist many involving the science of handwriting analysis. The best anyone can do is to conduct objective empirical investigations, such as the ones here (extensive list–over 200, many from the past decade–of scientific papers published in non-graphological peer-reviewed journals since 1950):

You can’t prove that something has scientific validity. But you can prove a practice invalid. So far, handwriting analysis (or comprehensive astrology, or comprehensive numerology, etc.) has yet to be proven invalid. The above studies very firmly lend authenticity to the science of graphology.

An aside, handwriting analysts never claim 100% accuracy, and there doesn’t exist any psychological assessment tool that is 100% accurate.

Handwriting analysis is a valid supplement to other testing methods. It’s extremely useful in determining if a job applicant fits a job description, thereby saving the company time and money, along with helping to reduce security risks. It does not, however, directly predict the success of the applicant on the job.

Handwriting analysis is also extremely effective in assessing already existing employees’ strengths and challenges. It can go a long way in helping to improve workplace productivity and morale by uncovering true abilities and compatibility.

Reasonable levels of accuracy are assured if the graphologist has extensive training, such as by earning certification from a respected handwriting analysis school. An analyst knowledgeable in both trait-based and  holistic approach graphology is best, rather than only one of the two methodologies.

A graphologist’s analysis is relative to the time the handwriting sample was written. Although it’s possible for a person’s script to change somewhat over time, the basic structure (organization, form, zonal balance, spacing, etc.) most often remains the same. But it is a good idea to have the person offer an updated writing sample for a current analysis if the person has gone through some major life changes, or if the last analysis they had done was when they were 23, and they are now 43, for example.

For those who are still skeptical of graphology, recall that many respected scientists in the earlier part of the twentieth century insisted that psychology could not be a science. It took decades for psychology to be accepted as the valid science it is today.

The U.S. Library of Congress catalogues graphology (handwriting analysis) books in the psychology, document examination, and personnel screening categories.

“Graphologist” (handwriting analyst) is listed in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Directory of Occupational Titles (DOT) as “miscellaneous professional.”

The U.S. Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles lists the profession of graphologist (handwriting analyst) as follows: 199.267-038 GRAPHOLOGIST Analyzes handwriting to appraise personal characteristics: Obtains handwriting specimen to observe overall appearance of writing and detailed formation of letters. Measures height of letters and slant of writing, using calibrated templates. Observes individual writing strokes to determine unique or distinguishing characteristics, using ruler and low-power magnifying glass or microscope. Evaluates handwriting sample and interprets findings, according to theories of handwriting analysis. May use diagram to plot writing characteristics. GOE: 02.04.01 STRENGTH: S GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 89 Evidence of handwriting analysis having done harm in personnel selection or in other applications in the workplace is non-existent.

Over 300 handwriting indicators must be considered in doing a thorough analysis. Some of the more notable considerations are as follows: consistency; compression; down-strokes; elaboration; expansion; finals; fluidity; form; harmony; lead-ins; loops; margins; movement; organization; pressure; rhythm; signature compared to the rest of script; size; slant; overall arrangement and picture of space; spacing (letter, word, line, etc.); speed; zonal balance and much more.

Does any single consideration, such as excessive elaboration, override the cumulative strength of the collective body of other considerations? No.

All of the hundreds of indicators in a handwriting sample collectively either support or reduce the energy of any one consideration. Any single indicator must be corroborated by other indicators. The analyst weighs individual considerations and then views them in the context of the entire writing sample; the sample is dissected then re-built into a profile outlining the personality.

Graphology is grounded in common sense. For example, pressure of handwriting is symbolic of emphasis in speech; size is representative of how much attention you want; slant is how you react (left = withdrawal, right = outwardly expressive); writing movement is how you act (e.g., appears to be moving forward quickly equates to high drive, etc.); and signature could be interpreted as how you want others to view you. Handwriting is like mind-writing and handwriting analysis is a mind interpretation method.

Graphology is a valid, ethical approach to help define a person’s abilities and challenges, and it can help employers run their businesses more efficiently (before and after hiring). It can also be used by parents, singles, couples, teachers, and anyone else who is seeking more understanding about themselves and others.

Copyright © 2009 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

5 More Handwriting Analysis Concerns Addressed

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Handwriting analysis (graphology) shows how a person thinks and acts, along with their emotional balance, maturity, and much more. It denotes past conduct and displays potential for future behavior.

The fascinating thing about handwriting analysis is that you can interpret beyond the persona; subconscious personality is revealed.

Common mistaken beliefs about handwriting analysis abound, such as that it involves only scrutiny of the signature or how attractive the script appears.

Below we deal with five common concerns about the science of graphology.

“My writing looks horrible! Will this rule me out?”

No. How your writing actually looks (form, etc.) is only one indicator of hundreds. Don’t worry. There are highly skilled and talented people throughout history who have messy-looking handwriting. The world is also replete with sociopaths who have very attractive-looking handwriting.

“What if I have a physical limitation, such as arthritis that limits my handwriting?”

Handwriting analysts take any physical limitation into consideration. As we list on our handwriting sample form, “Please explain any physical limitation that affects your handwriting…If you are using medication that you feel might alter your handwriting in any way, please say so and list the medication.” We also state on our “How to Prepare a Handwriting Sample” document, “Please state if you have suffered any emotional or physical trauma during the last year that might affect your handwriting,” and take such things into consideration when doing the analysis.

“What if my handwriting changes depending on the writing instrument and the surface on which I’m writing?”

A well-trained handwriting analyst gives specific directions to the person writing the handwriting sample to avoid any such concerns. Please see “How to Prepare a Handwriting Sample”. In this document, we ask that you use a regular ball-point pen, unlined paper, be seated comfortably at a desk or table, and write at least a half page, among other advice.

Also, most of the 300+ indicators of your handwriting change far less than you realize no matter with what or on what you are writing.

“If artists can alter their handwriting when they want, doesn’t this mean it’s not a useful personality assessment tool?”

If a person is applying for a job and they are told that as part of the hiring process they will be asked to submit a handwriting sample, and the sample directions list the following (among other requests): “The writing sample should be done in your normal writing style while you are comfortably seated at a table or desk. If you habitually print, then please also include a paragraph of cursive writing. If you normally have several styles of writing, you may also include samples of each,” then chances are they will not attempt to alter their usual script. Even if they do, a good analyst can spot affectation and bluff. By attempting to significantly alter his or her writing, the writer also would risk misrepresenting themselves to the detriment of appearing to not be a match for the job.

“According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, handwriting analysis might seem to be discriminatory since if anyone who has a disability cannot take a test, then nobody can; evaluations that can’t be adapted for use by those who are disabled, such as a blind person, can’t be used by a potential employer.”

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated, “We are not aware of any evidence or cases which suggest that graphology has an adverse impact on a protected class.”

Anyone who can write a few paragraphs of spontaneous writing, even if it is with their foot or mouth holding the pen, can have their handwriting analyzed. Despite what some might claim, a handwriting analyst can’t distinguish sex, sexual orientation, race, age, weight, height, religion, or marital status from a handwriting sample. Handwriting analysis might just be the most non-discriminatory personality profiling method in existence. Firm correlations between specific protected classes and handwriting analysis indicators have not been identified.

An employer should make sure that every job applicant submits a handwriting sample, whether or not that applicant’s handwriting sample is to be analyzed, if the employer plans to analyze handwriting as a form of evaluation for the job.

We advise the utilization of graphology as one of the most valuable forms of character analysis available.

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Handwriting Analysis–6 Concerns Addressed

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Handwriting analysis is the scientific investigation of handwriting to determine personality characteristics.

Although handwriting analysis is gaining in popularity, many misconceptions exist about this complex form of personality analysis.

Below we address six common concerns about handwriting analysis:

“If behavioral scientists had found it to be a valid tool, then they would have done so by now and it would be commonly used.”

Human behavioral studies involving handwriting analysis exist and it has been found to be a valid tool. More than 200 scientific papers have been published in non-graphological peer-reviewed publications in the last 58 years:

Also, handwriting analysis is already commonly used in the workplace (and elsewhere) at this time, although it is more popular in Europe than it is in America.

“As a candidate for a job, I want to be considered due to my experience and talent, not the results of some examination of my signature.”

Your signature (and how it relates to the rest of your script) is only part of what is analyzed. At least a half page handwriting sample is best to properly analyze handwriting.

We and other respected professionals advise employers to hire based on a person’s experience, talent, and the results of personality testing methods, which indicate whether someone has the mindset for a particular job. We recommend the use of a range of evaluations (e.g., graphology in conjunction with other psychological testing methods), in addition to the interview to determine a person’s fit for the demands of any particular job.

As we say on our handwriting sample forms, “Decisions will not be made based only on the results of the graphological analysis, but in conjunction with the interview process, decision-maker observations, and other information.”

“What if 10 different handwriting analysts interpret a person’s script 10 different ways? Isn’t there a problem with interpretation?”

We recommend employers hire well-trained graphologists, such as those who have earned certification from a respected handwriting analysis school. In doing so, the problem of varying interpretations is eliminated.

“How does a person’s handwriting tell you ‘this person can or can’t do the job?’ This does not seem like a reasonable tool to help make hiring decisions.”

First, through the complex coordination of physical body, the nervous system, and mind function, you express yourself in your writing like no one else. Handwriting is called an expression of your true self because it has been shown to directly link to subconscious character, the real personality behind the public persona. It’s really mind-writing and it’s as unique as your fingerprints. Even twins have different fingerprints and they also have different handwriting, sometimes drastically different, if you delve into the hundreds of indicators used for a comprehensive analysis.

Handwriting analysis doesn’t directly predict the success of a job applicant. However, it does provide infomation about whether or not the applicant is a match for the job based on the job description. Motivtions (e.g., social involvement, recognition, money, etc.), intellect, work habits, communication skills, and emotional foundation are some common areas of assessment.

There are many personality traits that aren’t easy to measure by talking to an applicant, reviewing their resume, and having them take standard personality evaluations. Handwriting analysis is so valuable because it assesses subconscious character, the actual personality, aside from the one presented or witnessed when an individual is at their best. It goes beyond evaluating an applicant just for the job tasks.

Handwriting analysis is particularly useful in determining specific personality traits needed for a job, such as consistency, flexibility, sincerity, emotional maturity, ability to make distinctions, decision-making ability, analytical ability, problem solving ability, ability to cope with stress, objectivity, and much more.

“What if handwriting analysis exposes a questionable personality dynamic that you wouldn’t see demonstrated on the job, that is totally unrelated to the position? I’d be concerned that this is an invasion of my privacy.”

Established legal precedents exist in relation to handwriting analysis. One U.S. court ruled that your script is “behavior in public” and that using it as the foundation of personality evaluation can’t be viewed as an invasion of privacy. U.S. vs. Hazelwood School District 534 F 2nd 805 states that graphology is “not precluded in hiring if it is related to the job.”

Invasion of privacy hinges on the expectation of privacy, which vanishes when you fill out a job application in your handwriting and acknowledge that the employer will read it. Also, employers understand (e.g., through performance agreements, such as the one we use) that only the employer’s decision-makers (i.e., your interviewer, etc.), those supervisory personnel who have a “need to know,” are entitled to see the results of the analysis. The contents of each profile is kept confidential, as per the client-analyst agreement.

Besides, no ethical handwriting analyst would tell your prospective employer about your possible early-life sexual abuse, for example, because it’s not directly related to the job. It’s the responsibility of the graphologist to focus exclusively on personality traits required for optimum job performance, i.e., identify personality strengths and challenges related to the job position.

“The majority of adults entering the workforce today can’t even write. It’s becoming an obsolete skill due to computers.”

Although people aren’t writing as much as they used to due to computers, we believe almost everyone can still write, even those who just graduated from high school. Even if they use only printing and not cursive, their script can still be analyzed. It’s very doubtful the ability to write will become totally obsolete.

We recommend handwriting analysis as one of the most effective forms of personality analysis in existence.

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Handwriting Analysis: Some Elaboration is Healthy & Perfect Penmanship Isn’t

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Elaborate handwriting, including lots of embellishment such as unnecessary loops, curves, spirals, underlining, circles, wavy lines, and other forms is an important, and telling, handwriting analysis consideration.

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is so informative because it reveals subconscious character, the real personality, not just the persona and the one seen when a person is at his or her best.

The U.S. Library of Congress classifies graphology as a branch of psychology.

All in all, there are over 300 handwriting traits to consider when doing an analysis. Some of the more obvious ones include the following: connectives; connectivity; consistency; contradictions in script; compression; contraction/expansiveness; down-strokes; elaboration; expansion; finals; fluidity; form; harmony; hooks; jabs; knots; lead-ins; legibility; loops; margins; movement; organization; originality; pressure; retracing; rhythm; shading; signature compared to the rest of script; simplicity; size; slant; overall arrangement and picture of space; letter, word and line spacing; speed; spirals; tension; ties; zonal balance and much more.

Does any single consideration, such as the excessive elaboration, override the cumulative strength of the collective body of other considerations? No.

The collective body of traits in a handwriting sample either supports or mitigates the energy of any one individual aspect.

Also, in order for a specific graphology trait to accurately reflect personality, it must be throughout the handwriting sample at least three to four times to qualify.

Accuracy in graphology demands that the context of the entire writing sample be considered and that all individual aspects and parts of the script must be interpreted independently and then built into a complete picture describing the personality.

Also, you need at least a half page of cursive handwriting and not just a signature if you want to start on the right track.

For the highest level of accuracy in handwriting analysis, formal graphology training is recommended. However, we created our Graphology Resource Keys for anyone  to gain a very good understanding of their own or other’s subconscious character simply by comparing a handwriting sample to the Keys.

Copybook form, or “perfect handwriting,” varies somewhat from country to country and it’s best to be familiar with the standard copybook form of the country in which the person learned to write.

It’s good if your handwriting is not perfect, because you don’t want perfect handwriting. It’s natural to gradually move away from the basic copybook form you learned in grade school to develop your own unique style.

Just as everyone has a unique personality, everyone has unique handwriting. Aristotle remarked, “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience and written words are the symbols of spoken words. Just as all men do not have the same speech sounds, so do all men not have the same writing.”

Adults who write in copybook form (considering there is corroborating energy from the rest of the handwriting considerations) strive to follow all rules exactly and abide by all laws. They are usually conformists, traditional, and inhibited. They commonly carry guilt and repression is customary. Hence, “perfect” handwriting is far from perfect.

If your handwriting has a lot of originality with high form level (good balance, movement, harmony, etc.) and other positive traits, it could indicate flexibility, resourcefulness, confidence, inward motivation, and possible leadership skills.

On the other hand, if you see originality in an off-balanced, inharmonious script (low form level), you could find rebelliousness, defiance, turmoil, confusion, dishonesty, and even psychosis or criminal-minded behavior.

Spirals are generally a negative sign relating, in part, to deception or self-deception.

Normal elaboration includes longer than usual t-bars and finals at the end of words, for example.

Excessive elaboration, such as artificial flourishes, many added strokes, long lower zone length (loops of letters such as lower case g and j), etc. could indicate an ostentatious personality with a need to impress others, a need for drama, flirtatiousness, vanity, exaggeration, bluff, a mind too rooted in fantasy, insincerity, a need to be told they are loved, façade of intrigue to mask an inferiority complex, possible deception, scattered energy, affectation, defense for self-consciousness, unstable self image, too much focus on trivial matters, and difficulty concentrating.

As the level of inharmoniousness increases with excessive elaboration, the negative traits listed above will also intensify.

If you see excessive elaboration mainly in the upper zone (e.g., where the t’s are crossed), which is the zone of the intellect, you may find someone whose thinking is ruled by illusion, and even someone who is a compulsive liar.

But remember, although it’s alluded to above, it’s important enough to say again: no single graphology indicator, by itself, absolutely describes any one personality trait.

Yes, straight-across, blunt ending strokes can indicate cautiousness, but there could be ten or more other indicators in a person’s script that would mitigate the notion.

If you find elaboration that is excessively complicated, especially with many complicated circle letters, such as a and o, it could point toward someone who is trying to hide something, even if it’s on an unconscious level and not in an intentionally deceptive way.

Look to the zone of handwriting for more clues to what the excessive elaboration with inharmonious handwriting indicates: in the lower zone (where the loops of letters such as g and j reside) it’s an imbalance relating to sexuality, social life, materialism, and physical energy, among others; in the middle zone (where letters such as n, m, and o reside) it’s an imbalance in practicality, daily routine, here-and-now, ego, consciousness and more; and in the upper zone (where the t-bar, tops of t’s, and h’s reside) it’s an imbalance in mental, intellectual, philosophical, literary interests, the imagination, and more.

When you see a Hollywood star’s signature that has over-the-top elaboration, if the rest of his or her script is much more subdued, it’s a sign of pretentiousness.

Alternatively, elaboration with positive indicators is favorable. With harmonious handwriting it can symbolize charm, healthy imagination, and originality.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

The Secret and Subconscious Blocks

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Like a lot of people, we appreciate the movie The Secret for its wisdom and how it helps to inspire people. But what if you are following all the tenants of The Secret and still are not reaching your goals?

We’ve witnessed a lot of realistic, seemingly “deserving” people follow the Secret’s principles and still not get what they desire.

One reason they may not be making great progress in reaching their goals is because it may not yet be time to reach them. It’s important to keep taking action and along the way, meditate on the “next best step.” If you still feel blocked, read on for some important information. Also, if you are fated to reach your goals, you will reach them.

Unfortunately, if you aren’t fated to reach a certain goal, you won’t have success.

Another consideration that is not fully explained in The Secret that can make a difference between success and failure is an accurate assessment of subconscious blocks that are sabotaging success.

The subconscious mind rules your life. It completely lacks reasoning power and stores all of the hidden core beliefs, misconceptions, fears, defenses, and biases formed mostly before age ten. The subconscious mind reacts just like a fearful child; it’s not rational or sensible like the conscious mind.

The challenge is that it’s not always easy to know what’s hidden in your unconscious mind under your conscious intent, no matter how much you meditate, express gratitude, or monitor your thoughts.

Although you may be consciously fearless, your subconscious mind may possess intense apprehension. Often, subconscious beliefs are at odds with conscious viewpoints. For example, even if you consciously desire a compatible love relationship with all of your heart, if your subconscious mind equates relationships with grief, or some other form of suffering, it will do everything in its power to generate conflict or keep you single.

As another example, the subconscious mind can influence someone enough to make them unattractive if they subconsciously equate being attractive with abuse. Or, someone who subconsciously, deeply resents rich people will subconsciously sabotage their efforts to acquire and keep wealth. It’s like a hidden, super-power part of your mind that doesn’t always act in your best (conscious) interests. 

Until you uncover, confront, and resolve unconscious issues, your subconscious mind will interfere with your life, often opposing your conscious desires and plans. Personal issues keep you from reaching your highest potential. Subconscious thinking must be aligned with conscious desires in order to reach your goals.

How do you find out about the depths of your subconscious? Graphology, or handwriting analysis is one of the most effective ways of uncovering subconscious fears and defenses. The U.S. Library of Congress categorizes it as a branch of psychology. It’s one of the quickest, most objective, most accurate, and least discriminatory forms of personality analysis in existence.

Graphology is so informative because it reveals subconscious character, the real personality, not just the persona and the one seen when a person is at his or her best. It’s been used by many Fortune 500 companies and select law enforcement agencies (including some of those at the Federal level) for decades.

Instead of taking subjective personality tests, trying to effectively monitor the submerged complexities of your subconscious yourself (good luck), or enduring months of sessions with a psychologist, you can get right to the heart of the matter through handwriting analysis.

A well-trained graphologist can give you a clear, extensive assessment of your subconscious blocks and hidden fears, but their services are not inexpensive. As another option, our Graphology Keys and Trait-Based Guide will help you gain a lot of priceless information on your own, for a fraction of the cost, simply by comparing your handwriting to these easy to understand, but comprehensive, self-help tools.

Graphology is the secret that will help you be even more successful with The Secret.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Cheating Boyfriend’s Handwriting: True Personality is Revealed Through Handwriting Analysis

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How do you know if your lover is telling the truth?

Perhaps the only way to know for sure is to catch him or her with another lover.

Alternatively, while graphology (handwriting analysis) provides insight about potential current and future behavior, it won’t give you a definitive yes or no that he or she is cheating and being dishonest.

However, it’s possible to get an extremely clear idea of a person’s true personality, such as if they lack integrity. In order to do this, that person would need to write at least a 1/2-3/4 page of spontaneous writing about his or her current romantic situation. Indications such as insincerity and integrity issues showing up throughout the writing sample could give you a good idea about his or her actions.

Graphology is so informative because it reveals subconscious character, the real personality, not just the persona and the one seen when a person is at his or her best.

Relating to romantic relationships, a good handwriting analysis can tell you if a person fears commitment, avoids conflict, lacks a good sense of discernment (necessary to identify and understand personality and relationship issues), is emotionally mature or immature, is impulsive, fears intimacy, is restless, is self-conscious, lacks self-esteem and ego strength, has an excessive interest or disinterest in sex, fears success, fears trusting others, has a tendency to withdraw, and much more.

The topic of dishonest lovers brings up an important point about honesty in our society. Too many people think that if no one finds out that they lied, robbed, or cheated, they “got away with it.”

In reality, the eyes of truth are always watching, so everything you do and say creates karma and comes back to you. We’ve seen it played out repeatedly through past life regression, and we are convinced that there exists an automatic accountability system in this universe; everyone really does reap what they sow.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo