Tag Archives: ghosts

Demonic Possession and Lost Souls–Responses To Critics

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Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive.

Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept these concepts, based on our objective findings.

We share what we’ve learned to help you cut through the misunderstandings and misinformation and avoid the serious problems related to the issues.

Below we list feedback from three anonymous individuals, along with our commentary.

Comment #1:

“Your teachings are not very accurate. ‘Ask for help from God, your guides, or angels of the Light’? Obviously, you’re spouting New Age nonsense. In reality, God does not tell you to ask for help from angels or spirit guides because that is a way to become possessed by demons. Angels won’t listen to you. They will only listen to God. Clearly, you don’t know the One True God. Nobody is haunted by ‘lost souls,’ those are demons! Only the One True God can help you. Read the Torah and you’ll know.”

Comment #2:

“It’s doubtful you can help yourself with demonic possession or lost souls, as you put it. Only a properly trained exorcist with the Catholic cloak, crucifix, rosary, bible, and the help of saints can help those who are possessed.”

While we recognize that organized religion can be wonderfully beneficial for many people, other-dimensional entities including demons, lost souls, and angels are not religiously sanctioned, and predate today’s organized religions.

The belief in angels can be found in almost every culture in recorded history, and shamans and sorcerers of countless cultures have performed depossessions.

For example, over 6000 years ago Sumerians carved human-like beings with wings into stone, Sumerian priests performed exorcisms, and the Sumerians recited protection prayers, as depicted on cuneiform clay tablets.

Once you are well informed about these topics, it’s perfectly safe to do your own depossessions with the help of higher-level spirit guides (who are always willing to help if you ask!), though you can always seek the help of an expert.

Comment #3:

“I don’t believe in spirits, ghosts, demons, god or any of that stuff. I’m an atheist. Science has proven you do not know what you’re talking about. The unknown happens and your imagination takes over, that’s all it is. Gullible people see scary movies then re-create the horrors in their life out of a need for excitement or even from being crazy. The only way to get your brain to stop creating delusions is to get the right medication and go through therapy.”

We tend to view those who worship science while simultaneously attacking spirituality and religion, proclaiming their superiority over those who believe in God, other-dimensional beings, and metaphysical concepts, as conceited, bigoted miscreants who deny evidence of the unseen from countless cultures around the world that date back to the beginning of recorded history.

If you can’t touch it or prove it within the rigid confines of modern science, it doesn’t exist, say the skeptics. Scientists today focus on technological advances including sending spacecraft to other planets and other mundane concerns, which is rightfully their domain.

Inaccurately contending that (dogmatic) conventional scientific method applies to everything, including concerns beyond the material world, is not scientific.

Demons, disembodied souls, and the topic of possession may seem irrational or frightening, but there’s nothing to fear once you realize it’s simply a matter of protecting yourself from misplaced energy that needs to be sent to the Light.

See other columns on the topic here: https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/category/spirit-possession/

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package shows you how to protect yourself spiritually, even against demonic energy. If you’re feeling depressed, angry, fearful, or having a tough time quitting bad habits and addictions, our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 and the new Spiritual Detox™ Script can help.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Questions for Psychics: Ghosts, Mediumship and Spirit Guides

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How can I communicate with loved ones who have crossed over, you ask?

The loss of a loved one is always difficult. It’s only natural to want to contact them and continue communication.

We believe loved ones who cross over do check in with those they left behind from time to time, and they are often there for you when you need them, even if you can’t sense their presence.

The trouble is, however, that most of us are not conditioned at an early age to be open to communication from those who have crossed over, and to identify it. Even though many may be beamed messages from the other side frequently, most people don’t acknowledge the signs.

In our experience, only those who are open-minded and, or spiritually sensitive can perceive this type of communication. Regular meditation can help those who are less sensitive, who are open to the possibility, to receive some insight.

If you want to receive communication from your loved ones who have crossed over, start by meditating daily. Getting into the practice of being centered and in touch with your higher-self will allow you to eventually be more aware of the spirit world. If you are disciplined enough to meditate regularly, you’ll also find you’ll be reaping the many benefits of this practice, such as being more relaxed and intuitive.

We believe that many of the rewards found through spiritual disciplines such as meditation demand at least some sacrifice, such as reducing your TV time. But the sacrifice seems like nothing once you begin to gain the benefits of your discipline.

Spend some quiet time alone with no distractions. Visualize yourself surrounded with a bright, white Light, or pretend the sun is shining brightly down upon you. Breath deeply, focus your attention on your heart or third eye area, and if you have trouble emptying your mind of thoughts, try imagining transferring all those preoccupations into an imaginary basket sitting next to you. Just say, “OK, I’ll get back to all of this after I meditate.” Then count from 1-100 until you begin to feel more relaxed. Perceive the numbers in your mind, or better yet, imagine them appearing on your chest plate or third eye area as you maintain your focus on that spot.

The more intently you focus, the easier you will get into a meditative state. You’ll get better with practice and eventually be able to gain insight about your questions.

You also may be able to communicate in your dreams with loved ones who have crossed over. Before bed, relax and think about the good times you and your loved one shared. Be grateful. Talk with him or her and share your questions or anything else that’s on your mind. Then ask for help in becoming aware of their presence in your dreams and recalling those dreams. Also ask for help from God or whomever you pray to and in time you may be able to be more perceptive of spirit communication. It’s also a good idea to immerse yourself in protective white Light, a cocoon of soothing, healing energy, before falling asleep to help you sleep better.

Is there a ghost in my home, you ask?

It’s much easier for us to offer a professional opinion on such matters by being physically in the location, but based on what someone tells us, sometimes it can be pretty obvious that a lost soul is hanging out in their home or workplace.

Sometimes it’s the result of someone dying in the home or area years ago and never going to “the Light.” Other times the resident unknowingly allows a lost soul into their home.

Fortunately, this problem is relatively easy to fix. One option is to send the spirit to the Light. Check out the book The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore. Aside from being an easy read that describes how and why lost souls can interfere with your life, there’s also an effective script in the back of the book you can read aloud which will help send lost souls on their way.

What is my spirit guide’s name and how can I communicate with them, you ask?

By design, you lack a continuous, direct line to your spirit guides, one that would always allow you to get the right answer instantaneously. Why, you ask? Because it would be too easy to skip the challenges in life, which amount to your earthly lessons.

But we believe many of you, especially if you have an active interest in metaphysics, are predetermined to be able to receive at least some other-dimensional guidance (such as through meditation), thereby gaining enough insight to help make wiser choices in life and shortening the learning curve a little bit.

Rather than attempting to link to a spirit guide, who might not be entirely helpful or even of the Light, go within to tap into your Higher-self, or God. We believe you can receive all the help you need (within reason) if you discipline yourself to tune into this stream of truth, the language of spirit. Don’t expect reams of information, like you’re listening to a speech, but do expect subtle hints, phrases, images, scents, symbols, and emotional impressions. If you pay attention and get into a meditative state of mind, with regular practice you’ll perceive what you need, when you need it.

Copyright © 2009 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spirits in my Room at Night

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Many people have told us that they sometimes wake up at night and see, what appears to be, spirits in their bedroom.

There are several possible explanations for this experience.

The spirits may be lost souls who, after their physical bodies died, have not yet gone to “the Light.” Perhaps the deaths occurred nearby, or they simply follow some people home. This is more likely if you work in a hospital, live near a cemetery, or have recently visited either.

If this was the case, audibly telling them to “go to the Light” will help direct them to a better place as will asking your guides of the Light to help with the process.

They may have been souls (yours included) who are back from the future to see how things are progressing with you. We don’t have a lot of explanation for this one, but we think it’s possible and feel we’ve experienced it ourselves.

They may have been spirit guides checking in with you.

They may be the souls of people sleeping, or temporarily away from their bodies for some other reason, and something attracted them to you.

It’s fairly common to feel like there are souls or spirits in the same room with you. Though many mean well, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep when they drop by for a visit. It can help to clear and protect yourself and your bedroom by visualizing healing, white light before bed if you don’t want to be bothered.

Finally, this type of experience could involve some mischievous entities. They’re usually more bothersome, like bratty children, than dangerous, so there’s not much to fear if this is the case. Ask your guides of the Light for protection and surround your home and yourself nightly with white Light.

The practice of surrounding one’s self with white light has much to do with the power of intent; if you believe you’re protected, you are more likely to be protected.

We regularly have experiences related to what you’ve described.

One experience occurred in Miami during the first night Stephen was living in his new apartment. He was awakened at 3 AM feeling like someone was placing their hand on his leg. He turned on the light but no one was there, so he meditated and perceived a man in his late 20s who had died of a drug overdose in the apartment. He sensed the entity was scared and unsure of where to go. Stephen called in his guides of the Light, the young man’s guides of the Light, and guided him into the Light.

A few days later, Stephen checked with the apartment management and found out that the last apartment occupant, a man in his late 20s, had in fact died in the apartment, but management didn’t know the cause.

A second experience occurred in Los Angeles. Many times for over a year, Stephen was awakened in the middle of the night feeling that an older woman was standing in the doorway of his bedroom. Since this type of experience is common for Stephen, it didn’t bother him much, but he knew it was best for her (and him) to move on. On several occasions, he used sage, his guides, and white light to clear the space and help her go to the light, but she didn’t seem to want to leave.

Eventually Stephen stopped sensing her presence and recently happened to ask his neighbor if the previous occupant had died in his home. The neighbor’s eyes got very wide and he asked why, and Stephen told him about the night-time visitations. He said that yes, an older woman who used to live there had a stroke and died. He described the woman and Stephen felt that this very well might have been the soul of the same woman he was sensing.

While talking with his neighbor (who is a writer for TV sitcoms) about sensing the former occupant’s spirit, Stephen was joking about it, which seemed to startle the man even more than how Stephen knew that an older woman had died in the home. Hollywood is known for portraying death, the unseen planes, and other metaphysical topics as scary and even evil.

However, to Stephen, they’re neither scary nor evil, just a part of life.

Copyright © 2006 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo