Subliminal MP3s

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Stephen’s Soundless Subliminals™

Effortless self-improvement with Subliminal Message MP3s

25% off sale on all orders over $30. Services not included.
Enter coupon code 25% in shopping cart.

Buy 3 or more of the 30 titles below and take 25% off with the coupon code above.

a.mp3banner2These subliminal message MP3s can help you in almost every area of life: sleep better, attract potential mates, improve self-confidence, let go of an ex, prepare for a great relationship, improve your relationship, have incredible sex, become more intuitive, shed weight and exercise, quit smoking for good, finally forgive and let go, avoid drugs, and more.

We understand it’s sometimes not easy to initiate change. We’ve been there
. These subliminal message MP3s use subliminal technology and give you the extra push you need to change your life for the better!

  • Our Soundless Subliminal™ MP3 audios are an easy ways to help you reach just about any goal. You’ll love the results!
  • Set it and forget it! Just press play and auto-repeat on your computer, CD or MP3 player and your mind will do the rest.
  • Our Soundless Subliminal™ MP3s are produced at a frequency that your mind can perceive at a subconscious level, but you can’t consciously, so they’re not distracting (no annoying music or masking sounds). Listen at home, at your computer while you work, anywhere, anytime.
  • The more you play our Soundless Subliminal™ MP3s, the more your mind will follow the positive suggestions.
  • This really is effortless change!

Scroll down for 30 different subliminal message MP3 titles and descriptions including love life and s.e.x., self-improvement, money, success, career, addictions, parents and students, custom subliminal and hypnosis audio information.

“They say he is the most improved student.”

“I have been running the Forgive and Let Go Soundless Subliminal™in my loft (where my 13 yr old spends most of his time). He has done a complete 180 in school. The teachers asked what I was doing differently and I told them, ‘subliminal audios’ (Stephen’s Soundless Subliminals™) and they all laughed. (They don’t believe me) They say he is the most improved student. I used that particular subliminal because he always acts angry. I believe that love and forgiveness heals all.” L.P. Boulder, CO USA

“…everybody in the household reaped the benefits!”

PicRebeccaRaleighNC“I purchased the Success and Abundance Soundless Subliminal™ and everybody in the household reaped the benefits! It was so easy to use because it sends a silent message that doesn’t interfere with your day. I began to notice that my children were more positive and self confident, possessing an overall ease to creativity and accomplishments. Scott and Stephen are also right there if you have any questions. I recommend the soundless subliminals because they are easy to use without disrupting your day and they produce results!” Rebecca, Raleigh, NC USA

“I have never had this many men hit on me.”

“Stephen and Scott, I used a custom subliminal for 30-days to enhance my love life and have also been using the Man Magnet subliminal for 2-weeks. I immediately noticed that men were more attracted to me (regardless of how I was dressed). They came from everywhere while I was walking, driving, and doing other things, and aggressively hit on me. I have never had this many men hit on me. I am now using the success/abundance tape and have ordered the Get Good Grades for my children. Can’t wait to see the results.” -Pamela W, Houston, Texas

“…they are awesome…”

I ordered some of your subliminals… And they are awesome… I could tell something was different 1st listen. I am qualified to say this because I am a certified master hypnotist and NLP prac. I have spent many, many thousand on self-improvement- some work and some don’t. As a matter of fact I am going to order a couple more. -Jim Ryder, San Diego, CA USA


NEW Prepare For a Great Relationship
Soundless Subliminal
Prepare For a Great Relationship subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Make Your Relationship Even Better
Soundless Subliminal
Make Your Relationship Even Better subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Dealing With a Difficult Person
Soundless Subliminal
Dealing With a Difficult Person subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Let Go of Your Ex
Soundless Subliminal
Let Go of Your Ex subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Become a Chick Magnet–Easily Attract Beautiful Women
Soundless Subliminal
Become a Chick Magnet–Easily Attract Beautiful Women subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Become a Stud–Get in Touch With Your Manly Side
Soundless Subliminal
Become a Stud–Get in Touch With Your Manly Side subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Become a Man Magnet–Easily Attract Good Looking Men
Soundless Subliminal
Become a Man Magnet–Easily Attract Good Looking Men subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Enhance Love Life and Friendships
Soundless Subliminal
Enhance Love Life and Friendships subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download
(This audio is included in the Direct Your Destiny™ e-package.)

Incredible S.e.x.
Soundless Subliminal
Incredible S.e.x. subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download


NEW Confident and Compassionate
Soundless Subliminal

Confident and Compassionate subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Love Yourself
Soundless Subliminal

Love Yourself subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Boost Self-Esteem
Soundless Subliminal
Boost Self-Esteem subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Be More Intuitive and Psychic Dreaming
Soundless Subliminal

Be More Intuitive and Psychic Dreaming subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Be a Class Act
Soundless Subliminal
Be a Class Act subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Shed the Weight and Keep it Off for Good/ Motivated to Exercise
Soundless Subliminal
Shed the Weight and Keep it Off for Good/ Motivated to Exercise subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Photographic Memory and Mental Acuity
Soundless Subliminal

Photographic Memory and Mental Acuity subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Sleep Deeply
Soundless Subliminal
Sleep Deeply subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax
Soundless Subliminal

Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax
subliminal suggestions

Instant Access Audio Download
(This audio is included in the Direct Your Destiny™ e-package.)

Improve Appearance and Become Sexier
Soundless Subliminal
Improve Appearance and Become Sexier
subliminal suggestions

Instant Access Audio Download
(This audio is included in the Direct Your Destiny™ e-package.)

Forgive and Let Go
Soundless Subliminal
Forgive and Let Go subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download
(This audio is included in the
Direct Your Destiny™ e-package.)


NEW Wealth Mindset–Become a Multi-Millionaire
Soundless Subliminal
Wealth Mindset–Become a Multi-Millionaire
subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Attract Abundance
Soundless Subliminal
Attract Abundance subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Peaceful and Productive Workplace
Soundless Subliminal
Peaceful and Productive Workplace subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Success and Abundance
Soundless Subliminal
Success and Abundance subliminal suggestions

Instant Access Audio Download
(This audio is included in the Direct Your Destiny™ e-package.)


NEW Cooperative Kids
Soundless Subliminal
Cooperative Kids subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Photographic Memory/Get Good Grades
Soundless Subliminal
Photographic Memory/Get Good Grades subliminal suggestions

Instant Access Audio Download


NEW Cut Back on Smoking
Soundless Subliminal
Cut Back on Smoking subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Stop Smoking Forever
Soundless Subliminal
Stop Smoking Forever subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Letting Go of Drugs
Soundless Subliminal
Letting Go of Drugs subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

NEW Avoiding Alcohol
Soundless Subliminal
Avoiding Alcohol subliminal suggestions
MP3  $10.95

Instant Access Audio Download

Important, please note:

1) For best results, listen to the Soundless Subliminal™ on auto-repeat, continuously (in the background while doing other things is fine), for at least 3 hours daily, for at least 4 weeks (6-8 is better and it may take longer to reverse subconscious blocks). Some people listen to them all day on their computer while working. If you sleep soundly, try listening to them all night.

2) If you listen at your computer, for example, and turn the volume up, anyone within earshot will be affected. It’s up to you whether or not you want others around you to benefit from the audio too.

3) Subliminal suggestions are produced at a frequency that your mind can hear at a subconscious level, but not at a conscious level. Remember, your subconscious takes in every detail in your environment, even the ones you can’t consciously perceive.

4) When creating these audios, we did not add any background sounds or music (often called masking sounds) so that you can listen at work or at home all day and not be distracted; that’s why they’re called Soundless Subliminals™.

5) If the occasional chirp or pop sound or the slight static sound of the subliminal is loud, you probably have the volume turned way up, which isn’t necessary. Personally, we like to play our subliminals loudly to remind us they’re playing. We also like to read through the subliminal suggestions occasionally to remind our conscious mind what our subconscious mind is listening to.

6) Each audio is approximately 7-12 minutes long, and each suggestion is repeated at least 5 times within the 7-12 minutes. That’s at least 25 times per hour, 75 times per day for each suggestion if you listen for at least 3 hours a day. Eventually, with repetition, the subconscious mind will begin to follow the suggestions.


Custom Subliminal or Hypnosis MP3s by Stephen

Use the power of custom hypnosis or soundless subliminals help you succeed.

Each custom audio includes the following:
● E-mail consultations with Stephen to discuss your goal(s), problems you’ve encountered in relation to the goal(s), steps to reach the goal(s), and the outcome you’d like to experience. You may combine similar goals on one custom audio.
● Stephen creates custom subliminal suggestions or hypnotic scripts tailored for your specific goal(s) based on his 25+ years of experience with subliminals and hypnosis and techniques he’s found to be most effective.
● The final subliminal suggestions or hypnosis script will be recorded only after your approval.
● Your custom subliminal will be produced and sent to you in an MP3 format.
$265.00 Contact Stephen with your goal.


“I have used the Incredible S.e.x. Subliminal with great results! I couldn’t believe how well it works.” -Scott S. Dallas, TX
“I have been using a combination of the Sleep Soundly, Letting Go of Drugs, and Sense of Humor/Relax for a few weeks now. I decided to wean off an anti-anxiety medication that I’ve taken for years. I have tried in the past many times to get off this drug, but I couldn’t sleep or function, and it was downright horrendous, even landing me in the hospital with convulsions at one time. This time it has been almost unnoticeable, especially the fact that I sleep all night, which is unbelievable! I still have a ways to go, and will continue going slowly. I’m doing other energy healing, but I play these recordings on 3 machines 24/7. I love the fact that they’re playing in the background all the time, reprogramming my subconscious. Thank you!” -Patty C., Grand Rapids MI
“When I first tried the Improve Appearance and Become Sexier subliminal, I wasn’t sure how well it would work. I played it on the weekend and didn’t tell my husband. Funny…he couldn’t stop doing push ups, pull ups, and sucking in his stomach. At the end of the weekend I owned up to it…and showed him the subliminal recording! I appreciated that you include your subliminal scripts on the product page and since I’m a hypnotist, I was certain you understood the language the subconscious mind likes.” -Andrea Youngman, Columbia, Missouri
“I’m feeling such a GLOW from within myself..”

“After almost two days of “listening” to my Self Esteem soundless subliminal while working here at the desk, I’m feeing such a growing GLOW from within myself, the same as when I’ve listened to other subliminals, BUT I was encumbered by wearing headphones or ear buds.

Also, I KNOW I’m NOT experiencing any placebo effect, which is something I studied and became very aware of years ago as I had training in self hypnosis.

Well, it’s back to work and not having to listen or hear anything AT ALL to get the great inner enrichment I’m feeling more and more by the hour. Thanks for the GREAT scripts at the great multi-title package discount.” -Andy Fields, Santa Clara, CA

“I have been in a job slump for a few months now after having been laid off earlier in the year. After listening to Attract Abundance and Success & Abundance over a period of about one month, I have been well on my way to manifesting that perfect job and the perfect place to live and work. The floodgates are opening with many opportunities globally whereas one month ago I was having no luck at all, getting no responses and feeling stuck. I am highly confident that I will have not only what I need but also what I want very soon. If anything, your products have motivated me to be in that place one needs to be in to manifest. Thank you for providing these tools and for making them so easily available.” -David M, Singapore
“I do love the Love Yourself subliminal audio…”

PicSherry-ArmadaMI“Hi you guys! It is a lot to take in, and it is a lot to try to experiment with, all that is given. It does take some time to grasp the information supplied, for me at least, but I will say that I do love the Love Yourself subliminal audio, it does make me feel wonderful, but hard to describe the feeling; it gives one a peacefulness subconsciously – people have said that I look more radiant, whatever that means? Inside I feel somewhat content with being who I am. It hasn’t changed me per say as a person physically, I still do the things I do or have been doing, but I have a different outlook, maybe the bigger picture is becoming clearer.” -Sherry, Armada, MI

“I wanted to share with you something that happened today that I think is clearly a sign one of your subliminals is working. I have been listening to the Become a Stud subliminal, and today I was at work when a female co-worker was talking to me. What she said next, made me just smile and look in shock. She said something about women seeing me or seeing myself as a stud. Women flirt with me all the time and that is what she was doing at the time when she said that women see me as a stud.” -Chris, Phoenix, AZ
“It is pretty amazing how productivity has improved for my team…”

“Hi Stephen, I have to say I play daily the Forgive and Let Go Soundless Subliminal at the office, and a lot of the conflicts among my colleagues have been worked out (they are very surprised how well these past few weeks went for all of them!!!). I receive a lot of visits from people in my office that just want to feel a “peaceful environment.” Three people already have described my office that way, but a lot of others keep coming just to relax.

It is pretty amazing how productivity has improved for my team, around a 20% (I’m an engineer we measure a lot of things). We all used to be working until late, but since this week that has been the third week of constantly playing the subliminal message, we all finish our projects on time and leave the office with enough time left over to get together after work and share some friendly time. Important to tell you: no one knows, except for a friend, that they are constantly listening to the Forgive and Let Go subliminal messages.

I did not write anything before because It was not time; I had not played the subliminal message for enough time then. Thanks, you really changed a work environment in a time of crisis, where most people are stressed out. We all have a great time now and there is almost no fighting amongst our selves or with other people. We now have many more agreements and good negotiations and I’m pretty sure the recording has a lot to do with it.

If any of this feedback is useful to you, feel free to share it. I think you guys really holistically makeover not only people but the world around them. Thanks.” -Monica B., Mexico


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