Tag Archives: spiritual detox

Demonic Possession and Lost Souls–Responses To Critics

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Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive.

Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept these concepts, based on our objective findings.

We share what we’ve learned to help you cut through the misunderstandings and misinformation and avoid the serious problems related to the issues.

Below we list feedback from three anonymous individuals, along with our commentary.

Comment #1:

“Your teachings are not very accurate. ‘Ask for help from God, your guides, or angels of the Light’? Obviously, you’re spouting New Age nonsense. In reality, God does not tell you to ask for help from angels or spirit guides because that is a way to become possessed by demons. Angels won’t listen to you. They will only listen to God. Clearly, you don’t know the One True God. Nobody is haunted by ‘lost souls,’ those are demons! Only the One True God can help you. Read the Torah and you’ll know.”

Comment #2:

“It’s doubtful you can help yourself with demonic possession or lost souls, as you put it. Only a properly trained exorcist with the Catholic cloak, crucifix, rosary, bible, and the help of saints can help those who are possessed.”

While we recognize that organized religion can be wonderfully beneficial for many people, other-dimensional entities including demons, lost souls, and angels are not religiously sanctioned, and predate today’s organized religions.

The belief in angels can be found in almost every culture in recorded history, and shamans and sorcerers of countless cultures have performed depossessions.

For example, over 6000 years ago Sumerians carved human-like beings with wings into stone, Sumerian priests performed exorcisms, and the Sumerians recited protection prayers, as depicted on cuneiform clay tablets.

Once you are well informed about these topics, it’s perfectly safe to do your own depossessions with the help of higher-level spirit guides (who are always willing to help if you ask!), though you can always seek the help of an expert.

Comment #3:

“I don’t believe in spirits, ghosts, demons, god or any of that stuff. I’m an atheist. Science has proven you do not know what you’re talking about. The unknown happens and your imagination takes over, that’s all it is. Gullible people see scary movies then re-create the horrors in their life out of a need for excitement or even from being crazy. The only way to get your brain to stop creating delusions is to get the right medication and go through therapy.”

We tend to view those who worship science while simultaneously attacking spirituality and religion, proclaiming their superiority over those who believe in God, other-dimensional beings, and metaphysical concepts, as conceited, bigoted miscreants who deny evidence of the unseen from countless cultures around the world that date back to the beginning of recorded history.

If you can’t touch it or prove it within the rigid confines of modern science, it doesn’t exist, say the skeptics. Scientists today focus on technological advances including sending spacecraft to other planets and other mundane concerns, which is rightfully their domain.

Inaccurately contending that (dogmatic) conventional scientific method applies to everything, including concerns beyond the material world, is not scientific.

Demons, disembodied souls, and the topic of possession may seem irrational or frightening, but there’s nothing to fear once you realize it’s simply a matter of protecting yourself from misplaced energy that needs to be sent to the Light.

See other columns on the topic here: https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/category/spirit-possession/

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package shows you how to protect yourself spiritually, even against demonic energy. If you’re feeling depressed, angry, fearful, or having a tough time quitting bad habits and addictions, our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 and the new Spiritual Detox™ Script can help.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

5 Ways to Deal With Feeling Trapped in a Relationship

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Many people feel trapped in a relationship, yet fail to do anything about it.

The reasons for staying stuck are numerous, including assuming it’s better for the children to stay, illness or lack of physical mobility or stamina, financial restrictions, fear of retaliation, fear of being single, fear of losing half of one’s assets, and fear of being part of a “failed” relationship.

Open and honest communication is the most recommended way to deal with feeling trapped in a relationship. But what if you’ve tried that and it didn’t work, or being too candid about how you feel isn’t an option, and you can’t leave yet for whatever reason?

Here are five other ways to help you deal with such a situation:

1) Focus on yourself and your passions instead of the relationship. If you’ve tried repairing your relationship but it hasn’t worked or she’s just not interested, it’s time to do what makes you happy. After you take care of your responsibilities such as work, caring for the children, paying bills and doing household chores, use the rest of your time to do what you want to do.Develop your independence and see yourself as an individual rather than half of a couple.

2) Use Subliminal MP3 audios. This technology can help you with almost any goal, including overcoming the perception of being trapped in a relationship. For example, sometimes just a boost of confidence, sense of humor, or self-love will make it much easier to deal with your situation. If the relationship is salvageable, a subliminal MP3 audio to improve your relationship can make a world of difference.

3) Utilize hypnosis. Many people are scared of hypnosis, thanks to silly hypnosis stage shows and movies. Essentially hypnosis is just a deep state of relaxation. In fact, you’ve been hypnotized many times without even realizing it, like when watching TV or driving a familiar route. Hypnosis can change your perception of your partner and relationship for the better, and even uncover childhood memories that may be interfering with your relationship now. You can see a trained hypnotist, or use one of many hypnosis MP3 audios available for specific relationship and personality issues.

4) Try Past Life Regression. What do past lives have to do with your current relationship? A lot, according to people who have uncovered past life issues that carried over to their current love life. The theory of reincarnation is directly related to the theory of karma, which means many of the pleasant and not so pleasant situations in your life now might be the result of your actions in past lives–not as a punishment, but to learn and grow. Even if you don’t believe in past lives, the process of past life regression can help you by perceiving it as symbolism. With the right past life therapist or MP3 audio, your mind will help you “go back to the cause,” perceive it, accept it, and release it. Past life regression can be an extremely freeing and empowering experience.

5) Free yourself from unseen negative energy with Spiritual Detox. Sometimes relationship problems are the result of negative energy. Once you remove it from your energy field and know how to spiritually protect yourself, you’ll both feel more at peace and loving, and less combative.

As dreadful as feeling trapped in a relationship is, even if you can’t change your partner, you do have the ability to change your perception of the situation and these methods will help.

Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you improve your life by identifying and overcoming unconscious blocks.

Related Articles:
An Unhappy Love Life is Not Your Fault
Avoid Love Life Pain by Examining Love Life Illusion

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Beware of These 10 Types of Demons Part I

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Do demons exist and if so, are there different kinds of demons? We’ve been clearing people and places of dark energy for over 13 years and we believe the answer is yes to both questions.

We’ve learned that while there exists “good” and “bad” energies due to the polarity of the universe, there seems to be different types of dark energy or demons too. Certain demons flock to certain types of people and situations, and their influence can be anywhere from subtle to disastrous.

Political demons

Everyone has their own political opinions. Then there are those, on both sides of the aisle, who are so biased and fueled with resentment and, or mindless anger that they can’t even have a rational discussion about a political issue. Instead of debating the facts reasonably, they go for the jugular and personally attack anyone who disagrees with them or their politician. The political demons love their anger and how they don’t debate fairly, and enjoy feeding upon and escalating the negative energy.

Racial Demons

Racism still exists, though many Americans aren’t aware that racism in America pales in comparison to racism in other parts of the world (e.g., Asia) and that most of it doesn’t involve those of African descent.

Our findings show that the physical body is just a temporary home for the soul, and that people (their souls) become different races in different lifetimes, though many humans today reject this notion or don’t understand it. Thus, many individuals assume, we believe wrongly, that they only live once, belong exclusively to their race, and select individuals even contend that their race is superior. Add some racial demons to the mix in already tense relations among opposing factions, and the conflict escalates.

Racial demons sometimes also target those who think they’re fighting against racism. Have you ever been falsely accused of racism? If so, the accuser may be dancing unknowingly with racial demons. For those influenced by racial demons, everything is about race and they don’t care if they destroy an innocent person’s reputation or life in their fight against racism. They have no idea that their thoughts are being twisted and distorted by what we believe to be an unseen, yet potent, dark energy.

Relationship, Enemy and Family Demons

Most people have at least one enemy at one point in their lives, and sometimes a family member, former friend, or ex can turn into one. Demons are attracted to conflict and sometimes they target certain people and relationships with a specific goal of chaos.

It’s important to note that we believe conflict is an integral part of the spiritual ecosystem. We’ve witnessed fate in action countless times, and sometimes in order for fate to manifest, bad things happen in life. Those bad things are sometimes helped along by conflict. Just as you can’t completely and forever eliminate negative thinking, terrible weather, or bad people, you can’t completely eliminate conflict.

Sexual Demons

Demons are attracted to extreme emotions; certain sexual acts, like S&M and others involving pain or humiliation, can open one up to dark energy. Sexual promiscuity, while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and, or if the host is already spiritually damaged such as through childhood abuse, can also cause attachment or possession.

So how do you protect yourself from negative energy and demons? Since demons feed on extreme emotions like fear and anger, every time you find yourself reacting negatively or even thinking angry thoughts about someone, stop. Instead, try to express unconditional love and compassion, or at least be neutral, even in response to animosity. Love and compassion will stop the negative energy ping-pong and make the demons go running.

