Common Numerology Errors

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We’ve scrutinized the content of many ancient and most modern-day numerology sources since 1992. There’s a lot of information out there; some good, some questionable, and the new student can easily be overwhelmed, or worse, misguided. Through continuous experimentation, we’ve gained strong convictions regarding which theories and applications are valid and which aren’t. Below we offer our professional opinion and identify some information we see as questionable. These are some common numerology errors with beginners and if you avoid them, you’ll be ahead of the game.

Our research and experience has shown us the following:

*Numbers don’t “make” things happen, nor do they “influence” anything; they merely symbolize “what is.” For example, a celebrity changing his name at the peak of his success does not cause his fall into obscurity, even if a superficial name chart on the new name does symbolize (albeit very tenuously without a comprehensive analysis) a “downward spiral.”

*Changing your name only changes your persona, it won’t change your life.

*Choosing to marry on a certain day, for example, in hopes of good luck is secondary, and often futile, compared to the charts relating to when the couple first met, when they started dating, and their unique personal timing.

*Pythagoras is not the founder of modern, Western numerology. He is considered the father of a philosophy of numbers that is the basis of modern, Western numerology.

*Personal Years (a very common modern numerology yearly timing cycle) start on January 1st for everyone, not on a person’s birthday, and end on Dec 31st for everyone. Peak Personal Year energy is reached in September of each year for everyone. The energy of the Universal Year (e.g., current Universal Year is 2007, which reduces to 9 by adding the 2, 0, 0, and 7) also starts and ends at the same time and peaks each September. Some cycles start on the subject’s birthday, some don’t. The Personal Year doesn’t and this becomes absolutely clear through experience involving a comprehensive approach, including many, many other timing considerations.

*Any one numerology aspect’s energy (negative or positive, balanced, over-balanced, or under-balanced) alone may be corroborated or even completely mitigated by the energy of the rest of the aspects in the comprehensive charts. Therefore, focusing on only one or even a handful of aspects to delineate or predict is unwise. Many “numerologists” make this mistake, especially the ones we’ve heard on radio talk shows. Hundreds of predictive indicators, including cycles within cycles, exist in the comprehensive charts; to track only a few invites inaccurate prediction. Surface interpretations are acceptable as an introduction to a more comprehensive analysis, but exclusively they serve as little more than entertainment, and potentially worse, they do a disservice to the science and open the door to critics (rightfully so).

*Fame, big money, life-long fulfilling, wonderful love, or anything else that is desired is unobtainable (no matter how much work you do on yourself, no matter how much you “integrate” your challenges, and no matter how inspired you get) if the comprehensive charts symbolically deny it, as the comprehensive charts reflect “what is” and “what will be” when interpreted correctly. Those numerologists who reject this truth either A) use a superficial approach involving numerology which disallows them an understanding of the workings of fate, B) refuse to acknowledge fate due to fear C) choose to paint a flowery, “sunshine and rainbows” picture hoping to appeal to a wider audience, and therefore sell more books or services, or D) refuse to acknowledge the cold hard realities of life and that you can’t have something just because you want it if it contrasts with your true path in life. Some people’s lives are fated to include more challenge and hardship than reward, some more reward than challenge, and some a balance of both. At the same time, how you choose to view and respond to your life circumstances and events can help a lot.

*Being an “old soul” usually isn’t exclusively about successfully “integrating” many of life’s challenges in previous incarnations, and is much more about incarnating with substantially more prior earthly experiences including plenty of trials and tribulations. An “old soul” is identified as such simply through their spiritual heritage, as symbolized by many Master Numbers, 7s, or 9s, for example, in the basic numerology charts, or a very spiritually inclined astrological 9th house, or many other possible indications. Many people successfully overcome life challenges and continue on to live a rewarding life, but that doesn’t qualify them as being an “old soul.” Lots of “old souls” can be found among the drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless of society as the energies of an “old soul” are most often a challenge with which to cope.

*Using anything but the full, legal birth name (exactly as it is on the birth certificate) in a name numerology analysis provides only a persona read. A persona, being a façade, is not the true, fundamental energy of the subject. It’s merely an “image read,” and is somewhat similar to assessing the signature alone, compared to a good, lengthy sample of script in handwriting analysis. Using abbreviated or shortened names results in a supplemental read and is far from a substitute using the full data. For example,  President Bill Clinton’s full legal birth name is William Jefferson Blythe IV. His full name, instead of “Bill Clinton,” “William Clinton,” or “William Jefferson Clinton,” must be used in name numerology calculations if one wants to assess true personality (President Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe IV on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas, three months after his father died in a traffic accident. When he was four years old, his mother wed Roger Clinton, of Hot Springs, Arkansas. In high school, he took the family name). Using official names instead of abbreviations, and full, legal birth names instead of a name a person goes by is imperative to accurate delineation and prediction.

*Using name numerology for the months (or days, etc.) of the year (e.g., May = m/13/4 + a/1 + y/25/7 = 12/3) as they relate to delineation or timing, will provide only minor insight, and holds relatively little importance in relation to other monthly cycles and the other contents of the comprehensive charts. In fact, we’ve found this aspect to be relatively useless. Universal Months (e.g., January, the 1st month of the year, is a 1 Universal Month in 2007; 1 + 2007 = 2008/10 = 1), which are the foundation to find one’s Personal Months, among other aspects, are a much more relative and revealing monthly cycle.

*Although universal vibrations, such as the Universal  Month are vitally important and are used to calculate personal vibrations like the Personal Month, if applied by themselves to an individual’s life (e.g., “since this month is a 7 Universal Month, it is unwise to change jobs now…”), the result is erroneous forecasting.

The personal vibrations (personal days, months, years, etc.) are always more important to the individual as it relates to timing. A 3 Universal Year vibration that is very rewarding for one person, for instance, can alternatively be a year full of heavy life challenges for the next person.

*Karmic Debt Numbers (13, 14, 16, 19) don’t necessarily always symbolize what one hasn’t experienced, they symbolize what one must balance due to misapplication or avoidance of related energy in prior lives. The energy associated with Karmic Debt Numbers isn’t benefic, it is malefic. But it can be equalized in time, through balancing the associated karma. Also, it’s those who avoid long-term assessment of Karmic Debt Numbers (and Master Numbers)  who usually happen to deny their symbolic representation in people’s lives.

*In order to accurately determine Master Numbers (11, 22, 33, 44, etc.) and Karmic Debt Numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19), the following method of addition must be avoided as the  only method of calculation:

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In this method, adding up all the numbers results in a Master Number (11). We agree that it’s a quick way to find the single digit total (in this case, 2), but it’s unreliable as a way to find Master Numbers and Karmic Debt Numbers.

Each part of the full, legal birth name must be treated as a single entity first as below, just as each individual is  unique as reflected by their full, legal birth name.


1+1+5+9+1 =17/8


4+1+7+1+3 =16/7



The single digits of each part of the full birth name are then added together as follows: 8+7+5=20. Since the total with this method is 20 instead of 11, we would say that the person is more often than not operating on a non-Master Number vibration (20).

However, adding the double digits of each part of the name together to yield 65, which reduces to 11, is worth considering and should not be absolutely ignored.

Corroborating and mitigating considerations throughout the comprehensive charts must be weighed to determine just how much emphasis that 65/11 should be allowed, and in what form (balanced, under-balanced, or over-balanced).

*When calculating the Life Path, there are three main methods to consider in order to correctly find Master and Karmic Debt Numbers.

The first, being the most accurate in our view, is as follows:

January 25, 1950

1+25+1950 = 1976 = 23/5

This method allows for the individuality of each day, month, and year number to be represented. After all, each day of the year is different, as is each month, and each year.

The second most accurate method (simply adding the single digits of each part of the reduced numbers of the full  birth date) is as follows, and it reveals a Karmic Debt Number:

1 + 25/7 + 1950/6

1+ 7 + 6 = 14/5

The least accurate, and least personal method, is as follows:

1+2+5+1+9+5+0= 23/5

It’s best to have two of the three methods result in a Master Number or Karmic Debt Number before considering the Life Path energy to be aligned with such energy. In the case of January 25, 1950, the person, in our opinion, would not exhibit the Karmic Debt number energy of the 14/5 as much as if we would have seen at least two of the above methods resulting in the Karmic Debt Number of 14.

Of course, each method results in the single digit 5, and the base number is enough for a interpretive start.

You could use our Numerology Decoder Software to correctly calculate the basic charts, including those positions with Master Numbers and Karmic Debt numbers, as it offers up to three calculation methods per calculation.

Through dedicated study and observation, you’ll begin to see distinct patterns and be able to use numerology as a valuable supplement to astrology. The two sciences together provide greater accuracy than found through exclusive use of either one.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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