sense of humor confidence subliminal

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Sense of Humor and Confidence Subliminal MP3 Suggestions          

You are at peace with yourself.

You are at peace with the world.

You are at peace.

You are peaceful and relaxed.

You are patient.

You can relax easily.

You breathe slowly and deeply.

You find it easy to relax.

You are relaxed and self-assured.

You can make people laugh and relax.

You find humor in life.

You find humor in everything.

You enjoy laughing.

You are happy, humorous, and fun to be with.

You are loved.

You like yourself.

You like smiling.

You are attractive and charming.

You are compassionate with yourself and with others.

You are completely at ease in groups.

You are completely at ease around all people.

You are calm and relaxed.

You are centered and focused.

You exude confidence.

You exude sincerity and confidence.

You feel good about yourself.

You feel young and powerful.

You love life.

You love yourself and love unconditionally.

You radiate warmth and friendship.

Incredible self-confidence is yours.

You are confident.

You sparkle with vitality

You speak well and with confidence.

Your opinions are worthwhile.

Your reactions are getting better.

You can easily make people laugh and relax.

You find humor in life.

You find humor in everything.

You enjoy laughing.


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