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Got Ghosts? 7 Steps to Clear Your Space

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After over 14 years of clearing ghosts from homes and freeing people from the negative hold of disembodied souls we are convinced that ghosts are a lot more common than people realize. Hollywood has demonized (literally) the phenomenon, but don’t be afraid. In reality, most are more of a nuisance than threat, much like a mosquito, if you know what to do.

Simply put, a ghost is the disembodied soul of someone whose body has died. Instead of going to the “Light,” they remain earthbound.

Ghost hunters on TV do a great job of detecting paranormal activity, but they usually don’t send it to where it needs to go to continue its spiritual evolution: the Light.

This final step in ghost busting is often overlooked, but is crucial because if it’s not done the ghost will continue to cause problems for itself and others.

Addictions, attachments to familiar places, sudden and unexpected death, suicide, revenge, and fear of “hell” can cause ghosts to stick around. They may have died in your home, wandered in on their own, or followed you home from hospital, cemetery, or bar, for example.

How do you know when you have a ghost hanging out in your home? Signs include unexplained noises and voices, objects disappearing, electronics turning on and off by themselves, young children seeing people you cannot, lights flickering, unexplained smells or hot or cold spots, feeling like you’re being watched, seeing shadows out of the corner of your eye, pets acting strangely, a sudden urge to overeat, drink, smoke, or do drugs (especially if you cannot attribute the urge to anything in particular), and nightmares.

Fortunately, you can help the ghost and yourself relatively easily with the following steps.

1) Identify the energy. Is it a guide or a ghost? Higher level guides are not abusive or negative. A guide or loved one who has crossed over will pop in to help and you’ll feel uplifted. If your ghost is a loved one who died, realize that it’s better for both of you if they go to the Light.

2) Research the home and area history. Did someone die in the home or area? Is or was there previously a bar, crack house, burial ground, morgue, cemetery or hospital nearby?

3) Sometimes ghosts don’t realize they’re dead or being bothersome. Therefore, firmly yet calmly explain out loud that he or she is dead, this is your home now, and it’s time to move on to the Light (point upwards).

For more stubborn energies, use these next steps. Make sure you are sober and centered during this process or you’ll open yourself up to the risk of possession.

4) Utilize the Light. Spiritually protect yourself by visualizing a bright, white Light. Pretend the sun is shining brightly and, or lightning is striking and filling you and every corner of every room.

5) Burn sage. You can find sage at health food and metaphysical stores and online. Light the sage, hold over an ashtray or plate, then walk clockwise around each room while imagining the space being purified by the smoke.

6) Use step 3 above again and then call in their loved ones from other side to help explain that it’s time to return “home.”

7) If the energy does not want to leave, call in God, guides of the Light, and for tougher cases, archangels Michael and Sandalphon for assistance in guiding the lost soul(s) to the Light. These energies are always willing and able to help, but you must ask.

*Important* Do not simply cast out a ghost from your home because it will wander into another home. Instead, always guide it to the Light. Once there, it won’t return as an earthbound spirit and cause harm to itself or others.

For more challenging cases, utilize the services of a Spiritual Detox™, spirit releasement, or ghost removal expert. Or, use our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 or free Spiritual Detox™ Script. Only use experts who send the unwanted energies to the Light (make sure to ask), have a good track record, and do not charge outrageously high fees (avoid “psychics” who charge $1000s for “spell removal”). The best ghost busters will calmly and firmly communicate with the energy, call in plenty of spiritual assistance and protection, and guide them to the Light.

Copyright © 2010 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spiritual Detox Follow-up

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The difference you feel after removing negative energy and, or entities is often proportionate to how much it/they were affecting you. Usually people feel an immediate difference after a clearing, accompanied by a deep feeling of peace.

The best way to verify that an entity is gone is to observe how you feel before and after the clearing. Also notice if any suspected, related symptoms weaken or disappear.

It’s important to note that there are different ways to release negative entities or negative energy. The methods we’ve outlined in prior articles have the best track record because entities are escorted to the Light by loved ones on the other side, not just forced out of the person’s body (as some priests do in exorcisms) for someone else to pick up.

It is possible for a soul or energy to attach to your soul before birth. There have been cases where the souls of people who died in a hospital joined babies before, during, or after birth. But there are no victims: Considering the belief that most key circumstances and events in people’s lives are fated, we feel that entity possession is a destined occurrence. Awareness of the phenomenon and the free will to clear negative energy and entities is also “part of the plan.”

Talking about or focusing too much on the released energy and, or entity can draw it back because you’re focusing on it. If you happen to think or speak of it, simply feel grateful that you are free of it and imagine protective white Light around you to shield yourself, affirming to yourself that it’s not welcome back.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spiritual Detox – Symptoms of Spiritual Hitchhikers and Demons and How to Clear Your Aura

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Many people do need to cleanse their aura of negative energy, but some psychics try to capitalize on the fear surrounding the issue and charge outrageous fees. Too often, the unscrupulous psychics who attempt to charge such high rates don’t fully understand the issue of possession and how to successfully remove negative energy, let alone the basic principle of karma (what goes around comes around). These types of psychics are best avoided.

Negative energy can and does interfere with our lives. It consists of others’ thoughts and feelings, earth bound or lost souls, or on occasion, dark entities. Earth bound or lost souls are the souls of people who have died but, for various reasons, have not yet gone to “the Light.” Loved ones who have died, gone to the Light, and now watch over you do not fall into this category.

Symptoms of being influenced by negative energy or lost souls are feelings of being blocked, unexplainable or extreme anger, fears, sadness, depression, guilt, or anxiety, recurring dreams or nightmares, relationship problems, unexplainable physical symptoms, eating disorders, and the sudden onset of cravings for or addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex or smoking (especially if there are distinct personality changes while under the influence).

Other signs include negative emotional or physical reactions to the idea of cleaning your aura or spirit body (such as “part of you” wanting to do it and “part of you” not wanting to do it), reckless behavior, poor memory and concentration, hearing inner voices (especially with negative messages), feelings of being followed, feeling drained, sudden unexplainable physical problems, and recurring dreams or nightmares.

The most common ways of picking up such unwanted and uninvited energy is by weakening the energy field or aura with alcohol, drugs, extremely emotionally trying circumstances, or through sexual abuse, surgery, or illness. An almost guaranteed way of picking up “lost souls” (also known as spiritual hitchhikers) is by using drugs or drinking excessively and then walking through a hospital or cemetery. Unwanted, uninvited energy can also attach before birth, during birth, and during childhood.

Some ways to avoid picking up entities (especially important if you are more spiritually sensitive) include the following:

* Avoid drugs and excess alcohol.

* Avoid negative people.

* Mentally surround yourself with White Light whenever you think of it several times each day. Picture a bright light shining out from your solar plexus, surrounding, and protecting you whenever you think of it. Ask for assistance from God and/or guides of the Light.

* Mentally fill your home and/or office daily with White Light.

* Burn sage to help clear your energy field and residence. Upon hearing about the concept of entity possession or attachment, many people think of the movie The Exorcist. While the subject of possession was exaggerated in the movie for dramatic effect, entity possession or attachment can and does happen. Sometimes the symptoms of entity attachment are very subtle and go unnoticed, and sometimes a person can literally be taken over by one or more entities, sometimes dark, even from or before birth.

There are several books written about this subject, such as The Unquiet Dead, by Dr. Edith Fiore. In her book, Dr. Fiore explains that after people die, they usually go to “the Light,” as written about in many life after death books. Sometimes, however, souls don’t go to the Light for various reasons and instead remain earthbound. This is especially true in certain cases where someone dies angry, an addict of sex or any substance, or if they die a violent or sudden death. These souls resist going into the Light for various reasons and instead seek out and merge with someone in a physical body who can feed their addiction, has similar feelings of anger, depression, or other fears, or they may stay in close proximity to loved ones they knew while in a physical body. Often the intense feelings at the time of death are held onto and then felt by whomever the entity attaches to or merges with. Even though most entities don’t mean any harm they may still drain the energy of the host, causing tiredness or depression, and the host may easily mistake the entities’ thoughts and desires as his/her own.

Other books on the subject include SpiritReleasement Therapy by William J. Baldwin, D.D.S, Ph.D., RemarkableHealings by Shakuntala Modi, M.D., and Remote Depossession by Irene Hickman, D.O.

Some experts and therapists who help clients release entities believe that 85% or more of the population may have entities around them or within them that are interfering with their lives.

The subject of entity attachment may seem frightening, but there’s really nothing to fear. It is simply energy that needs to be firmly directed to the proper place.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo