Your spiritual-self, or higher-self sometimes contrasts with your ego-self’s expectations in everyday affairs.
According to the theories of reincarnation and karma, your soul selects conditions and circumstances prior to your birth in order to learn and understand.
But after incarnating, due to societal conditioning and the natural disconnect between here and the other side, the never-ending series of tests on school-house Earth commence and makes life forever interesting, even grueling at times, for your personality.
Below we outline two distinct outlooks, ego-self vs. spiritual-self, as they relate to intolerance toward two people of different religions in a relationship.
1. Ari and Raphael met through friends and soon became an item, though they are from different backgrounds and of different religions.
From the start they both realized they needed to keep their relationship secret from their families.
Ari’s father disowned his own sister and hasn’t spoken with her in over a decade because she married someone of a different faith. “That’s crossing the line, and she is threatening the existence of our people,” said her father. “Please promise me you will avoid doing what my sister did,” he said to Ari. Ari complied at the time, but it’s been rough balancing the devotion to his family, and love life.
Ari’s father and grandparents were openly discriminated against in earlier decades, so it’s understandable how Ari’s father feels like he must keep his tribe together to survive. But times have changed, and that type of discrimination (e.g., Ari’s grandmother was fired from her job in the late 1940s once they found out her faith) today is almost unheard of.
Raphael’s parents have a similar viewpoint, even going so far as to tell their children others of a different faith aren’t welcome in their home. Raphael knows for certain his parents would turn against him forever if they knew he was dating someone of a different religion.
Ironically, both families, in striving to maintain the dignity and longevity of their ancestry, are practicing the same type of intolerance they have fought against for generations.
Our findings show that intolerance, in its many forms, is the basis of many spiritual tests, ones that your higher-self arranges before you incarnate.
Accept people unlike yourself and treat others as you want to be treated, then you pass your tests. Refuse to, then you’ll have an even tougher time the next time around.
2. From a spiritual perspective, Ari and Raphael have already passed an important test: tolerance of another religion and willingness to date someone of a different faith.
Unfortunately, their parents aren’t doing so well spiritually, particularly Ari’s father in how he cut ties with his sister. Their initial biased positions may well be fated, but how they deal with the idea of the relationship between Ari and Raphael may be one of those things where they could go either way–reject their child, or accept them and their partner’s religious differences. Then again, so much more in life is fated than it seems, based on our findings; their parents welcoming the relationship between Ari and Raphael is about as likely as a blizzard in New York City in July.
It also could be a test for Ari and Raphael how they deal with the relationship once their parents find out. Do they break it off, or stay?
Considering they feel strongly enough about each other to stay together, remaining in the relationship, despite the protests of their families, likely means they would be successfully passing that specific spiritual test.
Everyone has an ego-self that is fully active most of the time, no matter how spiritual and devout they appear. Life’s most important tests can be a fierce battle between your ego-self and spiritual self. Though striving to be tolerant, to express unconditional love, and to accept that which you can’t change can make life much more rewarding and help align your ego-self with your spiritual-self.
Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-awareness and make the most of your fate.
Copyright © 2017 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo