Tag Archives: psychic prediction

Psychic Prediction, Karma & Fate – You Can’t Rewrite the Karmic Play of Life After Incarnating

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You can react to your karma and fate, but you can’t delete it.

Also, fate and destiny are the same thing. Some creative, modern astrologers suggest otherwise, but fate and destined events and circumstances in people’s lives have always existed.

The good news is that you have free will to deal with it all and also to create as you see fit, as long as your desire is within your karmic blueprint.

How do you know what your fate is? As humans, we naturally set goals and take action in accordance with whatever feels the most “right.” For example, if you’re 5’3” tall, can’t jump, and you don’t like team sports, you are not going to try to become an NBA basketball player. Therefore, it’s most likely not your destiny.

There are no windows of opportunity that we are aware of, while incarnated, in regards to altering your destiny and karma. You can’t skip or add scenes and re-write the play of life while on “stage” acting it out. You (your soul) determines your karmic path – the “good” and the “bad”- before birth, and you (your personality) plays out that role after birth.

Why? Because your soul wants to grow and learn from specific lessons while incarnated. Just because your personality doesn’t like something that’s destined for you doesn’t mean you can pass over it.

We have witnessed, however, psychic guidance playing a role in helping to avoid danger, especially if a person is not meant to experience the event. For example, a psychic consultant tells a client to avoid a flying on a particular day, the client consequently changes her flight and therefore avoids a plane crash. From our perspective she was fated to take the psychic’s advice and avoid the flight, thus continue living.

Another example is how, in a spring 2001 predictive consultation, we recommended that a Manhattan entrepreneur client avoid opening a tentatively planned  new NYC restaurant in September 2001. Since he followed our advice and didn’t open the new place in September 2001, it appears as if, despite being fated for challenges in autumn 2001, he wasn’t destined for business failure involving significant financial loss.

We just happened to be part of the process by which he avoided disaster (9-11).

Also, no psychic is 100% accurate. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of readings with many different psychics, and a good number were very talented and accurate, but the majority were less than 65% accurate in predicting future events and indicating the precise timing of those circumstances. If you want a higher degree of accuracy, we suggest numerology and pre-modern astrology in conjunction with psychic insight.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Psychic Prediction and the Lottery

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Is winning the lottery pure chance or is it destined? Seasoned predictive numerologists and astrologers will tell you that no circumstance in anyone’s life is completely random. Psychic prediction and the lottery is a popular topic. It’s also a popular fantasy; actually predicting the results of the lottery is a different matter.

Auspicious times in people’s lives are easily seen in numerology and astrology charts. The far less prosperous times are also visible. The collections of considerations comprising patterns in numerology and astrology charts represents all significant life circumstances.

At the same time, it’s impossible to identify exactly how to win money during any specific time (what numbers to play, etc.) for any one person, but instead, it’s possible to say when a person is most likely to win. There are definite times in everyone’s life when more money comes in than goes out and other times when more money goes out than comes in. In fact, it’s often easier to identify through the charts when a person will have financial challenges and when they won’t be lucky.

Furthermore, everyone has their own unique periods of time throughout life when financial success is much more likely to manifest by taking the right action at the most opportune time.

For example, ten different real-estate investors (all with similar experience, intelligence, etc.) in the same city are, at the same time, aggressively buying new properties to expand their companies. The tremendous success of three of them and the moderate success of the other seven has everything to do with individual timing and karma, and nothing to do with luck.

Generally, if the cause of a particular fortunate event is not clear, it’s common for people to call it luck.

People get lucky because they make their own luck and the timing supports it.

Making one’s luck may include placing the winning numbers in a lottery, spending many years in school to obtain a well paying job, or working tirelessly for 40 years to build a successful business.

What also may appear as luck are rewards (“good karma”) from past lives, such as being born into a family with loving, supportive parents. Our lives are mostly what we, as souls, make them before incarnating; many key life events are predestined. How we, as personalities, deal with and embrace our individual life lessons is what life is all about.

In examining the numerology and astrology charts of people who have won large lottery jackpots, the aspects reflect what their personal experiences will be with suddenly having a lot of cash. For example, if it’s their karma to have “negative experiences”, such as bankruptcy (common with lotto winners) or attracting many opportunists who are after their money, their charts will reflect this. Or, if it’s their destiny to use the money wisely, retain their wealth, and to create charitable organizations, the charts will represent these probabilities.

Some people have asked us if it’s possible to get the winning lottery numbers in meditation or through consulting with a psychic. If it were possible, many psychics would be multi-millionaires. Perhaps it’s not possible because winning such a large sum of money would alter a person’s life blueprint so drastically that they would miss the destined and karmic (“good” and “bad”) experiences they’re here for. It seems likely that it’s only possible to get a glimpse of the winning numbers in meditation if it’s your destiny and karma to win.

It’s also interesting to note that handwriting analysis can identify if a person is blocking prosperity in their life. Although a person may feel that they consciously deserve more abundance, their subconscious (which rules over the consciousness) may feel like they don’t deserve it, thus they sabotage circumstances in their lives that equate to having more money.

Comprehensive numerology and astrology allow us to identify the best times to be lucky. It’s up to us to get to know ourselves well enough to know what type of plan is for our highest good and what is not. “Success” comes by taking the path most suited  to us. All of us have our own unique key experiences in life to learn and understand; this is what matters most.

Copyright © 2004 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo