Tag Archives: metaphysics

When to Keep Quiet About Your Metaphysical Beliefs

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Long gone are the days when someone could easily be committed to a mental institution, or worse, simply for speaking up about their ability to perceive auras, past lives, or the future. Thank God. More and more people are receptive to metaphysical subjects, but still, you need to watch what you say. Not everyone will understand, and some will even use the information against you.

Friends and Acquaintances

It’s likely you have friends who are involved with metaphysics if you are too. However, for those who aren’t, remember that it’s not necessary for all friends to have the same beliefs. Accept your differences and respect that they might not want to hear about the ghost in your new home.


The non-believers in your family likely already think your metaphysical beliefs are crazy, so there’s no point in trying to convince them of your viewpoint. Try not to judge them for judging you. They are who they are and it’s okay to have a different viewpoint. Even if they are rude, be the adult and let it go. If they bring up the subject, it’s usually best to keep it brief rather than launch into a detailed description of how grandma visited you after her death. After they die they’ll realize you were on to something, but in the meantime avoid conflict by surrendering any desire to change their thinking.

Occasionally saying a few words about various goings on from a spiritual standpoint is harmless, and will at least make you feel like your voice is not totally shut down. If you’re lucky enough to have a receptive relative with whom you can discuss metaphysical subjects, save it for them.

Coworkers and Your Employer

Caution about sharing your views with coworkers. Even an innocent conversation about your past life visions of you and your coworkers as slaves on a plantation in 1753 could come back to whip your ass. Keep your visions to yourself unless a coworker is as metaphysically inclined, and even then it’s usually better to say only what you’d say in front of the entire staff, including your boss. Make sure to use your metaphysical talents to your great advantage in the workplace, covertly (and for the highest good of all involved, of course), to protect yourself and improve your job performance.


Hold your tongue for the first few dates if you think there may be chemistry and compatibility, and after that tread carefully. Your metaphysical interests are only a small part of who you are, and it would be a shame for a potential love interest to drop you in the very early stages of a relationship just because they don’t understand.

On the other hand, if they are rigidly closed off to even the most universally accepted metaphysical concepts, and insist that your convictions are “wrong,” this may not be a match made in heaven. If you find yourself on a date with someone you’d rather not spend time with again, speak your mind and pour it on! They will likely do you the favor of discontinuing the interaction.

Strangers You Encounter

Let your freak flag fly around strangers, especially those you’ll likely never see again! We’re not recommending that you act radically or anti-social, but you may find yourself occasionally giving spontaneous, important messages to strangers, just what they need to hear at the time, and not even realize the importance of what you’ve said and the impact it made. You might serve them perfectly and even plant an important seed of insight that stays with them for years.

Follow the advice above and you’ll have greater peace of mind and suffer less strife in your personal and professional relationships.

Copyright © 2013 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

The Trivialization of Metaphysics Trap

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Avoid this trap at all costs: Denying the fact that innate challenges and harsh realities of life exist in various and unique forms for everyone, many of which are unalterable, and instead exclusively embracing frivolous renderings of astrology, number mysticism, palmistry or other ancient disciplines that include warped philosophies which promise you the moon.

This course of action is ultimately detrimental to your best interest because it can lead to grave disappointment, and wasted time and money. Aside from temporarily inspiring you, similar to a sugar high while binging on sweets, getting caught in this trap can interfere with your goals, delay their attainment, and cause you to forfeit some of your authentic, higher-self aspirations while you chase rainbows.

Forcing a metaphysical practice such as astrology, which in its most authentic form is about character assessment and the outlining of personal fate (e.g. prediction), into a motivational, superficial format, where practitioners make it almost purely about inspiration (in the pursuit of their financial gain), would cause the celebrated ancients, if alive today, to demand that they be put on trial for fraud.

If You’ve Fallen Into This Trap, You’re Not Alone

Many have made this mistake for one main reason: They think to themselves, for example, “Well, if she’s on the radio and featured in major press, she should be able to solve my problems, right?” Unfortunately, wrong. Countless consumers have confused clever marketing, the ability to get good press (i.e., paying for it in one way or another, in the majority of cases), and a talent for motivational speaking with the ability to provide solutions to their problems.

Here’s a quote from a New Age marketer, one who sells inspirational seminars: “You can overcome anything–any obstacle–to achieve anything you want. It all comes down to your choices. Only the choices you make determine your success, and I will empower you to be on the right path to success. And only you can predict your future. I would never do you such a disservice like putting a prediction in your head about your future that would preoccupy and distract you. That isn’t empowering at all.”

Imagine if you took your car in to be serviced and the auto mechanic said to you, “I’m not going to put an idea in your head of something that’s wrong with your car, so that you’ll obsess over it. Instead, you’ll pay me $5000.00 for a 2-day seminar where we’ll sing the praises of your car and make it the best year of your car’s life!”

That isn’t “empowering.”

When a disciple fails, unfortunately, the inspirational coach tells them, “Well, you had the right attitude, but you just made some wrong choices.”

Realize that choice and attitude aren’t the only quotients. There are many equally talented, wise, proactive, and prudent private equity pros, for example, but the most financially successful ones, in our view, have worked lifetimes to get to where they are now.

Look, we’re all for inspiration (if grounded in reality), dreams, and excitement about making your life the best it can be, but if there’s something you need to face squarely, wouldn’t you rather deal with it so you can move on instead of planting your head in the sand?

How to Escape the Trap

It’s not easy to back out of the primrose path of illusion once you’ve been wandering down it for a while. It can be distressing to face the truth, but you can do it.

First, refuse to buy into wild promises. Everything has a price; financially or otherwise. A long list of glowing testimonials might very well indicate that the person selling something she says you desperately need is merely creatively entrepreneurial in collecting and implementing them (such as through select “master-mind” groups, where members strategize and post rave reviews on each other’s websites); the hype and insincerity bleeds through once you peel away the veneer.

The self-congratulatory inspirational marketers proclaim things such as “See, look what I’ve achieved–if you follow my advice you can achieve anything!” But if their primary source of revenue is from conducting seminars and doing paid inspirational speeches, yet they haven’t seemed to have made big money doing what they teach, assume something is amiss (and wonder if they even have a conscience).

By all means, if you find an inspirational coach or marketer who has a great track record regarding helping people become more successful, go for it. Just keep it in perspective; nobody can help you side-step reality and cheat your personal fate no matter how much you pay them.

We recommend you focus heavily on seeking self-knowledge, which is gained through disciplines such as astrology, number mysticism, meditation, past life regression, and others. In becoming aware of your personal fate, life lessons, and your true self you’ll stop going after unrealistic, unachievable goals, and will be able to fully capitalize on your strengths and favorable timing.

Wouldn’t you rather have the peace of mind that self-knowledge fosters, and even be able to prepare more thoroughly for life’s challenges, than ignorantly assume that you lack any limits whatsoever and that reaching all your dreams is only an expensive seminar away?

Strive to become more aware of yourself and your highest path so you can spend time and energy creating that which is in line with your destiny and you’ll never get caught in this common trap again.

Copyright © 2009 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Astrology, Numerology & Religion – Practicing Metaphysics Isn’t Sinful

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Rather than embracing religious or spiritual teachings blindly, question what you read or hear and consider other viewpoints.

For those who claim that metaphysical practices such as astrology and numerology are sinful, we recommend reading “The Christian Conspiracy,” by Dr. L. David Moore, who is a life-long Christian. Dr Moore outlines the Vatican political process of cannon selection (the editing of the Bible) that took place for 500 years after the death of Jesus. Some principles made the cut, many others were thrown out, and all decisions were based on the opinions of a religious group attempting to make their organization the most popular and powerful.

Dr Moore writes, “The major point to be understood is that the Old Testament upon which so much of early Christianity depended in order to have a historical basis and to become legitimized, didn’t officially exist until well after Christianity had been established and even after much of what later became the New Testament had been written. In addition, one major reason for establishing the Old Testament as canon was because during the first century C.E., Christianity was distorting the historical record in order to enhance their own new religion.”

Surely one recognizes the strong potential in the production process of the Bible for many spiritual truths to be overlooked and even avoided altogether.

Also, historical evidence points to the idea that the manufacturing of Christianity involved borrowing heavily from Pagan and other ancient spiritual philosophies (many were distorted to suit the Church’s views).

Regarding the fear of demonic possession by exploring metaphysical practices, practicing any form of spirituality (including organized, traditional ones)  from a base of fear can lower your vibration and make you more susceptible to negative energy.

Dr Moore goes on to say, “In addition to the extensive editing and rewrites of the Bible, there was the influence of the Inquisition or the Holy Calling (1231–1820). This was established by the Papacy to punish anyone who expressed a belief in reincarnation or practiced anything metaphysical that would threaten the universal control of the Church. They proclaimed these beliefs as the work of the devil and any believers were sent to dungeons, tortured, or burned to death.” Fear of persecution in many ways still exists today.

There are many different ways to connect with spirit: Meditation, prayer, attending religious or spiritual services, spending time in nature, making love, enjoying a good meal, and many others. If your preferred method is legal, it works for you, and if you’ve done your homework to make sure it isn’t hurting you or anyone else, go for it.

Copyright © 2004 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spirituality, Occult & Metaphysics – Gullibility or Awareness?

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Some people may be too quick to accept metaphysical theories and methods without much consideration. Unfortunately, blind acceptance doesn’t usually lead to complete comprehension.

Most people who advocate various metaphysical concepts don’t automatically accept new theories. For many, having faith in an idea that can’t be proved or disproved such as reincarnation involves questioning, considering various explanations, applying the idea to their own life and the lives of others, and looking at other possibilities. Only then, after finding no good reason to discount it, will they accept it.

With an unbiased attitude, diligent research, and intuitive awareness, truth is uncovered.

An example is the past life regression therapist who does many regressions, being careful to remain objective, while compiling impressions and details about his clients’ past lives. Many, many cases offer explicit, verifiable details about distant, even ancient cultures such as types of societal standards like common marriage arrangement particulars, and even specific addresses and descriptions of particular houses and places of employment. Do these things prove reincarnation? No. Does it prove reincarnation when the hypnotized client begins speaking in a foreign language, one previously completely unknown (in this life)? Again, no, but it sure lends a lot of corroboration for supportive theories of reincarnation.

Ironically, it’s frequently those who condemn the belief in metaphysical concepts who display gullibility, believing misinformation (such as that of the organized religion they follow) all too readily without bothering to do their own objective research.

More and more people are opening up to alternative spiritual theories. It’s not too surprising that books like “The Da Vinci Code,” by Dan Brown are best-sellers today.

That which is looked upon by one generation as the apex of human knowledge is often considered an absurdity by the next, and that which is regarded as a superstition in one century, may form the basis of science for the following one. –Paracelsus

Copyright © 2004 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo