Tag Archives: fate vs. free will

Fate vs. Free Will–Tale of Three Spiritual Seekers

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The fate vs. free will debate involves three main points of view. Either you believe everything is fated, nothing is fated, or somewhere in between.

Below we outline the three general belief systems regarding fate vs. free will represented through three separate spiritual seekers.

1. The first seeker believes there’s nothing she can do to improve her lot in life. She contends that everything in her life is fated so why bother trying to make it better? Unfortunately, she’s also pessimistic and completely fatalistic.

Of morbid disposition, she spends her free time alone watching TV and hoping she has better circumstances in her next life.

Based on some of the feedback we receive, we’re misunderstood as this type of spiritual seeker. In truth, we’re very different from this type.

2. The second seeker is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the first seeker. He believes anything is possible, no matter what, and shuns the notions of personal fate, karma, and immutable personal adversity.

He is a regular inspirational seminar participant and his library is full of all the New Age best-sellers because the authors of those books, like him, mostly reject the idea of predetermination and immutable personal adversity. It’s all sunshine and rainbows; “You can do it!” We love inspiration, but only if it’s rooted in reality.

Unfortunately, this seeker eventually faces the real world when life happens to him. Circumstances beyond his control destroy his lofty ideals, he feels like a failure because he wasn’t able to create whatever he wanted, and he lives the rest of his life depressed, with a victim consciousness.

Those of this group who do manage to achieve great success display a lack of humility by insisting their will alone manifested their dreams, instead of humbly admitting it was also because fate and karma were on their side, this time.

3. The third seeker embraces the philosophy that most of the key circumstances and events in everyone’s life are fated, acknowledges that everyone has their own unique personal adversity and free will to react to it in a positive way, and that there are many things in life that you can’t change no matter how inspired you get.

But he plays the long game. He believes that those dreams he can’t manifest in this life may very well be reachable in future lives, so he keeps working hard and dreaming. He sees this life as one of many, just like the many years in your life. Keep striving, he believes, and he will get there, in time, and at the very least, reap other benefits along the way.

Being of detached mind and accepting what he can’t change, few things faze the third seeker. Ironically, he is more inspired than the second seeker, in part, because he sees this life as an enormous opportunity that many souls on the other side would like and is grateful for every single day.

Considering the philosophies of fate and reincarnation, in which more than half of the world’s population believes, are valid (these theories have yet to be invalidated), which spiritual seeker will get the most out of life? Clearly, the third one, in our view.

You have nothing to lose by embracing the philosophies of free will, predestination, and reincarnation (only the hopelessly idealistic reject the notion that everyone has unique, unavoidable personal adversity), but you do have much to lose if you take the hapless approach of the first two seekers.

Below we list three ways that will help you make the most of your spiritual journey.

1. Realize what you really want by getting to know yourself better, including your subconscious personality, which is outlined wonderfully by handwriting analysis. Subconscious memory exploration through hypnosis mp3s also works wonders. Once you have self-knowledge, including knowing your timing (outlined excellently by comprehensive astrology and numerology), you stop fighting the path most natural for you.

2. Take the essential steps to reach your goals and work on your discipline if necessary. Katharine Hepburn said, “Without discipline, there’s no life at all.” Your health, relationships of all types, work, and of course achieving your goals all require discipline. Meditation is a good practice that helps you increase your discipline. Subliminal MP3s for self-discipline can give you an extra push if you feel you need it.

3. Make time to dream every day, without limits. We call it “dream-castling” and you can be as outrageous as you want–it’s your imagination. While always keeping in mind your realistic everyday and long-term goals, go wild with your imagination about what things would be like in the best-case scenario.

For example, say you want to write a best-selling book. Imagine what it would be like to help people with what you’ve learned (the hard way). Think of what it would feel like to sell millions of books and improve countless lives, and of course enjoy the money and credibility that would come with it.

While you may not be able to achieve every extravagant desire in this life, there’s always your next life, and what matters most is the experience and what you learn along the way.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge, make the most of your fate, and dream big.  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

How Much Choice Do You Really Have? — Fate vs. Free Will

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We would agree that everyone has at least some choice in life but we feel that most “choose” to do that which aligns with their fate regardless of how much decision-making power they think they have. As outlined in previous columns, our belief is that everyone has far more power of choice in spirit form before they incarnate.

Our view is that people generally don’t change and that at least 75% of personal circumstances and events for everyone are predestined. If people did change, nobody would remain as they are and nobody would match the myriad of personality traits, events, and circumstances symbolized (quite clearly through comprehensive methods if the analyst is going about it correctly) in their numerology and astrology charts. We’ve observed, time and time again, that people don’t ever “choose” to do something that’s out of line with who they are as defined by in-depth numerology and astrology charting, even if they’re unaware of their charts.

Some might call us “fatalists,” and incorrectly label our positions as overly-cynical and void of “promise,” but please understand that we are simply relaying the results of our research. If the idea of predestination discourages you in any way, know that you have the ability to “get what you want,” on a personality and ego-self level at least some of the time, as long as the desired result doesn’t conflict with your earthly path.

For example, your fate might deny you enduring sizzling romance with your spouse; but you apply your free will, decide to make the most of your connection by emphasizing the rewarding parts and therefore enrich your life through the expression of gratitude.

Those who have patterns in the comprehensive charts symbolizing the following random traits or circumstance, for example, will “choose” to behave a certain way (at the appropriate time, indicated by the timing charts) that supports the manifestation of a related event, regardless of whether or not they believe in fate.




*Family oriented


*Sexually assertive

*Partnership oriented

*Spiritually disciplined

*Friendship oriented










Furthermore, people whose primary motivation is recognition, for instance, will “choose” the options that offer them the most fame and recognition, and they will have the opportunity to manifest it if it’s their destined path.

People who are naturally highly motivated by money will “choose” the path with the highest compensation, and will manifest amounts in accordance with their fate, considering they act on their inborn desire, which they invariably do. People who have great lifetime money aspects in their comprehensive charts will “choose” the path where they make a lot more money than most people.

Alternatively, people who have very challenging lifetime money aspects in their comprehensive charts will “choose” the path where they don’t acquire much money, or they will acquire money and then lose some or all of it by “choosing” ill-advised, high-risk investments, for example.

Those who have aspects in their comprehensive charts for having happy family relationships will “choose” to do things that encourage that. People who have aspects in their comprehensive charts for having unhappy family relationships will “choose” to do things that promote those circumstances.

People who have not-so-great love karma will repeatedly “choose” partners who cheat on them or who are otherwise unreliable.

People who have strong addiction aspects (food, alcohol, drugs, etc.) will “choose” to overindulge, again and again.

Emotionally needy people (as easily discerned through handwriting analysis) will “choose” to never be alone by “choosing” to either stay complacently in a relationship that is over, or by leaving a connection as soon as they find someone else with whom they can form a relationship.

Hollywood actors who have great lifetime fame and recognition aspects will “choose” the path that allows them to become famous. Hollywood actors who have terrible fame and recognition aspects will “choose” the path that provides them relative obscurity. People who have great fame aspects, along with “fall from grace” aspects, will “choose” the paths that allow for fame and also infamy.

It’s good to assertively direct your energy toward goal achievement, but even the most goal oriented and motivated person will admit that often life seems to “happen to” them. Circumstances beyond your control will nudge and often times push you in the predestined direction. The best anyone can do is to make the most of themselves and their fate, strive for self-awareness, change what they can, accept what they can’t change, and stay open for clues about the next best step in all areas of life.

Yes, everyone has the power to choose, but they invariably “choose” what feels right, and what feels right is consistently in harmony with their fate.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Elephant is an Elephant–Personal Fate is Set in Stone

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We applaud those who get inspired, think positively, and work hard to create the life they want. Hopefully, they are realistic and their desires and expectations are part of their destined path so that their efforts will make their dreams come true.

As we’ve outlined previously, through much comprehensive empirical research* since 1992, we’ve come to understand that you can’t cheat fate and avoid predestined events and circumstances in your life.

Yes, everyone has free will to think positively, be inspired, make the most of their destiny, and react to fate, but this doesn’t change fate in the present life. It only helps to deal with it better.

Many “experts” saying that nothing in life is predestined reminds us of the famous parable of the blind men and the elephant. It displays what results from a limited and cursory perspective.

In this story there are six men who are blind. Together they encounter an elephant for the first time and each gives his analysis of the creature. Their interpretations are based on the particular part of the elephant they happen to touch.

The first blind man touches the animal’s sturdy side and says the elephant is like a wall.

The second blind man feels the elephant’s sharp tusk and declares the elephant to be like a great spear.

The third blind man grabs the trunk and, with positive authority, announces that elephants are like snakes.

The fourth blind man slides his hands along the elephant’s knee and says that clearly an elephant can be best described as a tree.

The fifth blind man examines the elephant’s waving ear, and is convinced that the elephant is some sort of fan.

The sixth blind man grasps the elephant’s swinging tail and claims that an elephant is like a rope.

Each is partly right since they made contact with one part of the whole. However, they are all wrong because in their blindness they failed to comprehend the creature in its entirety.

*Our objective study and long-term application of a great many cyclical timing methods including those of comprehensive predictive numerology and astrology (other than simple modern numerological cycles and modern astrological non-continuous cycles such as transits and progressions) regularly and constantly have displayed to us that personal fate is measurable.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo