Tag Archives: New Age Dogma

Spiritual Truth–Thoughts Create Only Some of Your Reality

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You’ve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind.

In the real world, you’ll find it’s not so simple.

While we are strong proponents of positive thinking and we believe you can make the most of your life by changing what you can and how you view that which you can’t change, conscious thought is only part of what influences your life.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Just think positive thoughts.

One major problem with it is your subconscious mind. We’ve learned a tremendous amount over the years about how the subconscious mind works through our study of handwriting analysis, hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression. Your subconscious mind will generate thoughts all on its own through the ever present, hidden fears, defenses, and biases. You can detach from those thoughts through meditation, and work with them through hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression, but since the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, it’s not always possible to rise above them.

The process of thinking positive thoughts also competes with what your heart, intuition, or higher-self actually believes or knows to be true.

For example, if you’re intuiting that there’s no way you’re going to change your boss’s mind, and that’s how it turned out in the end, thinking positive thoughts is futile, unless the positive thoughts are for accepting what you can’t change and working instead on what you can change.

Below we ask seven questions that indicate thinking positive thoughts only creates some of your reality.

1. Did children in the hospital (or their parents) battling terminal diseases create that reality through their thinking?

2. Did Syrian war refugees create their current reality through their thinking?

3. Did rape victims think about rape too much, thus manifest it?

4. Will preaching mind over matter to a paranoid schizophrenic cure her of her mental disease?

5. Did generations of poor people in developing nations think their way into poverty?

6. Did a lack of happy thoughts create a record high murder rate in the summer of 2015 in the city of Chicago?

7. Are plane crashes the result of too many passengers not thinking positive thoughts about arriving safely at their destination?

Our long-term findings show that positive thinking, although important, takes a back seat to the unforeseen and predestined (positive and negative) events and circumstances in your life. No matter what you think, you can work with fate, but you can’t cheat it.

We’re asked sometimes why we focus on fate to the extent that we do. We want you to avoid being unexpectedly disappointed or hurt by the sometimes vicious hand of fate, and we frown on New Age opportunists selling escapist myths packaged as truth.

It may seem depressing at first, but in order to make the most of your life, you need to first do four things:

1. Avoid the “anything is possible, you can do anything” mind-set, beyond the occasional daydreaming or “dream-castling” about your aspirations and goals. Why? Because when you are at least moderately realistic about your goals, you’ll avoid wasting time and setting yourself up for major disappointment, or worse.

2. Accept that there are many things in your life that you can’t change, such as how others think and act. Whatever it is you want to manifest through conscious creation and, or the law of attraction, if your goal depends on the behavior of others, think again. You may be able to persuade a million people to buy your new software app if that type of success is part of your predestination, but if not, it won’t happen (or if it does you’ll eventually experience a reversal of fortune), and there’s nothing spiritual about attempting to control and manipulate others.

3. Get to know yourself. Self-knowledge, including your subconscious strengths, fears, and defenses (which are outlined superbly by handwriting analysis), along with your timing (which is outlined terrifically by comprehensive astrology and numerology), allows you to prepare for life’s inevitable challenges and get the most out of the rewarding phases in your life.

4. Make an effort to react to people and events as positively (or neutrally) as you can whenever possible. Strive to remain detached and compassionate. This will help to stop creating any additional difficult karma for the future.

The notion that thoughts create 100% of your reality is deceptively comforting. Like all delusions, you’ll find that it eventually crashes against the rocks of reality. Children like to believe that Santa can leave whatever they want under the tree, but eventually they grow out of that fantasy.

Alas, you can prepare for life’s challenges and make the most of your fate, and it’s up to you how you view that which you can’t change.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge and make the most of your fate  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

5 Major New Age, Spiritual Mistakes

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Virtually everybody ends up wasting time somewhere along the line in their pursuit of spiritual awareness because the path is replete with pitfalls.

Don’t feel bad if you’ve taken a time consuming detour down a spiritual dead-end street. You’re not alone.

Below we list some of the most common New Age blunders.

1. Buying into the myth that personal adversity doesn’t have to exist, that it’s not necessary for spiritual growth. You’ve likely been exposed to New Age offerings telling you that “You were born only to enjoy life and to end suffering.” As nice as it sounds, don’t buy it. Life is full of important lessons and some of the most important spiritual breakthroughs come through personal adversity. Besides, if life was constantly and forever rainbows and sunshine, you would quickly become so bored that your subconscious would generate some sort of drama and conflict to make you feel alive. The good news is that you have free will within the confines of your fate and you can diminish the effects of suffering through acceptance, gratitude, and awareness.

2. Embracing the feel-good, yet bogus New Age claims, such as “I’ve found my soul mate and you can too in 90 days or less.” Authentic love–unconditional love-has nothing to do with deadlines and legal contracts. Real love happens when it’s supposed to happen, not in accordance with ego-self ideals, and everyone has different love life timing. Also, you have many soul mates and our findings clearly show that most are not meant to be life-long or the most desirable type, but the sort that help the most in your spiritual growth (read: challenging relationships).

3. Avoiding meditation or time alone spent in reflection. Isn’t it funny that in Western society today it’s so common for people to express disbelief at the idea of enjoying spending extended periods of time in solitude? “Like, OMG, what would you do?!” Spending regular periods alone is important to your spiritual growth, as is regular meditation. The inner landscape can be infinitely more compelling than the outer world.

4. Mistaking New Age inspiration, such as “you can delete all of your karma in a blink of an eye, all you have to do is believe that you can” for spiritual truth. Look, we’re all for inspiration and getting inspired (did you know that initiates in select ancient mystery schools would shout “I am inspired!” on cue?), but it better be rooted in truth or you’re just wasting your time and money with New Age escapism.

5. Ignoring the other spiritual laws besides the law of attraction. Although we acknowledge that it can be tempting to focus exclusively on the law of attraction and to ignore any other (prevailing) spiritual laws, doing so will only set you up for major disappointment.

For example, the law of predestination/fate/destiny (all these words have the same meaning) dictates that, on a soul level (not your personality, which you shed at death), you select your major predestined life circumstances of each lifetime, before incarnating. Our findings show this to be valid, even if your personality in this life is not aware of it and even if you don’t believe in predestination/fate/destiny. Nobody cheats their fate, no matter how much they practice the law of attraction. You’re in luck, however, if your personal destiny matches your desires and the better you know yourself, the more likely it will.

Although it’s almost impossible to avoid all New Age, spiritual traps, if you watch out for the ones outlined above you will save an enormous amount of time and money.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spirituality, New Age, Conscious Creation and Dogma – Contrary to the Hype, Your Fate is Measurable

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We state our theories as the result of our long-term, unbiased, empirical research.

When we first began investigating metaphysical concepts back in the early 1980s, we wanted to believe that we could create anything we desired. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending upon your viewpoint), we’ve found through much empirical research, including thousands of past life regressions and analyzing the numerology and astrology  charts of thousands of subjects, that the “you can create and be anything you want in this life” concept is a myth.

Some may ask what past life regression, numerology, and astrology have to do with fate vs. free will. Our answer is a lot. Once you research reincarnation (we’ve listed some sources below), experience multiple past life regressions to find the root causes of personal problems, and have your character and general inclination of your fate outlined by comprehensive astrology and numerology, you will begin to realize that a lot in life is predestined. This is true for everyone: people not involved in metaphysics and gurus; people who don’t believe in God and for those who do; those who make great efforts to “create their reality” and for those who don’t.

Prediction of personal fate is a more than 2000 year-old tradition. The numerology and astrology charts, in ancient times, were used for prediction. Kings, queens, pharaohs, emperors, religious leaders, and other powerful, influential types wanted to capitalize on their fate and be prepared for challenging times.

Many of today’s psychics, astrologers, numerologists, and other readers claim that fate isn’t measurable and deny that it’s possible to predict key life circumstances.  Unfortunately, some do so in order to mask their own inability to do accurate prediction. Or, some know that they can gain more business by painting a more idealistic, yet false, picture. Other, well-meaning intuitive professionals may not have gone as deeply into the subjects or are simply fearful of facing the idea that a lot in life is fated.

An incidental: psychology was not part of astrology and numerology until about 100 years ago. Originally, comprehensive astrology and numerology had nothing to do with psychology and everything to do with prediction. This may come as a shock to some practicing modern astrologers who have not looked beyond modern astrological and numerological methods.

Many of today’s New Agers are unaware of the fact that the wisest of the ancients believed that the very fate expertly discerned from the charts was not mutable. It isn’t alterable; you can’t erase it. That means that an aspiring actor who is fated for obscurity won’t ever be a Hollywood A-lister, no matter how inspired he becomes, no matter how much effort he puts into it, no matter how much he works on his subconscious blocks, and no matter how much he consciously believes and tries to “create the life of his dreams.” Is he meant to be an aspiring actor who doesn’t ultimately reach big fame or money? Yes.

We’ve read statements from “best-selling,” New Age, inspirational authors such as “…we are proving that the ancients were right; we can create the life of our dreams!”

That’s particularly telling because all of our research into the teachings of ancient astrologers, mystics, Gnostics, and other respected wise ones clearly shows that the ancients didn’t believe that sort of philosophy.

Predicting fated life events and circumstances was a very serious business in ancient times, whether it was in Ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Persia or elsewhere; if the sage was not consistently correct in his predictions, he was sometimes executed. Astrologers and numerologists like Abu Ali Al-Khayyat, Masha’allah, Alkindi, Bonatti, and Morinus  successfully continued the tradition of accurate prediction, becoming legendary in their areas of expertise.

What’s the point of being an intuitive reader if a client can’t get at least a general understanding of his/her fate? If some people instead want flowery feedback without predictive perspective, or just want to chat with a professional, there are plenty of qualified counselors and therapists to fulfill that need.

Too often we’ve seen “conscious creationist” types get carried away with inspiration and thinking that they can create whatever they set their (ego personality) minds to,  despite the aspirations likely being outside of their karmic blueprints.

Yes, we are big fans of inspiration, self-improvement, setting and striving to achieve important goals, and making the most of our lives. However, when all of that is done without self-understanding, without asking the question, “who am I and what is it that I am here on earth to learn, what is my dharma, and what is my karma?,” then it becomes problematic.

“Knowing thyself,” and self-understanding come first. Then one is more able to “consciously create” what is in line with their destiny rather than just going for what the ego wants.

Destiny is not something you consciously create or something you choose like what to have for dinner. It’s already set in motion before you incarnate. Again, if you want to explore this concept and understand from experience rather than just hearsay, there are sources listed below; study them and experience past life regression and life between life regression.

Often, we hear of people claiming that they can create/manifest anything they consciously want, and saying that their fate is not predetermined. Then we ask them about their fate (knowing thyself) and they don’t know; worse, they say personal fate doesn’t exist, just that they have “unlimited possibilities” in their lives. Yet they ultimately “create” a reality that is void of those “unlimited possibilities” that they speak of.

So what’s going on here is that they claim that they can “create anything” they desire, but they never tell us what they’ve “created” that is so unusual (that isn’t otherwise predictable–at the very least, the general form of, through comprehensive astrology and numerology), and they never have any clue about their fate since they’ve never delved into the predictive sciences, or consulted with someone who is able to measure fate.

Then there are those who say they know their fate, but that they can also change it. But what they claim is a manifestation of inspirational power outside of their destiny matches what we see as their fate in the comprehensive charts. In other words, they were destined to “create” what they created, and they were destined to experience what they experienced in the journey along the way.

By the way, we also see “miracles” as fate in disguise. We see all significant life events as being predestined. Does this philosophy encourage a passive or neglectful attitude toward life? No. We’ve always advocated getting in touch with who you really are, capitalizing on your strengths, accepting what you can’t change, and assertively going after your goals, goals that are aligned with your personality and your higher-self/soul.

Someone might ask, “How do you know that our destiny is not changed by the way in which we respond to the moment that is currently passing?”

The answer to that is simple. Because fate is measurable, no matter how people respond to the circumstances in their lives. Because destiny is what will be, and what will be is not always what you want to create.

A person’s overall karmic plan, including its key lessons and rewards, isn’t altered by a person “deciding” to do one thing instead of another, such as moving to NYC instead of Wichita.

The overall plan was for that person to move to NYC instead of Wichita, and that’s why they did. Even the way people respond, react, and consciously decide to live their lives is predictable, if you get to know their subconscious character well enough.

Ultimately, if people could become anything they wanted, they wouldn’t stay the same. Yet they do for the most part.

You talk to people who are going to many New Age seminars, who are determined to “create” the life of their dreams. Then, you see them 20 years later and they may be more wise, aware, or accepting, or inspired, but have they created the life of their dreams? Some have, and some haven’t. Some are fated to experience more love, money, or success, and some are not.

You can’t prove a theory, you can only invalidate it. Thus far, through all our years of empirical research, we haven’t disproved that it’s possible to predict fate.

As we’ve said before, the reason we feel this is so important is that when you are more aware of your fate and who you really are beyond your conscious personality, you are better able to capitalize on your strengths; you avoid spinning your wheels, resulting in frustration, depression, or worse, when you don’t manifest what you wanted.

Ultimately, based on our findings, life is much more about self-understanding, life lessons, and the journey, instead of the destination and reaching for “unlimited opportunities in the universe.”

On the bright side, if a person discovers it is not their fate to, for example, be a successful professional opera singer in this life, we do believe that if that person continues to aspire strongly enough to be a great opera singer that they may very well manifest that desire in a future lifetime. “Gifts” are really talents developed over lifetimes, in our view.

Reincarnation Sources:

Cunningham, Janet, Ph.D. A Tribe Returned. Crest Park, CA:Deep Forest Press, 1994.

Cunningham, Janet, Ph.D. and Michael Ranucci. Caution: Soul Mate Ahead! Spiritual Love in the Physical World. Columbia, MD: Two Suns Press, 1999.

Fiore, Edith. You Have Been Here Before. New York: Ballantine, 1978.

Goldberg, Bruce, D.D.S. Past Lives Future Lives. New York: Ballantine, 1982.

Langley, Noel. Edgar Cayce On Reincarnation. New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1967.

Lucas, Winafred, Ph.D. Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals, Vol. 1, Crest Park, CA: Deep Forest Press, 1993.

Lucas, Winafred, Ph.D. Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals, Vol. 2, Crest Park, CA: Deep Forest Press, 1993.

MacLaine, Shirley. Out On A Limb. New York: Bantam Books, 1983.

Moody, Raymond, M.D. Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys. New York: Bantam, Doubleday, Dell Publishing Group, 1990.

Sprinkle, R. Leo, Ph.D. Soul Samples. Columbus, NC: Granite Publishing Group, 1999.

Steiger, Brad, and Francie Steiger. Discover Your Past Lives. Atglen. PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1987.

Steiger, Brad, and Lorin Williams. Other Lives. Phoenix: Esoteric Publications, 1985.

Steiger, Brad. You’ll Live Again. Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin Publishing, Inc., 1996.

Stevenson, Ian, M.D. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Charlottesville, VA.: University Press of Virginia, revised and enlarged edition, 1974.

Sutphen, Dick. You Were Born Again To Be Together. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1976.

Sutphen, Dick. Predestined Love. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.

Sutphen, Dick. Past Lives, Future Loves. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.

Todeschi, Kevin J. Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates: Unlocking The Dynamics Of Soul Attraction. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1999.

Weiss, Brian L., M.D. Many Lives, Many Masters. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.

Wambach, Helen. Reliving Your Past Lives. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2000.

Life Between Life:

Newton, Michael. Journey Of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1997.

Newton, Michael. Destiny Of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2000

Moody, Raymond A., Jr., M.D. Life After Life. New York: Bantam Books, 1975.

Scientific Studies Involving Reincarnation:

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Allen Press, Lawrence, KS. Has published various articles about reincarnation studies.

Journal of Regression Therapy, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies (IARRT), Riverside, CA. (909) 784-1570, http://www.IARRT.org.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

New Age, Spirituality, and Dogma – 10 Myths Revealed

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Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary definition of dogma is as follows:

Main Entry: dog·ma
Pronunciation: ‘dog-m&, ‘däg-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dogmas also

dog·ma·ta /-m&-t&/
Etymology: Latin dogmat-, dogma, from Greek, from dokein to seem a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds

While we recognize the positive influences of organized faith, most religions, including Buddhism for example, have their share of dogma. Despite valuing many Buddhist tenets, we detect plenty of dogmatic beliefs among its followers. The following email sent to us from a Buddhist who chants daily exemplifies our point:

“I think fate and destiny goes back to karma, yes we have karma from previous lives, but we created our own karma, so we also can change it! Although we may not change all bad karma completely, my master promised us that thru chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we can absolutely reach enlightenment in this life time! And we can expedite the changing process! That’s the power of our chanting!

If you start chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you’ll reach enlightenment way faster than any methods you suggest. I’ve used the power from my prayers (thru chanting) to overcome obstacles in my everyday life and achieve my goals – many times making impossible into possible… Quite mystical, but also a lot of work”

We asked the gentleman who emailed us to share how much closer he thinks he is to “enlightenment” from chanting and exactly how he has “changed” his karma, but he didn’t respond back to us.

The Buddhist above states that his master  “promised” him that he’d reach “enlightenment” if he chanted a certain verse. Chanting is a form of meditation and can be used to become more centered and to focus.

However, if you have further karma to work out and need to come back for other lifetimes (that may have been planned well before this one), all the chanting in the world isn’t going to change that.

As we always say, you cannot erase your karma and bypass the earthly experience needed to balance it.

Sure, you can change how you react to it, which can make the lessons easier to tolerate, but in no way can you erase what your ego doesn’t like or create what your ego wants if it’s not part of your destiny.

Other forms of dogma linked to various belief systems include the following:

*The “Harmonic Convergence,” (a label given, by creative and opportunistic astrologers, to a type of irrelevant astrological planetary alignment that has been occurring regularly for eons) and other “cosmic events” like it; promoters make bogus claims of “unparalleled times” in the earth’s history, promoting their web sites and selling their products, yet the only “unparalleled time” is for them to take advantage of the uneducated, misinformed, and those who are impressed by far-out, “spiritual” sounding, New Age notions; other key phrases commonly used include, “now is a momentous time unlike any other,” and “many facets of the Divine Plan are unfolding simultaneously”

*Men need women in marriage in order to grow spiritually

*Women can’t be spiritual or religious leaders

*Sex before marriage is a sin

*Directives issued by “ascended masters” through “channeled messages;” these are sometimes valid, yet so often bogus and long-winded cosmic fu-fu; obvious red flags are if the “messages” are biased-sounding in any way and/or deny the fact that varying degrees of adversity in people’s lives has a divine purpose

*Getting married and having children is the right thing to do

*Divorce is a sin

*You can “Ascend” or “reach enlightenment” in this life if you consciously choose it

*Because the Universe is changing, we aren’t governed by the laws of karma like we used to be

*You can live forever; all you have to do is “download” your consciousness into a clone of yourself

*Once you die, all your “sins” are forgiven and you get a “get out of jail free” card; you aren’t accountable for your actions in this life

*You have complete free will while incarnated and you can create anything you want in this life; what the mind can conceive, you can achieve

*You have the right to anything you desire; it’s your “birthright”

*Cursing is a sin

*Nudity is a sin

*Making a lot of money is a sin

*Taking a vow of poverty is the right thing to do

*Having a drink once a while will corrupt your spirituality

*Eating meat isn’t very spiritual

*Vegetarianism is the most spiritual diet

*Listening to Rock music is not very spiritual

*Dressing provocatively is a sin

*If you don’t adhere to a particular belief system, you’re doomed

*Select Feng Shui “cures” such as, “Beautify the money area in your house and become a millionaire!;” yes, we value many Feng Shui concepts, but you can’t cheat fate through its methods

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo