Tag Archives: career

Finding Your Perfect Career

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One of the most common questions we receive is “What should I do for my career?”

Some are studying toward a degree and questioning if it’s right for them.

Some didn’t have parents or mentors who helped them develop interests other than TV, sports, or video games, or they were urged into unwanted careers.

Others want us to tell them what to do. They are so used to following directions and pleasing everyone that they have forgotten about their own inner needs and interests. This is an area where you need to be a bit selfish.

New Age “life purpose” marketing is popular today. For example, one “guru” says, “Knowing your life purpose is the first step to attracting great wealth and changing the world!”

Mythical assertions like this lead people to believe that their most fitting life purpose automatically leads to a high paying career. Unfortunately, we’ve found that not everyone is destined to have “the ideal job” and, or be rich. However, everyone has free will and can make the most of their circumstances, talents, and interests.

Many people are unhappily employed and have no idea what to do. Perhaps life has overwhelmed them, they are stuck in survival mode, and forgot about their passions and dreams.

Here are four tips if you don’t know what to do for a career:

1. As many successful people have said, follow your passions. What you “should” do, your highest path, will likely make your heart sing. Think deeply about what you’re passionate about, what you’re good at, and what you love to do. Somewhere in there lies what you “should” do with your life. Then your task is to figure out a way to make money with those things.

2. Learn to meditate. Then, ask these two questions every day in meditation: “What are my passions and talents and how can I use them to best serve myself and others?” “What is the next step for me in my quest for a fulfilling and successful career?”

3. Once you define a definite career direction, seek out a mentor who has been successful in a similar career.

Note: despite claims to the contrary by New Age marketers, not everyone is meant to be a self-employed entrepreneur. The rate of failure for American businesses, for example, is 90%. For on-line marketing, it’s 95%. It may be that you are best suited to be in a partnership, or even part of a large organization.

Keep in mind that your passion may need to remain a hobby while you pay your bills working a tolerable job. On the other hand, if you’re creative and it’s part of your path, you may be able to find a way to make money doing what you love. Also, sometimes you need to go through a longer process of trying different options, some of which may be needed to develop skills for a later career.

4. Comprehensive astrology and numerology, handwriting analysis, tarot and intuitive, and other types of readings can tell you a great deal about the career that is most suitable for you, and even give you significant clues about how or where to find it.

By the way, some people actually believe that to be truly spiritual you must provide “selfless service” and not put your interests ahead of others. If you want to be a martyr, fine, but we strongly discourage this because you can’t serve others in the best way you can unless you’re also serving yourself in some way.

Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Career Prospects Outlined Through Handwriting Analysis and Astrology

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An anxious client asked us if he would get a new job soon and if he was destined to be out of work for a while. He wanted to know when he would find a great new job. We told him the following and it will give you an idea of the mechanics of predictive work, along with some insight about handwriting analysis.

We can’t tell you the exact hour you will accept a good job offer, but we can tell you when things are more in your favor. Knowing when your timing is challenging or rewarding in relation to obtaining a new job gives you heightened perspective, as well as an edge in your job search.

The numerology and astrology timing charts don’t make things happen, but they do represent what is predestined; the types of circumstances, events, challenges and rewards that your soul sets up for your earthly personality.

Your timing for career and money success gets much better in the near future, so it looks as if you are destined to have a decent job. Six to eight months from now you’ll likely be securely employed. Just remember that it’s important to consistently take action (exercise free will) to manifest this strong probability; do what you have to do to get where you’d like to be.

Despite your numerology and astrology timing in most of the first quarter of the year being very challenging for acquiring a new job, you’ve already experienced the most trying energy and your career aspects throughout the rest of the year steadily improve. The best months for your career this year are July and September. In fact, we see dynamite career and money aspects for you in late summer of this year. Now, even if you knew nothing of your timing charts, you would have still encountered the same challenging energy during the first quarter and more rewarding energy during the rest of the year–that’s just “what is.” Being centered, detached and tapping into your intuition will help confirm the energy represented in your timing charts.

Based on the birth data you provided, it looks as if you were destined to experience a period without steady employment. There are reasons for everything; maybe this seemingly unfortunate period allowed you to more greatly value being employed, or perhaps you were supposed to focus on a different part of your life for a while. A change of career direction at this time looks to be part of your earthly plan as well. Meditate on the reasons for your current circumstances until you receive answers that feel right. The tools we offer on our web site can further assist you in getting your own answers.

Based on the handwriting sample you submitted (using the science of graphology and covering only some of your more relevant personality traits), you’re understandably fearful of the future, somewhat anxious, and currently frustrated about material interests.

It would also help you to know this about your subconscious personality: you’re not entirely comfortable with accepting abundance in your life. In other words, you sometimes  (subconsciously) block yourself from acquiring money and material things. Although you consciously want more money in your life, your subconscious is consistently saying, “…I’ll pass, I don’t deserve it.”

It would be wise to get in touch with this energy in order to open the door to more prosperity in your life. Simply knowing about it is a great start. Searching for clues about the root cause in meditation and past life regression could help resolve the issue.

On the positive side, your handwriting indicates remarkable stamina, determination and powerful analytical abilities, which will help you accomplish your career goals.

Copyright © 2004 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo