Tag Archives: negative karma

Freedom From Negative Karma – 10 Tips

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Would you like to live a life that is void of problems related to money, love, family, or career?

Some New Age “gurus” claim to be able to clear karma. Our findings show that notion to be pure fantasy.

“Change or create your destiny,” some say, not understanding it doesn’t work like that.

Our empirical evidence indicates that almost everyone has good and bad karma, and you usually need to live through difficult experiences, which are often but not always karmic, in order to learn. This is the essence of the meaning of life, in our view.

Challenges and rewards in this life have been earned in previous lives or agreed to before incarnating. They don’t happen by chance and are not given out randomly by some higher power.

You can’t simply skip out on your difficult karma in this life. You can, however, create a future existence for yourself that has far fewer difficult, karmic circumstances. Even if you don’t believe in reincarnation or that you’ll live future lives, the following ten tips will also help improve your present life.

10 Ways to Reduce Your Future Negative Karma

1) Do what’s best for yourself, and also for the highest good of all involved, but avoid self-sacrifice, as well as excessive selfishness since both create bad karma.

2) Do the right thing in all situations, even if it means growing a pair and breaking with the crowd.

3) Always be honest with yourself and others. An occasional white lie to protect someone else doesn’t count.

4) Pay your dues and put in the time now so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor later.

5) Refrain from judging others just because they have a different skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, gender, belief, religion or are of a different class or income. It doesn’t matter what your religious, political or community leader told you about a certain group of people. Treating everyone with respect, no matter how different, does. If you can set aside the criticism, put yourself in another person’s position, attempt to understand and feel compassion for them, you are way ahead in the game of karma.

6) Forgive everyone, including yourself, for everything. This includes people who are or were close to you, and people you’ve never even met. Any grudges will add to your collection of karma.

7) Never retaliate if someone mistreats you. Yes, you should always stand up for and protect yourself, and self-defense is perfectly acceptable, but starting a battle will only cause you more problems in the future.

8) Take responsibility for all your circumstances and actions. If you look at the big picture, you really can’t blame anyone but yourself.

9) Do what you can to help others, even in seemingly insignificant ways. A kind word or gesture can make someone’s day or even change their life.

10) Be who you are. This includes sharing your talents, skills and interests with the world, and letting go of or powering through the fear and living your life as you feel instead of as expected. The world needs you more as you are than as you are “supposed” to be.

No one is perfect and you likely wouldn’t be here if you were. But striving to live your life without creating negative karma and living by the “golden rule,” treating others as you want to be treated, will create a better present and future life, perhaps even one filled with rewards.

Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Is Your Bias Creating Negative Karma?

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John Edwards, the famous medium, was recently asked in an interview if there are heated arguments about politics and other issues on the “other side.” He said he doesn’t believe there are, and that on the other side, it’s all about unconditional love and respect.

We would like to add to his response that, based on our experience and research, since souls on the other side are free of earthly personalities, they are also not biased.

Why Souls Are Different From Personalities

Souls do not need to justify away any negative behavior or rhetoric because it’s absent from their existence, due to the fact that there is no ego. After leaving their bodies and returning to the other side, souls see things as they really are instead of through the emotional filter of a lifetime (and past lives) of scars, pain, and fears.

For example, if souls on the other side were watching a debate, they would not pick sides based on what is in it for them, as many people do. How often have you watched someone get very emotional within a debate or argument, unable to be objective, because of their ingrained and immutable bias and heavy feelings about the issue?

Instead, dis-incarnate souls would hope that the truth on both sides would come out and that the “right thing” would prevail. The “right thing” isn’t always “morally correct,” or “good.” It’s what is meant to happen, what each individual is destined to experience based on their own karma, which is based on their actions in the (usually) distant past.

In a political debate about income taxes, for example, one group wants those who make more to pay a much greater percentage than those who make less. The other group believes that it’s not fair that the “rich” are penalized for making more money, or that the top income earners pay 90% of the income taxes.

Souls on the other side, who no longer have a connection to either side of the debate, would hope that the needy and those who are unable to help themselves are taken care of (as most, if not all people on both sides of the debate do), but at the same time, they understand personal responsibility and karma; it’s not the responsibility of those who make more to take care of everyone who makes less, and both sides have earned their aptitudes, abilities, life circumstances and conditions based on their (mostly past life) actions.

There’s no need to implement “social justice,” taking from those who have more and giving to those who have less, since we live in a perfectly fair world when you look at the big picture through past lives, predestination, and karma. Focus on your own charitable contributions, not other people’s.

Let’s consider the common case of a man leaving his wife for another woman. Most men may side with the man, and most woman may want the wife to “take him to the cleaners.”

However, souls would see the spiritual side; the couple was no longer a good match, their union had expired years before, and the wife did the same thing to him in a previous incarnation.

Since most people who live on Earth view life through their personal, yet frequently mentally and, or emotionally tainted perspective, biased viewpoints abound.

Which hot topics or groups are you biased about? Income taxes? Abortion? Gay marriage? Liberals or conservatives? Religious or agnostics? Rich or poor? White, black, Hispanic, or Asian? Americans, Europeans or Indian? Old or young? Married or single?

It’s okay to feel passionate about an issue or to be cautious with a group with which you’ve had negative experiences. But if you unfairly judge or act against someone because of your bias, you will need to balance it in future lifetimes.

Do you really want to incarnate as a disadvantaged person of the group you despise, or as the harshly negative image you project onto another? You don’t need to agree with a different viewpoint, but instead of judging, try to be fair and objective and understand their perspective.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo