Tag Archives: reincarnation

Fate vs. Free Will–Tale of Three Spiritual Seekers

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The fate vs. free will debate involves three main points of view. Either you believe everything is fated, nothing is fated, or somewhere in between.

Below we outline the three general belief systems regarding fate vs. free will represented through three separate spiritual seekers.

1. The first seeker believes there’s nothing she can do to improve her lot in life. She contends that everything in her life is fated so why bother trying to make it better? Unfortunately, she’s also pessimistic and completely fatalistic.

Of morbid disposition, she spends her free time alone watching TV and hoping she has better circumstances in her next life.

Based on some of the feedback we receive, we’re misunderstood as this type of spiritual seeker. In truth, we’re very different from this type.

2. The second seeker is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the first seeker. He believes anything is possible, no matter what, and shuns the notions of personal fate, karma, and immutable personal adversity.

He is a regular inspirational seminar participant and his library is full of all the New Age best-sellers because the authors of those books, like him, mostly reject the idea of predetermination and immutable personal adversity. It’s all sunshine and rainbows; “You can do it!” We love inspiration, but only if it’s rooted in reality.

Unfortunately, this seeker eventually faces the real world when life happens to him. Circumstances beyond his control destroy his lofty ideals, he feels like a failure because he wasn’t able to create whatever he wanted, and he lives the rest of his life depressed, with a victim consciousness.

Those of this group who do manage to achieve great success display a lack of humility by insisting their will alone manifested their dreams, instead of humbly admitting it was also because fate and karma were on their side, this time.

3. The third seeker embraces the philosophy that most of the key circumstances and events in everyone’s life are fated, acknowledges that everyone has their own unique personal adversity and free will to react to it in a positive way, and that there are many things in life that you can’t change no matter how inspired you get.

But he plays the long game. He believes that those dreams he can’t manifest in this life may very well be reachable in future lives, so he keeps working hard and dreaming. He sees this life as one of many, just like the many years in your life. Keep striving, he believes, and he will get there, in time, and at the very least, reap other benefits along the way.

Being of detached mind and accepting what he can’t change, few things faze the third seeker. Ironically, he is more inspired than the second seeker, in part, because he sees this life as an enormous opportunity that many souls on the other side would like and is grateful for every single day.

Considering the philosophies of fate and reincarnation, in which more than half of the world’s population believes, are valid (these theories have yet to be invalidated), which spiritual seeker will get the most out of life? Clearly, the third one, in our view.

You have nothing to lose by embracing the philosophies of free will, predestination, and reincarnation (only the hopelessly idealistic reject the notion that everyone has unique, unavoidable personal adversity), but you do have much to lose if you take the hapless approach of the first two seekers.

Below we list three ways that will help you make the most of your spiritual journey.

1. Realize what you really want by getting to know yourself better, including your subconscious personality, which is outlined wonderfully by handwriting analysis. Subconscious memory exploration through hypnosis mp3s also works wonders. Once you have self-knowledge, including knowing your timing (outlined excellently by comprehensive astrology and numerology), you stop fighting the path most natural for you.

2. Take the essential steps to reach your goals and work on your discipline if necessary. Katharine Hepburn said, “Without discipline, there’s no life at all.” Your health, relationships of all types, work, and of course achieving your goals all require discipline. Meditation is a good practice that helps you increase your discipline. Subliminal MP3s for self-discipline can give you an extra push if you feel you need it.

3. Make time to dream every day, without limits. We call it “dream-castling” and you can be as outrageous as you want–it’s your imagination. While always keeping in mind your realistic everyday and long-term goals, go wild with your imagination about what things would be like in the best-case scenario.

For example, say you want to write a best-selling book. Imagine what it would be like to help people with what you’ve learned (the hard way). Think of what it would feel like to sell millions of books and improve countless lives, and of course enjoy the money and credibility that would come with it.

While you may not be able to achieve every extravagant desire in this life, there’s always your next life, and what matters most is the experience and what you learn along the way.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge, make the most of your fate, and dream big.  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

DNA, Twins, and Souls: A Shocking Angle to Heredity vs. Environment Debate

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As identical twins, we are supposed to be genetic mirrors of each other and conventional scientists attribute our differences in personality to environmental influences.

Contrast that with our controversial viewpoint: we associate our unique personalities and distinct physical differences to the influence of spiritual heritage; everyone, including identical twins, has a unique soul.

Life is much more than mere biological science. Why not consider the influence of spirit too?

We contend that you aren’t just a hunk of meat with a brain and that the unique qualities and spiritual heritage of each soul shine through and influence the physical body and personality.

The mainstream scientific community rejects the notion that people are spiritual beings having a human experience. In their view, it’s either heredity or environment.

Interestingly, more and more geneticists now believe that identical twins aren’t really “identical.” This New York Times article sheds light on the issue:

“From the moment that most identical twins separate, they may well have different epigenetics, a term that refers to the way genes are read and expressed, depending on environment. They are already different products of their environment, the environment being whatever uterine conditions rendered them separate beings in the first place.

“The casual observer is fascinated by how similar identical twins are, but some geneticists are more interested in identifying all the reasons they might differ, sometimes in significant ways. Why might one identical twin be gay or transgender and not the other? Why do identical twins, born with the same DNA, sometimes die of different diseases at different times in their lives? Their environments must be different, but which aspect of their environment is the one that took their biology in a different direction? Smoking, stress, obesity — those are some of the factors that researchers have been able to link to specific changes in the expression of specific genes. They expect, in time, to find hundreds, possibly thousands, of others.” (Bold emphasis ours.)

The researcher links differences among twins, such as sexuality and health, strictly to environment: “Their environments must be different…”

Being identical twins, with different sexual orientations, health issues, and personalities (and the same early life environment), we find their orthodox approach shortsighted.

The concept of DNA genetic coding is linked to personal fate.

Behavioral geneticists assert that DNA genetic coding largely predetermines psychological, emotional, and physical make-up.

We find this fascinating because we believe that key elements of personality are predetermined, yet we also believe that they’re missing what comes before that–the history of the soul before it enters the body, and how that history and karma influence the personality and lifetime.

Unseen, spiritual considerations overshadow conventional science and the mundane just as the vast universe outshines Earth. You have free will within the framework of your fate and karma, but you have far more power of choice in spirit form, before you incarnate.

Being identical twins and having scrutinized twins through empirical research involving past life regression and comprehensive astrology and numerology, we are in a unique position to offer a noteworthy perspective: Each twin expresses the personality traits they are fated to (not by chance), everyone has a unique soul and past life history which greatly influences each lifetime, and the vast majority of everyone’s key life circumstances and events are preordained.

As the New York Times article linked above about the twins who were switched at birth implies, even if you put a person whose karma and destiny does not include wealth into an affluent environment, they won’t get rich just because of the environment.

Our findings show the reverse is true too: someone from a poor background whose karma and destiny includes extraordinary prosperity will achieve it. In short, environment doesn’t trump karma and fate.

Find out more about your spiritual heritage and how to make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/.

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Our Favorite Spiritual Laws

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Everyone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited.

Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction.

Our long-term empirical findings indicate everyone is bound to specific spiritual laws, just like heavenly bodies are bound to Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion, which outline how they orbit the Sun.

Below we list our favorite spiritual laws.

1. The law of karma dictates that every good intent, thought, and action will return to you, in time. How great is that? Also, any injustice will balance itself out, eventually, so seeking revenge is pointless, and it incurs further karma anyway.

At the same time, this law demands personal responsibility. Thus, if you find yourself on the receiving end of some tough karma, the best approach is to change what you can and accept the rest.

You don’t ever have to worry if life is fair because the law of karma dictates it’s perfectly fair. We believe what goes around comes around, usually in future lifetimes, not this life.

You can “create your reality” to a certain extent but your actions now will have as much or more impact on your future lives. This is related to another law, the law of predestination.

2. The law of predestination (same as destiny, fate, and predetermination) is wonderful because all those rewards you’ve worked so hard for in past incarnations catch up to you eventually, sometimes in this life. At the same time, life’s challenges are also part of personal fate. Perceiving them from a different perspective, as necessary experiences for a higher purpose, makes them easier to digest.

3. The law of reincarnation causes you to keep incarnating until you get it right. How do you get it right? Do your best and react with love and compassion instead of fear, as often as possible. Easier said than done.

The great thing about the law of reincarnation (in conjunction with the law of personal fate) is that you take with you a lot of what you establish while in bodily form: talents, wisdom, health karma, money karma, and so on.

Lofty goals may not be so lofty when viewed from the perspective of multiple lifetimes. Have you always had a burning desire to be a famous actor, for example, but you don’t see it happening in this life? Keep dreaming and using your free will to work toward your goal, even if it’s only doing community theater in your free time. Thoughts are things, and although they may not manifest in this life, they may eventually if backed by enough energy.

4. The law of as above, so below (i.e., celestial phenomena is symbolic of life on Earth) mandates that patterns in comprehensive astrology and numerology charts reflect life circumstances and events. This is one of our favorite spiritual laws because you can use the knowledge to prepare for and limit life’s challenges, and maximize life’s rewards.

5. The law of universal order, as with the law of as above so below, shows that the universe is orderly, not chaotic. Heavenly bodies spin and orbit predictably, the seasons change when we expect them to, pumpkin seeds grow pumpkins and not strawberries, and horses birth foals and not lambs. The law of universal order underscores the human experience, allowing for the measurement and interpretation of overall personal fate through comprehensive astrology and numerology.

Ultimately, the above spiritual laws are exciting and inspiring because they indicate that life is so much more than a random series of events. It has infinite spiritual meaning, and you can take unconditional love, compassion, and lots of other good things with you into the next phase of your soul’s journey.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you make the most of your life today with 5 incredible subconscious programming and affirmation-packed audio MP3s: Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax Subliminal MP3, Improve Appearance and Become Sexier Subliminal MP3, Success and Abundance Subliminal MP3, Enhance Love Life and Friendships Subliminal MP3, Forgive and Let Go Subliminal MP3. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Addressing Skepticism About the Concept of Karma

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Long-term empirical research tells us that the concept of karma is valid, though we regularly encounter people with misconceptions about the spiritual tenet.

For example, we received this anonymous e-mail recently: “Who are you to tell anyone they deserve what happens to them. This is your belief, not a fact. I do not believe in karma. Period. You people have your views, and they’re your views, but kindly accept that there are those who disagree.”

Actually, we’ve never said that people “deserve what happens to them.” That statement implies a vengeful god that punishes people for their sins.

We don’t believe anyone deserves to be conned, robbed, murdered, raped, or forced to endure any other atrocities that regularly occur on planet Earth.

The truth, as we see it, is actually quite different, and to understand it you must view it from a spiritual perspective.

Spiritual laws of the universe go far beyond the third dimensional physical plane, which is why it’s impossible to escape full personal responsibility for every one of your actions.

Definition of Karma

We define karma as everything you do, say, or intend–starting from when your soul first existed–which could have been thousands of years ago, on Earth or elsewhere–coming back to you in equal measure. Your karma today is mostly what your soul created before this life.

Virtually everyone alive today has lived multiple existences and generated both positive and negative karma; everyone has been both a “good person” and a “bad person,” many times.

Spiritual laws are like gravity–they simply exist. A cat jumps out the window of the thirtieth floor. A witness states, “The cat got what it deserved.” Well, yes, the law of gravity dictates that it won’t end well, but saying that the cat deserved it sounds rather cruel. It’s simply what happens when the cat jumps out the window, according to the immutable law of gravity.

Likewise, pillaging that village 10,000 years ago has consequences, even though you were following orders and thought you got away with it.

7 Key Findings About Karma

1. As mentioned above, most of the karma you endure (or enjoy, if rewarding) originates from prior existences, not this life.

2. Karma isn’t instant. What you do today may not come back to you for lifetimes, though if you do the right thing, the positive situations and feelings you generate (if you’re not a sociopath) sure can make your current existence more pleasant.

3. Negative circumstances and events in a person’s life may not be karma, but instead part of a soul plan to help others. For example, a person who suffers discrimination may not have discriminated against others in a previous life, but the situation brings attention to the problem of discrimination and helps to reduce the amount of discrimination in the future.

4. As long as you treat people fairly, respectfully and don’t cause intentional harm, you aren’t generating negative karma. For instance, divorcing your spouse won’t incur negative karma as long as you do so peacefully. What is best for you is often best for everyone else, even if they resist it. Note: false guilt can generate karmic circumstances.

5. Unfulfilled desires aren’t always rooted in negative karma. You may cherish the idea of a perfect love relationship and yearn for it, yet never attain it. It’s not because of negative karma, but unrealistic expectations.

6. Sometimes a challenging situation is not about karma but instead a helpful lesson for you. For example, you realize much later in life that the strife in your family relationships you painstakingly endured helped you solidify your convictions and make you a stronger person, which will serve you well in your next lifetime.

7. Sometimes difficult times are not karmic payback, but your collective timing. Our findings show that life is cyclical and that everyone’s timing is different. If your timing is not conducive to your goals at this time, it very well may be in the future. Hang in there.

Now that you know karma isn’t a dubious explanation of life circumstances, that cause and effect is a valid spiritual law, you can avoid the blame and victimization game and act with a fresh perspective.

Learn more about karma and other spiritual laws with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package.

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Reincarnation–9 Signs You Have Not Lived Before

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Have you lived previous lives? About two-thirds of the world’s population believes in reincarnation. Disbelievers reject the concept of reincarnation, though how many of them have investigated the concept objectively?

The “I’m just a hunk of meat with a brain– no soul” types (typically atheists) completely ignore, or aren’t even aware of, the important reincarnation research done by Dr. Ian Stevenson and other professionals in the field.

Are you skeptical about reincarnation? Good, because that’s better than automatically rejecting or embracing a concept about which you’re not fully informed.

The more you objectively explore the theory of reincarnation, especially through past life regression, the more it becomes harder not to at least consider it as a possibility. You can’t bring back physical proof from past life regression, but sometimes what you perceive, your emotional reactions, and what seem like strange coincidences during and after the experience, will make proving it seem insignificant.

However, even people who believe in reincarnation, even when it’s a basic tenet of their religion, don’t always live their life as if it is valid. It’s unfortunate, because if they did, there would be a lot less crime and people hurting other people in the world.

Does everyone reincarnate? It seems likely, based on our empirical research, but we’re not ruling out the possibility that some people on Earth are not in the usual cycle of reincarnation, for various reasons.

For those who refuse to even consider that the concept of reincarnation might be valid, below is a list of 10 signs you’ve never reincarnated.

1) You’ve never had any natural and unexplainable talents or interests.

2) You’ve never had any unexplainable phobias or fears.

3) You’ve never experienced unexplainable and intense love, hate, like, or dislike at first sight.

4) All your family and work relationships are perfectly harmonious and always have been from the start.

5) You are not naturally drawn to or repulsed by any particular time period, food, tradition, religion, and, or country for no obvious reason.

6) You’ve never been to a city or building for the first time and experienced deja vu and knew your way around.

7) You’ve never had any dreams of being in a different body or speaking a different language in a different time and place.

8) You never felt passionate about a certain cause for no logical reason. Or, you’re not an advocate of animal rights, the poor, women’s rights, or racial or sexual orientation equality, that angrily and sometimes intolerantly, hypocritically and unfairly fights for your cause. Ironically, these unreasonable types see the world as they are, not as it is, and were the type of person in a past life that they point their finger at today. Note: we are grateful and have great respect for those who work fairly, peacefully, and diplomatically for equal rights for all and for those who crusade to make this world a better place.

9) You’ve experienced past life regression more than once, suspended your skepticism enough to allow the process to work, and followed all the directions of the practitioner or MP3, yet you did not perceive anything at all, during or after the experience, that might indicate you soul has lived before.

Did you agree with all of these? If so, go ahead and behave as if you will not be held accountable for your actions. After all, there’s no such thing as reincarnation and karma, right?

“Whether or not we believe in survival of consciousness after death, reincarnation, and karma, it has very serious implications for our behavior.” Stanislav Grof

Explore your past lives with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package and learn how your past is affecting your present.

Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Examples of Past Life Suffering That Caused Happy Love Lives Today Part II

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Your current love life is the result of your past life actions, according to the theories of reincarnation and karma.

However, not all bad love life experiences are the result of bad karma. Your soul chooses experiences for growth, and some present day negative situations may be the result of best intentions in past lives.

Similarly, good love life experiences can be the result of good karma. Below are examples of past life suffering that led to happy love lives.

Sacrifice For Love

She respected and loved her wealthy employer so much that she took the fall when he was accused of something he didn’t do and suffered the rest of her life for it. He loved her too, but couldn’t save her, let alone marry her, due to his position in the community.

In this life they’re married and enjoy a beautiful relationship. Her not having to work ever again due to his wealth is a nice reward for her this time.

Hard Work Pays Off

Though he was poor and didn’t have the status most women look for, she loved him for who he was and didn’t care about what others thought.

Today they’re together again, their subconscious memories of their love and happy past lives together the glue that binds them. Their hard work in past lives has paid off and this time they enjoy the good life.

Sexually Confident

She had no sexual shame and believed there was nothing wrong with a single woman having sex. Unfortunately, her community didn’t feel the same; she was banished from the town for being intimate with a man to whom she wasn’t married.

Today she’s still sexually confident, but this time she’s a sex symbol and in a very public relationship with a man she loves.

Unconditional Love

He was completely devoted to her and always put her first, even though she did not respect him. When she left him he accepted it and even helped her move on with her life.

This lifetime he feels so fortunate to be in a relationship of equal love, respect, and devotion.

A Public Example

As a young homosexual couple in love, they were put to death for refusing to lie about their relationship. The village made an example of them to discourage other homosexuals from being themselves.

Today they’re both gay again, and feel so grateful they’re happy together, now with the support and love of friends and family. They’re a public example again, but this time of love and being true to yourself.

Overcame Fear of Being Alone

She spent several lifetimes unhappily single due to circumstances her soul chose for growth.

Now that she learned the lessons she needed to, this life is a reward: She’s never had to work hard at her love life; things just fall into place for her, though she’s quite content being single too. Her inner strength and the fact that she overcame a fear of being alone a long time ago is absolutely part of her happy love life equation.

Happy Together Again

They had a wonderful relationship, but while at the beach one day, he lost his life saving a young boy from drowning.

They’re together again in this life and the subconscious memories of their strong bond and loss cause them to deeply cherish their relationship. They have a young son (who was the boy he saved), and they’re very happy.

Explore your past lives with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package and learn how your past is affecting your present.

Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Examples of Past Life Suffering That Led to Happy Love Lives Today Part I

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The theory of reincarnation suggests your past life actions create your present love life situations, both the good and the bad.

People who don’t like their love lives now might be making up for their actions in the distant past, but not always. Sometimes, even the best intentions in past lives can result in unfortunate experiences in future lives. This is part of soul growth.

Likewise, people with a rewarding love life today may have earned it in past lives. Below are examples of past life suffering that led to happy love lives.

Love Isn’t Ownership

After ten years of marriage with the man whom she thought was the love of her life, she caught him cheating with the help in their barn. She banished him from her life and remained angry and alone the rest of her long life.

After death, on the other side, she realized that she caused her own suffering with her expectations, demands, and rigid personality.

Today she understands the importance of forgiveness and accepts that many people are not the strictly monogamous type, love is not about owning or controlling another person, and love and sex are two separate things. Her partners in this life have respected and loved her even more when she encouraged them to honestly discuss their attractions to others rather than suppressing them and cheating.

Complete On His Own

He lost his “everything,” his “other half,” at a young age. He had other opportunities for love, but refused them and was lonely and unhappy the rest of his life.

After death, he realized that everyone has many soul mates, you are complete on your own, and while love is forever, most relationships are not.

In this life he’s loved and lost, but accepts it as a part of life. He understands that he doesn’t need someone else to be happy, and remains optimistic and open to future possibilities.

Freedom Lover

She was forced by her very traditional family at a young age to marry a man she couldn’t stand and was miserable the rest of her life.

In this life she hasn’t had the greatest relationship experiences, but that’s fine with her because she loves being single and the inherent freedom. She can’t understand why someone would want to give that up just to have a relationship, especially if the partner isn’t extremely compatible.

A Loving Divorce

She refused to accept divorce as an option, even though her marriage ended long ago. After her husband left she ruined her life by resenting him with all her energy, driving others away with her bitterness.

In this life, when she and her husband drifted apart after fifteen years of marriage, she was responsible for the two of them parting on very good terms, even having what they joked about as a “loving divorce.”

Finally Free to Enjoy Their Relationship

They were monks together in Asia many centuries ago. They shared a deep, romantic love but could never act on it, which caused them great stress and sorrow.

In the current life, they met in a religious studies class and instantly connected. But this time one is male, the other is female, and both are heterosexual and single, so they are finally free to enjoy what they could not so long ago.

Explore your past lives with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package and learn how your past is affecting your present.

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Take This Quiz–How Do You Get to Heaven

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How do you get to heaven? Will you be turned away? Take this short quiz and find out.

Answer “yes” or “no” if you’ve ever done any of the following: cursed; eaten meat; enjoyed any of the finer things in life, such as designer clothing or expensive meals; used numerology, astrology, tarot cards, or consulted a psychic; listened to and enjoyed music other than religious music; failed to attend religious services on a regular basis; questioned your religious leader; danced in public; been intoxicated; worn clothing that revealed your legs; worn platform heels; worn clothing of the opposite sex; looked at porn; touched yourself in an impure manner; had sex for the purpose of satisfaction rather than reproduction; had sex outside of marriage; had a sexual dream about someone other than your partner; had a homosexual experience; received or fantasized about receiving, either directly or indirectly, money for sex; paid for sex, either directly or indirectly; had an open relationship; divorced.

If you have done any of the above, congratulations! You’re human. None of these actions generate negative karma.

Next, consider if you’ve ever done any of these things: condemned others for being homosexual, bisexual, transgender, or of a different race; lied; cheated; manipulated or intentionally hurt another; stolen something.

These actions directly above, among others, create negative karma and you’ll have to balance it, eventually.

How do you get to heaven? Or for that matter, what about hell? Does it really exist? In all of our past life regression and life-between-life empirical research over the last 25 years, we’ve never seen any evidence of hell.

However, a small percentage of people who have experienced NDEs (near death experiences) have reported they perceived a place that seemed like hell, complete with people being tortured and an evil presence.

Were those people really in hell, and did they not get the “how do you get to heaven” memo?

In our opinion, in each case we’ve seen or read about, it seemed to us that it was a situation where their guides and subconscious mind created an illusion that would help them to straighten out their life, their mind created a vision based on their religious programming, or it was the result of experiencing lower astral planes, sometimes due to a drug overdose or other factors. Interestingly, in many of these cases, when the person yelled out to a higher power, like God, to help them, they immediately left the place that seemed like hell.

Rather than a final destination that’s reserved only for the religious elite, heaven seems to be a temporary place where all souls go after death of the body in order to review, rest, learn, and plan for the next incarnation.

As for the question, “how do you get to heaven,” our findings show that, in general, if you treat others as you want to be treated, you will create positive karma and future experiences that are closer to heaven on earth.

Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

5 Signs You’ve Lived Before

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The theory of reincarnation has yet to be proven invalid, and if it weren’t for all references of reincarnation being edited out of the bible around 553 A.D. by the initiative of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, more Americans would believe in it, just like a large segment of the rest of the world.

Whether you believe or not, the process of past life regression, facilitated by a therapist or through an audio meditation, is a great self-discovery and healing tool. While you won’t be able to bring forth physical evidence, most perceive just how much their past lives (or life circumstances symbolized by subconscious metaphor) are affecting their present lives, and realize how their present lives are a startling mirror for their past lives.

With some helpful guidelines, it’s fairly easy to unearth distinct indications of your possible past lives and difficult, in our opinion (which is based on years of objective empirical research) to find other explanations that make more sense than reincarnation.

Past-life Clues

1) Your interests, likes, and dislikes, especially when there is no logical reason, can give you valuable clues about your past lives. Whatever you like or dislike in someone else, especially if it causes an extreme emotional reaction within you, may be related to past lives.

Do you love to watch old movies with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing? Do you have intense feelings for a Hollywood star who was famous long before you were born? Do they inspire you and can you imagine yourself living in that time period? Perhaps you did.

2) Specific countries, or an area of your home country that you’ve always felt an aversion or attraction to, may indicate happy or unhappy experiences and lifetimes in those places. Have you always wanted to travel to Japan? Do you feel an affinity towards their culture and customs and yearn to be among their people? You may have lived there before.

Does the sound of a South African accent make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? It could relate to a disagreeable lifetime in that region of the world.

3) Groups—ethnic, race, religion, sexual orientation, or authority figures, for example—that you like or dislike may indicate positive or negative experiences with them in one or more past lives.

Do you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach every time you read or hear about the ancient Pagan religion? Or does talk of the Crusades in the Middle Ages make you strangely uneasy? Maybe you were directly involved in one or more past lives and endured much agony and, or inflicted it. If so, remind yourself that the present is most important, but since the past is still affecting you via your subconscious, mentally forgive yourself and anyone else who may have been involved.

4) Any phobias or fears you have may relate to traumatic experiences in one or more past lives, especially if there is no logical present life explanation. It’s interesting to note that a past life regression session, back to the root cause, can resolve a phobia, such as aerophobia (fear of flying), even when nothing else worked.

Do you have an unusual fear of earthquakes? Do you avoid any location that is earthquake-prone because you fear the worst? You may have already experienced it.

Did you feel an odd terror when you read about typhoons in Asia? Does the thought of traveling in a small, ocean-going boat under threatening weather make you exceedingly panicky? Perhaps you were swept away in a storm lifetimes ago.

5) Any innate talents you have may indicate that you developed that particular skill in one or more past lives. How else can you explain a child’s inborn, unusual talent for playing the piano, for example, at age 5? Or how about the ability of a 6 year-old to know, with no previous exposure, the names of WW1 airplanes and ships?

While reading this article, you may have wondered about past lives in relation to punishment, and if you are being penalized now. We’ve found this to be a common misunderstanding. In our past life regression research, we’ve learned that nothing you experience in life is a punishment from a “judgmental God” or any other higher power.

Instead, you (your soul, not your personality), chose, on a soul level before incarnating, most of your main experiences in order to achieve spiritual understanding. You then have free will so you can react in a positive way and make the most of your life.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Is This Your Last Lifetime?

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According to life-between-life research involving past life regression, souls can decide to stay on “the other side” rather than come back for another lifetime, especially if they’ve worked through all of their karma during previous lifetimes (which is very uncommon). Or they may decide to learn their lessons in other ways or help others on Earth from the other side. But apparently, most souls are eager to return to Earth to play the roles they were born to star in.

Know that this is not a personality decision. On a personality level, you might be dreading every day on this planet, yet on a soul level, you understand the more spiritual reasons for why you’re here and what you’re experiencing. Sometimes you are not supposed to know the big picture before the time is right, as there may be lessons in the process that wouldn’t be learned if you were fully aware of your situation. As you become more aware of yourself and your life, you may find yourself perceiving the deeper reasons for life’s experiences.

Most people cannot remember if they’ve been here enough already, but some with very strong psychic and mediumship abilities may receive strong impressions that this may be one of the last ones.

Of course, many people say this is their last lifetime, but how do they really know that? Perhaps they feel they are a very old soul, but that could just mean they took many lifetimes to get where they are today, not that they have balanced all necessary karma. Or maybe they may feel they’re ready to move beyond Earth, and that they’re spiritually aware enough to break the cycle of reincarnation.

Frankly, it often seems like wishful thinking in the hope that they don’t have to endure any more earthly challenges and can instead just enjoy life in “heaven.” We can relate to that, as life on this planet is not easy. In fact, it’s commonly believed to be one of the more difficult places to incarnate. The best way to make sure you finish your lifetimes here on Earth as quickly as possible and, eventually, enjoy more of the good things in life, is to “do the right thing” from now on, in every situation.

In reality, most people don’t know for certain if they’ve completed all of their karmic lessons or not, and on a soul level, they may already be planning out many more future lifetimes. Considering Earth isn’t the only place (or dimension) where people incarnate (there are billions of stars like our Sun with likely millions, if not billions, of inhabitable planets in this universe), and that life in this universe has existed for eons, it’s reasonable to consider that souls typically have more lifetimes than you can count, not only 300 or fewer as some Eastern religions suggest.

There seems to be some confusion in today’s society about what exactly creates negative karma. Based on our experiences with 1000s of past life regressions, here is what we’ve found.

Some actions that generate negative karma include the following:

*murder, even if you are not caught, unless it’s in self defense

*stealing, even if you are not caught and no matter how you justify it

*telling a lie that hurts someone else in any way, even if you are not caught and even if you believe your own lie

*intentionally hurting someone in any way

*not doing the “right thing,” subsequently causing someone else to suffer in any way

*resenting someone; your anger may cause you to be confronted with similar circumstances in the future until you learn to forgive and if applicable, take responsibility for your part of the conflict

*incurring addiction, if it hurts you or anyone around you

*disrespecting yourself to the point of personal harm (such as being a martyr); yes you can gain good karma by helping others through martyrdom, but you still may have to balance a lack of self-respect

Some situations that are oftentimes believed to produce negative karma, but do not, include the following:

*making, or otherwise acquiring a lot of money, as long as you do so honestly

*having a lot of money and not giving a lot away to charities; the world is not your responsibility, yet of course you gain karmic credits or in some cases, pay back karmic debts by helping others, and besides, it feels good

*lying to protect someone, as long as you’re not hurting someone else in the process, or helping that person you’re protecting to dodge taking responsibility for their actions

*breaking up with a partner, as long as you are not intentionally doing anything to hurt them them in the process; their resistance and difficulty with it is not your responsibility

*divorce, as long as you take care of your responsibilities and leave peacefully

*having sex without being married, as long as you do not intentionally hurt anyone (or yourself) in the process

*practicing non-monogamy, as long as you are honest with everyone involved, are acting responsibly, and do not intentionally hurt anyone in the process

*accidentally hurting someone in any way, but any guilt could cause you to experience a reaction in the future if you don’t let go of it


*prostitution, as long as it’s between two consenting adults and you are not intentionally hurting anyone in the process

*exceeding the speed limit, although any associated guilt may create karmic ties

*having a few drinks, although if done regularly enough in excess, you’re disrespecting and hurting yourself, therefore incurring negative karma

*being a single parent or having a child outside of marriage, as long as you provide for the child and be the best parent you can be

*refusing to give in to others’ “shoulds” (“you should do this or that”); it’s your life and you know what’s best for your highest good; as long as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else you’re free to live your life as you desire

By the way, confessing to a priest or praying for forgiveness will not excuse you from any negative karma you’ve created. Also, it’s debatable whether or not practicing self-forgiveness will completely get you off the hook, since your future karmic circumstances are determined by your soul, not your personality.

No one, no matter how psychic or spiritual they are, can cheat karma and avoid future negative consequences if they don’t “do the right thing.” Everyone needs to return to school house Earth (or a similar place) until they’ve resolved all their karma and paid all their dues. If you, at any time, do not “do the right thing,” in most cases, you’re essentially buying a round trip ticket back to this planet for another life to endure your tests again. Admittedly, “doing the right thing” sometimes seems all but impossible for many due to the forces of personal fate; people will behave in accordance with their level of awareness more often than not, not as they “could” to minimize karmic consequences, but at least you know that ultimately it’s up to you take the high road to avoid accumulating additional negative karma.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo