Tag Archives: number 13

Numerology and the Number 13

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The number 13 has little to do with “bad luck,” despite the U.S. Navy, supposedly, avoiding launching ships on Friday the 13th and many Americans viewing the 13th and anything related to the number 13 as negative.

The association may be due to Jacques de Molay, the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar, being burned at the stake in 1314 on a Friday the 13th after a trial overseen by the King of France and Pope Clement V.

The number 13 has a bad rap largely due to its unusual qualities. In particular, 13 represents “all or nothing” through transformation pertaining to degeneration or regeneration.

Symbolic death and rebirth is strongly associated to 13. An example of the representative power of the number 13 is transitioning from modest means to vast wealth.

13 is considered a “Karmic Debt Number,” as are the numbers 14, 16, and 19. These numbers involve more challenging karma than other numbers.

The number 13 in key positions in a person’s numerology charts frequently symbolizes, depending upon the rest of the charts’ contents, the following energies: an irresponsible, lazy, immature, idle, trivial, extravagant disposition; lack of seriousness, or the opposite (one extreme or the other); rigidity; inefficiency; restriction; low vitality, etc.

There is also the high side of 13, so keep in mind that the above qualities are only part of the picture.

Otherwise, in matters of love, the number 13 involving time cycles is solid and very often exceedingly fruitful.

In short, the number 13 isn’t any more unlucky than any other number. There exist negative and positive, and balanced, over-balanced, and under-balanced qualities for every number. Bad luck associated with Friday the 13th is just a misconception, fueled by fear and subjective viewpoints.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo