Human History as You Know it is Wrong

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In your quest for truth, empirical, objective research is imperative and can be done by almost anyone. If you choose to, you can find great clarity in matters such as health and wellness, your love relationships, and current events.However, even the most obvious findings, when they contrast with conventional standards, aren’t always recognized, or even permitted to see the light of day in some instances.

Take the case of the Great Pyramid, which was supposedly built around 2500 BC. The science authorities reject the theories of “amateurs” and “conspiracy theorists” who suggest that the drilled holes (possibly made by a laser-like tool) in sections of the interior of the Great Pyramid far surpass the primitive methods of the ancient Egyptians. It’s estimated that the holes could only be drilled by a drill that had 500 times the force of today’s most sophisticated drills.

Then there is the water erosion damage of the Sphinx, and the sea salt within the Queen’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, which suggest that the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are far older than previously thought.

And what about the 2000 ton+ blocks of stone at various ancient sites that humans could not move with our modern technology today? Vibration, or sound technology is a possible answer.

Don’t forget about the famous Egyptian hieroglyphics that very clearly depict, what appear to be, airplanes, helicopters, cars, submarines, and other modern-day technology.

Many other archeological finds throughout history are totally at odds with accepted orthodoxies, like the notion that the first civilization on this planet dates back to about 6000 BC (Sumerians).

Below we list archeological finds from modern times that, if authenticated, change history:

–A Phoenix Gazette article in 1909 featured a cave in the Grand Canyon leading to underground tunnels which contained Egyptian and Asian-looking artifacts, statues, mummies, hieroglyphs, etc., dating to as early as 2000 BC. The Smithsonian Institute became involved in the find.

It suggests that ancient travelers came to America long before Columbus. The fictional movie, “The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon,” is based on the site.

There’s a theory that an ancient Asian culture called the Kam, who were known as voyagers, are connected to this find. Their ancestry is linked to the early Egyptians.

–In 1877, in Tuolumne County, California, while forging the Montezuma tunnel, relics including a mortar and pestle were found. The exact location of the find relative to the bed-rock suggests they are about 33 million years old.

–While drilling an artesian well in Illinois, a copper coin-like object with human figures and symbols on it was found in rock deposits. According to information supplied by the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits of rock in which the coin was found are between 200,000–400,000 years old. The find suggests the lost culture it belonged to had an economic system.

–Semi-ovoid, man-made metallic tubes were found embedded in 65 million year-old Cretaceous chalk in France.

–A human skeleton was found in layers of rock, 90 feet down in southern Illinois, that dates back over 300 million years.

–An electrical device resembling a spark-plug was found in coal 3000 feet below the surface in a coal mine in Europe.

–Radioactive evidence found in remote desert areas of India, along with relics associated with an unidentified, lost culture suggest atomic bombs have wiped out cultures prior to recorded history.

–Apparent man-made walls comprised of uniform blocks buried in coal have been found in numerous coal mines, such as in Ohio, Oklahoma, and in Europe. Most date back to over 200 million years ago.

–Perfectly round hematite balls dating back 2 billion years were found in mines in South Africa. One theory is that they were game pieces, others say they could have been part of a weapon system.

Evidence suggests that many human-based cultures have been lost on this planet, going back hundreds of millions of years. 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs were wiped out, along with, very possibly, other civilizations.

Some evidence points to the idea that humans go back over 500 million years on this planet. If you figure one moderately advanced civilization every 50,000 years or so, conservatively estimated, you have about 2000 civilizations over the course of only 100 million years.

In answering the question of why we don’t find extensive evidence of lost civilizations, it’s estimated to take only about 150,000 years or less for even the most well-built man-made structures, such as skyscrapers, to dissolve into dust, and that’s not considering the impact of massive natural (or man-made) disasters, such gigantic asteroids colliding with Earth. Such collisions don’t just make a big hole in the desert, or harmlessly splash into the ocean. As they puncture the atmosphere and collide with the planet, they bring raging infernos, tidal waves, and earthquakes to entire continents, if not the entire planet, and send up dust clouds that block the sun’s rays.

When you review the original scientific documentation by the experts who made the shocking discoveries (skip the textbook/academic interpretations), you find all sorts of evidence of extremely ancient human existence, such as from 100s of millions of years ago.

Considering all the evidence, the traditional theory of evolution appears to be invalid, although a variation of it could be plausible, in our view.

It’s common to join the herd mentality and embrace prevailing beliefs without questioning the evidence, or lack of it. Humans generally want to belong, believe, and conform to accepted norms. But that approach means they largely avoid critical thought and stop thinking for themselves.

What in your life do you assume to be true that may not be?

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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