Tag Archives: psychic myths

Is it Possible to Lose Your Psychic Ability?

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Is it possible to lose your psychic ability? We’ve been meditating and exercising our psychic muscles for years, and we’ve found certain things can strengthen or weaken psychic ability.

Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, whether you want to call it your gut feeling, intuition, or guidance from above. We don’t think it’s possible to ever permanently lose what you were born with (we consider your unique talents abilities developed over lifetimes, not “gifts”–nobody gave them to you).

Many things can interfere with psychic abilities, including the following:

Psychic Myths

One example of a psychic myth is if you’re psychic, you should know everything. In reality, even the best psychics only know what they’re supposed to know. Such misconceptions can cause you to question your psychic ability, thus reduce your power.

Your environment

It’s natural to be skeptical of psychic ability, since most people grow up in an environment that doesn’t encourage it. But excessive discouragement or worse, ridicule by family and friends puts a serious damper on your natural abilities.

Abusing your abilities

Prying into others’ lives and attempting to control people is not your right, and misusing your psychic talent will incur negative karma and block your spiritual progression.

Subconscious fears

These can be from the present life or past lives. For example, if you were put to death by religious authorities in a past life for daring to oppose the Church, or openly applying your metaphysical abilities, you’ll naturally feel fear about these subjects. Past life regression can help you uncover and release the negative emotions.

Drug use, alcohol abuse, and some medications

Even “just pot” can block your intuition and distort your reality. When you choose to be as clear of a channel for the Light as possible, it’s easier to fulfill your potential and make the most of your time on Earth.

Stress and anger

Extreme emotions and stress can definitely get in the way of spiritual guidance from the other side.

Forgetting to have fun

Taking time to play will make you feel happy and relaxed, an optimum state in which to receive psychic insight.

Your personal timing

It’s normal to go through cycles in which your psychic ability seems diminished. These can last for days, weeks, months, or longer, and be identified through comprehensive astrology and numerology.

The energy of other people

We find that we are more psychic with people who have a greater than average psychic ability, and can feel blocked around skeptics or people who are blocked in various ways.

Lost souls and dark entities

This is a big one, more common than most people realize, and often misunderstood. It’s important to clear your energy periodically. Burning sage can help, but for more stubborn energy, try our Spiritual Detox audio and, or the book Spiritual Clearings by Diana Burney. Her book will help you request help from numerous higher level spiritual helpers on the other side to clear spiritual garbage you may have picked up inadvertently (which is easy to do).


Food intolerances, health problems, chemicals in food and anything you put on your body, too much caffeine, too much junk food, too much sugar (even fruit sugar), and more can make you feel blocked. The more sensitive you are and the more psychic you are, the more these things can interfere.

Try using meditation daily for relaxation. After a period of time, when you feel more centered, ask for help from your guides of the Light, then focus on simple questions to get your confidence back. Having faith that you will know what you need to know, when you need to know it, will help to bridge the gap to helpful insight. In time, and with practice, you should be feeling more psychic.

Learn how to strengthen your psychic ability and make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-packagehttps://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

12 Psychic Myths Many People Believe

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We’ve encountered many myths about psychic readings over the years. It’s not surprising there’s so much misinformation and fiction related to metaphysical readings; sometimes the practitioners are to blame.

Below are twelve psychic myths based on our over 30 years of experience with the subject.

Psychics know everything.

This is where some psychics get into trouble. They allow their followers and clients to assume they know everything, and then lose respect when they don’t. A very famous psychic let this happen to her. She died a few years ago with a bad reputation because of it.

Being psychic doesn’t mean you know everything. It’s like watching TV. Just because you’re tuned into one channel doesn’t mean you know everything that’s happening on every channel at every moment.

No psychic is 100% accurate 100% of the time.

Sometimes a reader won’t perceive something because you’re not supposed to know it.

Also, regarding questions like “What is he thinking?” or “Does she like me?”, it’s not your right to violate anyone’s privacy and pry into their mind.

Psychics can erase karma.

No one can erase another person’s karma. You must balance it yourself by experiencing whatever is related to it.

Psychics can bring a lover back or stop divorce.

No, they can’t, and if someone tells you they can they’re lying or delusional. If it’s over, it’s over. Using love spells for this is spiritual manipulation and black magic, and will create negative karma for you and the psychic.

Psychics can tell you if your partner cheated.

Some might be able to, but your relationship may not be worth saving if you have to ask a stranger such a question.

Psychics can predict the big lottery jackpot numbers.

Maybe if you’re destined to win, but you probably aren’t, so they won’t be able to perceive the numbers for you.

Only psychics are psychic.

Everyone has some degree of psychic ability. You can increase yours to a degree through regular meditation. Meditation will help you relax, focus, and become more aware of the answers to your questions.

You can alter your destiny.

Some psychics claim, “Nothing is set in stone.” We’ve found that most major events in everyone’s life are predestined. You then have free will to react to them.

Psychics tap into demonic energy and should be avoided, along with all other non-religious spiritual practices.

Psychic work, tarot cards, astrology, numerology, channeling, and other metaphysical practices are not demonic or negative by themselves. However, it is possible to tap into dark energy, with or without metaphysics, if you don’t know how to protect yourself.

Because of this, we recommend visualizing yourself surrounded in white Light, asking for protection and guidance from guides of the Light and your God, avoiding drugs and negative people, and avoiding black magic or similar dark energy rituals.

Only experienced mediums can communicate with the dead.

The loss of a loved one is always difficult. It’s only natural to want to contact them and continue communication.

We believe loved ones who cross over do check in from time to time with those they left behind, are there for you when you need them, and frequently try to help.

The trouble is, however, most of us are not conditioned at an early age to be open to or identify communication from the other side. Most people miss the signs.

In our experience, people who are spiritually sensitive can perceive communication from the other side. For everyone else, daily meditation can help you be more receptive to such insight, as will accepting that your loved ones who crossed over can hear you, and want to help.

Reincarnation and karma are not related or that important.

A good psychic understands that you can’t have one without the other, how much they influence your current life (a lot), and that accepting these theories is empowering through personal responsibility.

Your soul mates are mainly for romance.

Everyone has many soul mates and most of them are for spiritual growth. Anyone who says otherwise needs to stop reading so many romance novels.

Astrology and numerology are only about possibilities.

Once you move beyond the superficiality of modern astrology (e.g., horoscopes, exclusive focus on transits, solar returns, etc.), into comprehensive charting using ancient methodologies, you escape the “only possibilities” nonsense and start to identify “here it comes” predestined life events and circumstances.

Learn more about psychic myths, meditation and how to use it to your advantage, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package: https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo