It is possible to predict the approximate date of a solid love connection (and the inherent rewards/challenges therein) if the numerologist and/or astrologer has the complete birth data of the person in question. Full legal birth name (exactly as it is on the birth certificate), exact time and date of birth, and exact location are necessary. Predicting marriage with astrology is a different matter–the marriage ceremony is secondary to the love connection.
Handwriting samples help also, since it may finally be time (timing is everything) to recognize hidden fears and or defenses that completely go against conscious wishes.
Based on years of research and objective observation, it’s obvious to us that timing really is everything. You can be in the middle of an entire football arena filled with prospective matches and if your timing is not conducive to a love connection, you’ll remain single. We’ll say it again: Timing is everything. Not the false promises of permanent-romantic-bliss-as-a-birthright notions (fairytale archetypes) borrowed from movies, TV shows, and books that we’ve embraced our entire lives, and certainly not the new age false belief that we can “create” anything our ego-selves want any time we want, but timing. Destined timing, whether it be connected to love life, career, money or any other part of life, is unique to each person and has everything to do with karma, reincarnation and what your soul planned for your personality this time around. Of course, romance is often an added bonus, but our relationships appear to serve us primarily as ultimate platforms for personal growth, as well as helping us accomplish other important earthly objectives.
Does the philosophy of predestination negate the concept of free will? Absolutely not; we use our free will to manifest our destinies. Simply by taking the right action at the right time, whatever feels most “right,” while centered and connected to our highest truth, aligns us with our destinies.
By the way, we don’t specifically incarnate to marry, but to have relationships. Even though our society places great importance on the act of getting married, what’s more important is learning your lessons with the key players that you’ve contracted with, so to speak, before incarnating.
Whether or not you make a relationship “legal” is usually insignificant from a spiritual viewpoint. Your charts indicate when you’re likely to have significant relationships, yet a celebration of a relationship, such as a wedding or ceremony, is also seen in the charts.
As far as mapping your life circumstances and probabilities yourself without tools such as numerology and astrology, it’s possible If you’re very psychic. Being psychic will help you get your own answers, but the timing of specific events (even for professional psychics) is difficult to pinpoint on pure intuition alone. This may be because psychic impressions of specific events and the timing of such events originate from realms outside fourth dimensional time and space. Developing your psychic ability in conjunction with using tried and tested metaphysical tools (such as those we offer on our website) allows you to get a stronger sense of your fate.
This priceless heightened perspective provides peace of mind and gives you an edge in planning and you’ll find that the study of these ancient mystical sciences eventually becomes a study of the meaning of life.
Copyright © 2004 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo