Tag Archives: past lives

Spiritual Truth–Thoughts Create Only Some of Your Reality

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You’ve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind.

In the real world, you’ll find it’s not so simple.

While we are strong proponents of positive thinking and we believe you can make the most of your life by changing what you can and how you view that which you can’t change, conscious thought is only part of what influences your life.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Just think positive thoughts.

One major problem with it is your subconscious mind. We’ve learned a tremendous amount over the years about how the subconscious mind works through our study of handwriting analysis, hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression. Your subconscious mind will generate thoughts all on its own through the ever present, hidden fears, defenses, and biases. You can detach from those thoughts through meditation, and work with them through hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression, but since the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, it’s not always possible to rise above them.

The process of thinking positive thoughts also competes with what your heart, intuition, or higher-self actually believes or knows to be true.

For example, if you’re intuiting that there’s no way you’re going to change your boss’s mind, and that’s how it turned out in the end, thinking positive thoughts is futile, unless the positive thoughts are for accepting what you can’t change and working instead on what you can change.

Below we ask seven questions that indicate thinking positive thoughts only creates some of your reality.

1. Did children in the hospital (or their parents) battling terminal diseases create that reality through their thinking?

2. Did Syrian war refugees create their current reality through their thinking?

3. Did rape victims think about rape too much, thus manifest it?

4. Will preaching mind over matter to a paranoid schizophrenic cure her of her mental disease?

5. Did generations of poor people in developing nations think their way into poverty?

6. Did a lack of happy thoughts create a record high murder rate in the summer of 2015 in the city of Chicago?

7. Are plane crashes the result of too many passengers not thinking positive thoughts about arriving safely at their destination?

Our long-term findings show that positive thinking, although important, takes a back seat to the unforeseen and predestined (positive and negative) events and circumstances in your life. No matter what you think, you can work with fate, but you can’t cheat it.

We’re asked sometimes why we focus on fate to the extent that we do. We want you to avoid being unexpectedly disappointed or hurt by the sometimes vicious hand of fate, and we frown on New Age opportunists selling escapist myths packaged as truth.

It may seem depressing at first, but in order to make the most of your life, you need to first do four things:

1. Avoid the “anything is possible, you can do anything” mind-set, beyond the occasional daydreaming or “dream-castling” about your aspirations and goals. Why? Because when you are at least moderately realistic about your goals, you’ll avoid wasting time and setting yourself up for major disappointment, or worse.

2. Accept that there are many things in your life that you can’t change, such as how others think and act. Whatever it is you want to manifest through conscious creation and, or the law of attraction, if your goal depends on the behavior of others, think again. You may be able to persuade a million people to buy your new software app if that type of success is part of your predestination, but if not, it won’t happen (or if it does you’ll eventually experience a reversal of fortune), and there’s nothing spiritual about attempting to control and manipulate others.

3. Get to know yourself. Self-knowledge, including your subconscious strengths, fears, and defenses (which are outlined superbly by handwriting analysis), along with your timing (which is outlined terrifically by comprehensive astrology and numerology), allows you to prepare for life’s inevitable challenges and get the most out of the rewarding phases in your life.

4. Make an effort to react to people and events as positively (or neutrally) as you can whenever possible. Strive to remain detached and compassionate. This will help to stop creating any additional difficult karma for the future.

The notion that thoughts create 100% of your reality is deceptively comforting. Like all delusions, you’ll find that it eventually crashes against the rocks of reality. Children like to believe that Santa can leave whatever they want under the tree, but eventually they grow out of that fantasy.

Alas, you can prepare for life’s challenges and make the most of your fate, and it’s up to you how you view that which you can’t change.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge and make the most of your fate  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Reincarnation and Love Life–7 Past Life Scenarios Dooming Your Love Life Today

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According to the theory of reincarnation, your past life actions have much to do with the state of your love life today.

You know the saying: what goes around, comes around. Our findings show your actions now are likely to come back to you in one of your future lives instead of in this life.

However, just because your love life isn’t great now, doesn’t mean you were a terrible person in past lives. Past life circumstances, many of which are merely the collateral damage of dealing with life events the best you can, set the scene for today’s challenges. Also, a perfect love life wouldn’t allow you to learn your life lessons.

Below we include seven examples of how past lives can affect one’s current love life.

1. A thirteenth century AD monk devoted his life to religious doctrine, and one of the key tenets he embraced was celibacy. He was entirely devoted to his religion and also lived several future lives under similar circumstances as a monk, priest, or related role.

In his current life, his soul chose to focus on matters other than religion and spirituality, including romantic love and partnerships. Unfortunately, he struggles with his love life because over the past several centuries he became very accustomed to living as an ascetic, shunning sex and romantic love. He has an ingrained subconscious belief that sex is bad, something to be avoided, so he’s constantly pushing away opportunities and is subsequently frustrated and confused.

2. In the late 1700s, she lived a life as a very beautiful handmaiden who served the royal court. She was a devoted servant and hard worker, but she also carried on multiple affairs with the royal gentlemen of the court. She didn’t initiate any of the affairs, but she didn’t fight off the advances either. Unfortunately, the ladies of the court discovered their husbands’ involvement with her and she was banished. She carried that guilt to her grave.

Today, she can’t figure out why almost every man she’s involved with cheats on her. The fallout is always a spectacular train crash, destroying her friendships too, as her romantic partners tend to cheat with her close friends.

3. He wasn’t the kindest man in his past life as a Roman politician. Only the finest would do for him, including his insistence that the ladies with whom he socialized and his marriage partner be high-born. He shunned many fine women who simply didn’t happen to hold the level of status he thought necessary.

Today, he’s working his way up the corporate ladder and although he’s extremely successful, he never forgets his humble beginnings. Virtually every woman he meets and dates happens to be well-to-do. But he can’t figure out why they all dump him just when he’s thinking it could turn into something serious.

4. His past life as a fierce warrior included many triumphs, though toward the end of his mercenary career he had a split-second decision to make in the heat of battle and inadvertently massacred his fellow warrior’s (one of his best buddies) wife. The event devastated him and he died with an enormous amount of guilt, even though he did the best he could under the circumstances.

Today, in this life, his wife died when she was hit by a drunk driver.

5. She wasn’t a bad person in her series of lifetimes of being moderately to very wealthy. However, her excessive pride and arrogance, particularly about her children, set her up for a big fall in this life–she is infertile.

6.Though he worked hard, he lost his wife and seven of their eight kids due to famine during his 7th century AD lifetime.

Today, he’s a workaholic and his love relationships usually end, to his disappointment, because he has a major aversion to the idea of being married and having a family.

7. She’s had many lifetimes where it was customary to have many lovers.

Now that she’s in a society where life-long monogamy is expected, she struggles. To her, it just does not feel natural to have only one lover throughout her entire life.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-Package helps you identify your hidden subconscious fears and defenses that are blocking your success.

Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

The Truth About Reincarnation

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Once you understand the truth about reincarnation, after sifting through the myths and misunderstandings, you’ll be surprised how the awareness can improve your quality of life.

Below are nine common questions or arguments about reincarnation and our responses, which are based on over 25 years of past life regression experience.

1) “Only naive people believe in reincarnation.” These famous people who believed in reincarnation probably would have disagreed: Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Plato, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry David Thoreau.

2) “There are no scientific studies.” Dr. Ian Stevenson spent over forty years scientifically documenting past life memories of children from all over the world. Skeptics and scholars agree that his more than 3000cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation. Dr. Stevenson’s credentials were impeccable. He was a medical doctor and wrote many scholarly papers before beginning paranormal research and was the head of the Department of Psychiatry and a Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.

3) “Why don’t we remember our past lives?” A memory of all the skills, languages, and knowledge from your previous lives sure would come in handy, wouldn’t it? But remembering all the traumatic and upsetting events would be distracting and prevent you from focusing on what’s most important: your present life and what you’re here to learn. You do have a subconscious memory of everything from this life and previous lives, that’s why you’re naturally good at some things, and have unexplainable fears about others.

4) “Why is reincarnation not in the bible?” Some say it was, but edited out, along with other tenets, for political reasons. According to Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation by Noel Langley, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian (483–565 A.D.) “summoned the Fifth Ecumenical Congress of Constantinople in 553 A.D. to condemn the Platonically inspired writings of Origen.” These writings apparently referenced reincarnation and the pre-existence of the soul.

5) “Why would I have chosen this life or bad experiences?” Your personality didn’t, but your soul did, in order to learn and grow, which is one of the purposes of incarnating.

6) “Everyone says they were a famous figure or wealthy king or queen. It’s all fantasy.” If you experience enough previous lives through past life regression, you realize this isn’t true. You’ll likely perceive yourself as both powerful and powerless, rich and poor, male and female, good and bad, and so on. When someone perceives themselves as a famous person in past life regression (which is rare when the process is done correctly), it usually means they are misinterpreting the past life or their ego is adding to the session. Another possible explanation is that their energy is somehow connected to the energy or consciousness that was once part of the historical figure.

7) “Reincarnation is wishful thinking by people who are afraid of death.” Maybe, but it takes more courage to accept that you have to reincarnate to pay back karma.

8) Reincarnation is an excuse to dodge personal responsibility–they blame things on their past lives.
This might be true for some, but an understanding of reincarnation and karma leads most people to take more responsibility for themselves and their lives. People who think once they die they will cease to exist might not care as much about doing the right thing in all situations. People who believe in reincarnation know that because of karma, everything they do, say, and intend will come back to them. Also, Taking personal responsibility for your life instead of blaming others is empowering.

9) The past doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter until you realize that a subconscious memory of a past life event is negatively influencing your current life. For example, someone who drowned might have an intense fear of being in water. A person who is deathly afraid of flying may have died in a plane crash. Someone who finds it almost impossible to lose weight might have starved to death. Once you re-experience the related past life, the fears usually lessen or disappear.

How do you find out what is valid and what is false? Do your own objective research and eventually you will discover the truth about reincarnation.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package includes a special audio recording to privately and safely explore your distant past, past lives, and other subconscious memories, plus many other helpful spiritual tools, tips and guidance.

Related Articles:
Why Reincarnation and Karma are Valid Theories
Reincarnation, Karma, and Past Life Regression
Karma Isn’t Punishment and You Can’t Have Karma Without Reincarnation

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Reincarnation: The Past Lives of 12 Celebrities

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After employing past life regression techniques for our own benefit and others for over 20 years, we frequently perceive spontaneous flashes of insight related to past lives without having to do a formal regression.

How do we know the insight is authentic? We cannot bring forth related physical evidence, of course, but what we perceive to be authentic past life recall tends to be accompanied by strong emotion and seems very fitting after giving it some thought.

Below are what we have perceived to be select past lives of celebrities.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were black singers and entertainers in the 1940s and 1950s. They worked hard and were very talented, but were overlooked in part, due to their skin color. This life is a reward for them in terms of career success.

Madonna actually was Eva Peron, the woman she portrayed in Evita. Actors are drawn to roles they’ve lived in past lives. Also, in a different lifetime, Madonna was likely the opposite of her current persona: in a position of religious power, she condemned those who expressed their sexuality. Part of her dharma in this lifetime was to help reverse the damage that she inflicted upon society with her narrow-minded views.

Leonardo DiCaprio was a noble who was unjustly imprisoned to solitary confinement, and had other related lifetimes where he wasn’t allowed to live or enjoy life. All he could do was daydream away the pain, about what could be, which helped lead him to where he is in this life.

Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones had many, many incarnations as a laboring musician who always worked hard, developing his iron will and thirst for success, which finally earned the good karma involving this lifetime. Our impression is that there was also a recurring theme of being incarcerated or otherwise restricted, and this lifetime involves over-balancing in the other direction–abuse of freedom, sensual gratification, and excess.

Brad Pitt was a wild west gun-slinger and bank robber.

Robert Downy Jr was a 1920s silent film star. Early death due to over-indulgence.

Drew Barrymore was also a star in silent films.

Shirley MacLaine worked against the belief of reincarnation in a past life as Empress Theodora (or someone a lot like her), who in 451 A.D., influenced the removal of all references to reincarnation from the Bible. Fortunately, in this life she has made up for that by going public, “Out on a Limb,” with her spiritual experiences and beliefs.

Tina Turner has had many, many lifetimes where she developed her personal power to a tremendous degree almost like a sorceress, wielding magic. We sense very strong spiritual power like that of an adept, well beyond the typical entertainer.

Any outspoken, ill-informed, biased celebrity (take your pick) who mainly complains and attacks rather than offering any solid, rational solutions or using their position of power for good. Projection is their game and the targets of their wrath are mirrors for how they were in past lives. The louder someone complains about something, the more likely it is they were a trouble-maker on the opposing side in past lives.

Donald Trump and President Clinton were French Royalty, possibly during the Renaissance. President Clinton was extravagant, as was common in those times for royalty, and Mr. Trump was a successful merchant.

How are your past lives influencing your present life? Even if you interpret them as subconscious metaphors, past life exploration can go a long way toward self-discovery.

Copyright © 2011 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Absolute Myth: Your Personality Selects Your Future Lives

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New Age urban legend suggests that you’re empowered through “ascension” to consciously manipulate your past lives and future lives to live happily ever after in a never-ending utopia without any personal adversity.

All you have to do is spend enough money on the services of the gurus who spew such nonsense, excuse us, who divine such information, and you’ll be on your way to permanent bliss.

Unfortunately, the idea of consciously selecting your future lives like entrees from a dinner menu is just a New Age myth. This distortion of ancient spiritual truths originates from a heavy emphasis on Hollywood science fiction masquerading as spirituality, and possibly narcotics, including psychedelics; artificially altered minds yield half-truths and illusion.

Talk of “altering your density” and “3rd, 4th, 5th dimensions” as if they are TV channels for you to consciously flip through on your way to nirvana, for instance, is pure fantasy. Such myths are kept alive through the strong desire for escapism and quick-fix solutions.

The feel-good fantasies are an attempt to avoid personal accountability. “I’ll never have to pay for that appalling crime? Great, I’m in!”

Not so fast.

3 Reasons You Can’t Consciously Choose Your Past and Present Lives:

1. Your conscious mind is not your spiritual self, your soul. These are two different entities and once you cross over your personality does not have a say in your soul’s direction. While you may consciously think you want to choose the most desirable future life circumstances, your soul, like a loving parent guiding a child, frequently takes the road that holds the most important lessons with the most opportunity for spiritual growth; it usually does not favor the easy life, based on our empirical research involving past and future life regression.

2. Karma follows you like an ever-faithful servant. It’s inescapable, even if your current personality doesn’t believe in the concept. Consider it one of the most important spiritual laws: whatever you say, do, or intend comes back to you in equal measure. Exude compassion and understanding? That’s what you get back. Thieve and cheat? That’s also what you get back.

By the way, one of the biggest misconceptions about karma is that you get it all back in this lifetime. We’ve found the opposite to be true: most of it comes back to you in future lives. This explains why some of the most notorious villains seem to live their lives untouched, at least until the next time around when they are born into unfortunate conditions. Even if it seemed like someone got away with something, they really didn’t.

3. Past lives make you who you are today. While it may be true that when you are on the other side you can view your past and future like clips from a movie, you can’t alter what has already transpired, nor would your soul-self even desire to do so. While forgiveness might soften up karma, it doesn’t erase it, and you can’t dodge your future karma (good and bad) no matter how much you try to make amends after the fact.

Is there a way to assure that you are more fortunate in future lives? The only way you can consciously direct your destiny is to simply do the “right” thing in every situation. By this we do not mean what is necessarily correct or proper as deemed by society. Instead, simply treat others as you would like to be treated, and maintain an honorable life.

Additionally, we believe that accepting where you are now, being grateful for what you have rather than excessive wanting for what you don’t, and repetitive, emotionalized positive visualizations, such as those involving financial and romantic abundance, help you attract more of that in future lives. Of course, you also have to take appropriate action toward your goals.

Everything you are and will ever be, you have earned. When in doubt, taking the high road is always your best option, striving to express more compassion and unconditional love.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

8 Keys for Better Past Life Recall

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With a little effort, you can explore your past lives with a specialist or a past life regression audio. After you learn more about the process, you may be able to get past life insight in your dreams, in meditation, or even through spontaneous perception.Don’t believe in past lives? It’s natural to feel skeptical, yet it’s good to remain objective, explore, and reach conclusions on your own. You will benefit if you’re willing to accept the process. Follow these tips for the best results.

1) Don’t expect amnesia: Relaxing so deeply during mediation or regression so that you don’t remember anything is unusual. If you do happen to fall asleep, you’ll awaken soon after, just like you do from a nap.

2) You need to want to change: Meditation and past life regression are most effective when you sincerely want to improve your life, find answers, and solve problems. Sometimes there are hidden reasons for you to remain locked in a conflict. Consider this by thinking about all that would change if you reached your goal. What wouldn’t be to your liking? For example, if you finally were involved in a lasting, romantic, love relationship, would the demands on your time put a damper on other parts of your life, such getting together with your friends?

3) Everyone perceives differently: Some see fragments of images in their mind’s eye, others hear, feel, or just know information during past life regression. With experience, you’ll relax, suspend doubt, trust the process, and perceive more.

4) Let go: Attempting to control or force past life perception usually doesn’t help the process. Relax, detach from expectations, and allow it to unfold.

5) Suspend doubt: Skeptics and those who have ingrained, strict religious beliefs often have difficulty allowing the process to work. Doubt will cloud awareness, so it’s best to just temporarily pretend past lives are real. Or, if you prefer, think of what you perceive as pure symbolism from which you can learn about your current life.

6) Use it with other tools: Past-life regression compliments other forms of therapy, including regular meditation, especially after finding and releasing the root cause of a problem. For a meditation script and tips, download our free version of Direct Your Destiny

7) Take responsibility for your life: The law of karma dictates that everything –all thoughts, actions, and intent–comes back to you, which is another reason why healing yourself and improving your life is infinitely easier if you become fully accountable for everything in your life. No matter what anyone has done to you, try to look at it as part of a bigger plan, where you chose, on a spiritual level, to endure such challenges for your spiritual growth. Accept and let go of the past, and do what you can to make the most of your life.

8) Follow through: We recommend thinking of meditation and past life regression as part of an ongoing journey toward spiritual awareness. Patience and perseverance pays off. Whether experienced with a therapist, an audio MP3 like the ones we offer, through dreams, or meditation, you will learn through past life regression two concepts that we believe to be true: there is a reason for everything that happens in your life, and life really is fair.

Copyright ©2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

7 Keys to Perceiving Your Past Lives

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Perceiving and understanding past lives for the purpose of spiritual growth and overcoming conflicts has been utilized for centuries.It doesn’t matter if you are a believer in reincarnation or not. It doesn’t matter if you view the imagery as mere subconscious metaphor. The process of past life regression can be extremely beneficial, even when nothing else has worked for a particular problem.

You can experience a productive and successful past life regression by following these tips.

1) Meditate: Learn and practice meditation before attempting regression. Meditation is a simple process of relaxing your body and mind, letting go of stress, and focusing your attention. 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference in your life and will allow you to perceive more during a regression. For a meditation script and tips, download our f’ree version of Direct Your Destiny.

2) Understand your subconscious mind: Stored in your subconscious mind are the memories of all you’ve ever experienced in this life and prior lives. You will be able to access this information through perseverance and practice.

3) Have no fear: Everyone has been “good” and “bad” in past lives, so don’t worry if you happen to perceive yourself as having been a total demon in the 1600s, for example. After all, that was then, not now, and it doesn’t matter what you did in a past life as long as you forgive yourself and others involved and don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Also, past life regression is the process of remembering prior lives, not reliving them. While regressed, you will have the ability to return your focus to the present at any time you choose.

Everyone perceives what they are ready for, and processing uncomfortable subconscious memories is healthier than continuing to stuff them and allowing them to negatively influence your present life.

4) Don’t take it personally. Even though someone may have wronged you 500 years ago, try to remember that you (your soul), choose that path from which to learn and grow. Look for the lesson and how it influences your life now.

5) Forgive! Forgiving yourself and others is an imperative part of regression when the process is being used to overcome a conflict or fear. If you have a hard time forgiving yourself or someone else, focus on the reasons for the negative actions. With your awareness will come understanding, and with your understanding will come acceptance and forgiveness.

6) Let go of expectations: Sometimes one regression session of “back to the root cause” of a conflict can be enough to release it. However, a current life situation may have formed over many lifetimes, so some problems require many sessions for resolution.

7) Don’t worry if you feel like you’re making it up: This is common, even at times for those who have experienced many regressions, since you can’t bring forth physical evidence, and because most people have been conditioned to believe that past lives are not real. Interestingly, during the days, weeks, months, and years after a regression session, many find information, or experience coincidences that certainly seem to confirm what they perceived during a regression.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

7 Signs of Having Lived Past Lives

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Have you ever been curious about your past lives? Pay attention, because the clues to your past lives are easily accessible. All you need is some direction to find out what and where you were in the distant past and if you take notice, your past will begin to unfold before your eyes.

Skeptical? That’s good, it’s healthy to avoid automatically embracing (or rejecting) concepts you haven’t thoroughly investigated. We were skeptical too, long ago. But through objective empirical research, we’ve been unable to disprove the theory of reincarnation, which over 50% of the world’s population embraces in one form or another.

While it’s true you don’t know for sure if what you perceive in past life regression is simply subconscious metaphor or an actual past life scene (even if you can identify, and verify later, details such as names, addresses, etc. as many have), past life regression is a powerful healing tool that can help you make the most of your life.

Use the hypotheses below we’ve formed since the 1980s to find out more about your past. Yes, the indications are often this simple and obvious.

1) Anyone—lovers, friends, family, acquaintances, coworkers, neighbors, and so on—whom you inexplicably, immediately liked or disliked may indicate positive or negative experiences with that person in one or more past lives. Most everyone you know now you have known before, including relatives, children, parents, bosses, and others.

The more significant a person is in your life, the stronger the connection. Our findings indicate that when you meet someone new, you are attracted to or repelled by the connection you had with that person in the past. We’ve also found that the level of harmony is symbolized by comprehensive astrology and numerology.

How about the case of the 4 year-old who claimed he used to be friends with President Polk? Later, the family discovered its full lineage and was stunned to realize they were related to vice president George Dallas, who served in the Polk administration. Wild coincidence or is there a past life connection? You decide.

2) Male and Female: Each soul tends to reincarnate more often as one sex or the other. However, many have experienced lives as both genders. If masculinity, femininity, or being male or female are issues that cause stress in your life, there are likely reasons that relate back to previous lives.

3) Sexual Orientation: Experiencing life as a different gender than a soul is accustomed to may result in homosexuality or bisexuality. This may also explain the spiritual reason for transvestites and transgender individuals, assuming it’s not a case of spirit attachment or possession. In addition, an attraction may continue when past-life male and female lovers return as the same gender.

Also, identical twins have the same genes. If they have the same environment growing up, yet have different sexual orientations, their individual past lives and karma appear to be the root cause of this major personality difference.

4) Material Wealth: It is common to have had lifetimes on both sides of the track. Obviously, it can be more challenging to go from a wealthy lifetime to one of poverty.

Do you have an excessive amount of compassion for the homeless, poor people, or orphans and feel a strong empathetic connection to them? You may know what it’s like from having a higher than average number of such challenging past incarnations, where every day was a struggle to survive.

5) Love life: Most people have had lifetimes where they experienced a wonderful love relationship, and the opposite, love loss and betrayal. Subconscious memories of such times can cause plenty of problems in the current life.

Can no one measure up to what you feel you need in a relationship? You may be unconsciously comparing present connections to an exceedingly rewarding past life love relationship.

6) Appearance: Those who are never satisfied with their appearance may be subconsciously remembering a lifetime where they were more (or less) attractive and, or fit.

Hidden past life memories of a life as a celebrated beauty queen could make you feel less than secure in your current life if you don’t possess pageant-quality looks now.

7) Physical Ailments: Someone with a weak digestive system may have had several lifetimes of gluttony. Someone with asthma may have died a heavy smoker in a past life.

Someone born with a deformed leg may have carried forward guilt about accidentally running over someone’s leg in a past life. Someone who died of alcoholism in a past life may be born into a family in which alcoholism is common, so they have a chance to finally learn to respect and love themselves enough to overcome the pattern of addiction.

In case you’re worried if you are being punished in this life for past life actions, fear not. We believe it doesn’t work that way.

Instead, we’ve found your soul chooses, before incarnating, your main experiences in life according to what lessons you need to learn each time. Consider it to be a series of necessary trials and rewards that can only be endured by direct experience in a physical body on Earth. Fortunately, you have free will to make the most of your life.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Past Lives and Controversial Topics

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In our society it’s considered inappropriate to vocalize your opinion to a stranger on topics such as politics, religion, sex, money, racial issues, and abortion, just to name a few.

Everyone has an opinion, and some become very emotional, even angry if you don’t agree with theirs. Their strong beliefs are sometimes linked to their childhood or other miscellaneous defining moments in their lives.

But let’s not forget about the impact of past lives. If you want to find the cause of something in your life, whether it be your fondness for a certain nation or group of people, or your fear of flying or snakes, it can almost always be traced back to past lives.

Side note: As we’ve frequently said, it doesn’t matter if reincarnation exists or not. What is important is that exploring one’s past lives can be very healing, even if it turns out that the perceptions may be metaphorical, linked to your subconscious mind.

Do you know someone who spends a lot of their time campaigning for a cause or political candidate? They may simply believe strongly in the purpose and truly want to help others, but there could be other reasons too. For a person who is consumed by anger against the opposition, our findings indicate that a strong past life link is often likely: whoever is screaming the loudest (anti-whatever) could easily have been on the other side in a past life. Perhaps their actions in a past life as an 1800s shipping tycoon, for example, were often very dishonest, racist, unfair, and selfish. Consciously they don’t remember this, of course, but subconsciously it triggers a response. Guess why they’re spending so much energy on the cause now? Answer: they project their former nefarious self (or selves) onto others who may or may not (often times not) be creating the negative karma that they did in the past. Until they get to know themselves better (spiritually speaking) and recognize their projections for what they are, they’ll continue exclusively seeing the world as they are or were (instead of how it really is), spinning around like a dog chasing its tail.

How about a certain internationally famous pop star who, in the 1980s and 1990s, caused a lot of controversy through her sexual and (some would say) anti-religious images and lyrics? Is it possible that she lived one or more lives as a powerful religious figure who, by his or her actions, caused the populations of entire countries to be more shameful and fearful about sex? Absolutely. Could this pop star have been destined to attempt to reverse some of that through her (legal and mostly harmless) provocative and sexual public image and behavior in this life, and be ridiculed repeatedly in the press as a result? Yes.

Do you know someone who despises the wealthy? Do they insist that most rich people are greedy, mean, and had to be ruthless and cheat others to gain their wealth? Guess who very possibly acted in such a way in a previous life and created negative karma for themselves? Even if someone does obtain wealth unfairly by hurting others, try not to let it bother you too much. Have compassion for them and know that they will ultimately have to pay for it in other ways, even if it is not until a future life.

It’s important to note that your karmic circumstances in life are not about reward or punishment, but learning and growth. For example, being born rich or poor, straight or gay, black, white, brown, or red, attractive or not, fit or not, is not simply because you were “good” or “bad” in past lives.

However, if you are forced to deal with steep and stressful challenges in this life related to your family, sexual orientation, race, appearance or something else you cannot change, it’s possible your soul choose them for you to experience the other side of things. Or, sometimes it may be that your soul volunteered to be an example in some way for those around you, ultimately to help progress human understanding and compassion, for instance. You may or may not have been, for example, a rich, straight, handsome womanizer who used and abused females in a past life (and may or may not have already balanced the energy in successive past lives). Even if you were, everyone has been “good” and “bad” in past lives, so go easy on yourself; it’s much more important to focus on doing the right thing now in all situations than to feel guilty about how you were in past lives.

If you would like to overcome or at least be better able to deal with burdensome personal issues, past life regression can shed new light on the situation, help you to detach from it, and in some cases overcome it. If you just want to explore past lives out of curiosity, going back in time can be an eye-opening experience and help you realize the deeper reasons for why you are who you are and how you knew the people in your life.

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Babies’ Names and Past Lives

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We always ponder a soon-to-be-born child’s past lives and how we knew them during the pregnancies of friends and family members.

This past June, our sister Meg gave birth to her first child, a healthy baby boy, and we had fun perceiving insight about him on a spiritual level before his arrival.

During her pregnancy, Meg and her husband Jeff couldn’t agree on a name that felt right to both of them. She asked us if we would tune into the baby’s soul and if possible, find out what name the soul liked. We told her that it’s better to remain open and wait for the right name to come to them. It usually does at the right time.

Meg and Jeff were still undecided about a name three months before her due date, so at her request, Stephen tuned into the soul, but was only “given” the initial of “J” (the baby’s middle name was undecided until after the birth and this caused quite a bit of stress for Meg and Jeff; it did end up starting with the letter “J”) and an image of the full name in a gift wrapped box, which was to be revealed at the right time. He then perceived Meg and her unborn son together in a Native American lifetime, and the child at eight years old in this life, with darker skin (Jeff has very light skin and Meg has our family’s Italian, darker skin, and Meg was hoping the baby would have her darker skin tone) and quite tan because he played a lot of soccer. He also perceived some suggestions from a spiritual guide to help Meg sleep better during her pregnancy.

Years ago, Scott perceived Meg as a Native American woman in southeastern America. Later, after she connected with Jeff in this lifetime, he saw Jeff as an explorer from Europe who traveled to America; we believe Meg and Jeff were together in that lifetime too. Perhaps they were also with their new son back in that lifetime, as related to Stephen’s vision of Meg and her son together as Native Americans.

About 4 months into the pregnancy, Stephen was falling asleep one night and was in that in-between state of consciousness where he often perceives valuable insight. Meg came to his mind, then a man dressed like Davy Crocket holding a “musket.” Immediately he thought, “There’s Andrew.” Later when Stephen told Meg what he had “seen,” she told him that Jeff’s great grandfather’s name was Andrew. We wondered if the baby was him in a past life. A few days later, before she had heard about what Stephen perceived, our other sister Amy had thought of the name Andrew for the baby as well.

At about noon on a beautiful June day last month, we received word that Meg was in labor and had gone to the hospital. After hanging up the phone, Stephen had a spontaneous vision of the baby, in soul form, dressed in a very expensive suit, sipping fine scotch on the rocks in a crystal glass and smoking an expensive cigar in the lavish living room of a mansion. It seemed he was in his own personal, spiritual “green room” backstage before his debut, and this other-dimensional place the soul had created for the occasion, we believe, was quite like one of his previous, satisfying incarnations. Before making the plunge and being incarnated again he wanted to relax and live it up. Stephen also sensed that as a soul he has been “around the block” many times.

Coincidentally, Scott happened to skim through a financial news article on the morning of the birth that included a mention of an early 1900’s NYC banking tycoon. The article featured a photograph of him (bigger guy dressed in a suit, mustache, cigar). He thought of Jeff (Meg’s husband) because last year Stephen had perceived him living a similar past life, and Scott had a feeling the soul of the baby was there too. Use our Past Life Regression audio to perceive your past lives and how you knew others long ago.

As soon as we knew the possible window of birth time we of course checked the astrology and numerology. We noticed that an earlier, rather than later, birth time that day would symbolically include a higher amount of beneficial karma, as seen through the considerations. Unknown to each other until later, we both sent out messages to the unborn baby of this notion, in case speeding up the arrival time was part of the destined plan.

An hour later they received word that the baby was breech, and a c-section would be done immediately, even though the nurse swore she thought she saw the head when they checked the first time.

Since natal birth data reflects who the soul is, where they have been, and where they are going, perhaps the soul appreciated our telepathic messages, but would have said this to us if we could have heard him: “Thanks guys, I already know. It’s part of the plan that I would be born earlier rather than later. As you know, nothing is by chance.”

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo