“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ignorance is defined as “the lack of knowledge or information.”
The trap of ignorance, including spiritual ignorance, leading to bad decisions is an easy and common trap to fall into, so you’re not alone if you’ve done this. You don’t learn about how to avoid life’s everyday pitfalls in school and typically must learn the hard way, through experience. Negative ramifications can sometimes be avoided or minimized, such as by exercising restraint, caution, critical thinking skills, objectivity, and compassion, and we offer more tips below.
Even though the spiritual risks we mention below can’t be proven with physical evidence, our findings firmly support these theories and no one has invalidated them either.
Below we list seven examples of what you think you know for sure that just isn’t so that can get you into trouble, according to our long-term findings.
- Erroneously believing that the biblical proverb “…Eye for an eye…” gives you a license to inflict bodily harm on another in revenge sets one up for some nasty negative karma. Karma, a law of the universe, symbolizes the eye for an eye notion but it takes care of itself without you needing to retaliate. Taking matters into your own hands earns you a debt you must repay, in kind. Notable exceptions involving the infliction of bodily harm include militarily defending your country, and self-defense.
- Nobody is looking, so you can get away with it, right? Wrong. We’re not talking about speeding or other man-made infractions, but for instance, actions that hurt others. Do the right thing even when no one is looking because the eyes of truth are always watching, as the saying goes; nobody escapes karma.
- The belief that you have only one life and you can abuse your body to your heart’s content is a common mistake. What if you take your earned health with you into the next life, as we’ve observed through past life regression countless times? Those who incur unhealthy addictions, taxing their health enormously, would think twice about doing so if they knew they would have to deal with the addiction eventually, in a future life, and that it won’t go away upon death. The spiritual complications of bad habits and addiction manifest as physical problems in a future life: cognitive issues, physical problems such as kidney or liver disease, and other ailments such as those caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
- Believing that there aren’t forces of evil in the universe is a horrible mistake. It’s a good idea to at least accept the possibility of the existence of dark energy so you can protect yourself. Avoid opening yourself up to malicious, other-dimensional forces by limiting excess, avoid aligning yourself with demons (such as through spells). Instead align yourself with benevolent energy, like angels and other-dimensional helpers of the Light. Avoiding excessive pride and hate, and practicing unconditional love also goes a long way to avoid sinister energies that can block your success.
- The superficial notion that any two individuals can be compatible as long as they share similar interests gets a lot of people in trouble, as does the ignorance of personal timing, which can change like the seasons. Realize that compatibility, largely, isn’t up to you; try as you might, you can’t control it. It’s either there, or it isn’t. You can both be wonderful people, do all the right things, but if it’s not quite right between you in terms of compatibility, there’s nothing you can do about it but grin and bear it. As much as modern society denies it, relationships are mainly about spiritual growth through challenge (sometimes very uplifting and inspiring, other times very painful and depressing) and very few couples enjoy stellar life-long emotional, mental, and sexual compatibility.
- Rejecting the theory of personal timing, and that everyone’s timing is different, generates a lot of unpleasantness. The highlights (and low points) of your life are symbolized by collective natal and timing patterns. Sometimes the patterns represent successful romantic relationships and career success for example, and sometimes they don’t. The ideal is to work with your patterns, instead of against, to mitigate challenges and make the most of your karmic rewards.
- Sympathy to the person who ignores the universal truth that thoughts are things. Thoughts matter, including energy directed at others. Sending negative energy towards another individual incurs negative karma, which can create a vicious cycle of lifetimes of payback for cursing others. It’s natural to feel upset or angered on occasion, but direct that anger into constructive outlets and avoid sending invisible poison arrows to others unless you want to be on the receiving end of it, in equal measure.
You have nothing to lose and you’ll save yourself a lot of suffering by following this advice, and you will avoid the trap of spiritual ignorance.
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