Tag Archives: spiritual guides

What Everyone Should Know About Spiritual Guides

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Spiritual guides are helpful entities on the other side. But there are some things you need to know to avoid trouble.

We base our advice on empirical evidence through regular meditation and other spiritual disciplines and practices, like past life regression and spiritual detox,since the late 1980s.

We’re used to skepticism, and we were skeptical about angels and guides in the beginning, so we understand it. We also encourage skepticism because we believe blind acceptance is dangerous. We recommend testing theories, striving to fathom every possible angle, then tossing something out if it proves to be invalid.

Direct, obvious, consistent guidance from the other side is rare for most people. Much more common are subtle energetic messages that come in the form of brief visions, sounds, scents, tastes, or feelings.

However, you need to know that troublemaker entities also abound in unseen dimensions and can affect you here on the physical plane.

Here’s part of the feedback we received on the subject:

“I recently had a psychic tell me that I should have gone ahead and lied on my resume in order to get the job I wanted. I don’t believe in lying or being unethical to get ahead. She made it sound like my guides were the ones who said this and I was very upset about it. I can’t imagine that guides would tell me to lie and that as a result it was my fault that I didn’t get the job. I hope I did the right thing by sticking to my values. But now I’m confused as to who and what my guides are.”

Except in unusual circumstances,we believe your guides would not tell you to lie on your resume. Otherwise, the psychic was giving her opinion, or she was accessing negative energy.

Here are some signs that the “spiritual guide” you access is not for your highest good:

1. The entity suggests you lie, cheat, steal, or hurt someone, which would make you incur karma.
2. The guidance is biased.
3. The advice comes through a ouija board, which is notorious for attracting negative entities who pose as spiritual guides or angels to inexperienced or careless users.
4. You didn’t specify that the insight come from your spiritual guides of the Light. If not, it’s an invitation to dark energy to confuse and mislead.
5. The spiritual guide claims to be someone famous.
6. You’re in constant communication with the entity. In such a case, it’s more likely to be a disembodied soul that has not gone to the Light. In our experience, spiritual guides do not hang out with you full-time; they tend to pop in when you need them.
7. The entity shows up only when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or otherwise not centered. In this case, chances are it’s a dark entity or disembodied soul, not for your highest good.

You may have several guides on the other side, some with you for a long time, even since birth. Our past life research indicates you’ve likely known them in past lives or on the other side, and some might be in your life in physical form later.

An aside, you should avoid, at all costs, drawing on demonic or dark entities to help you reach your goals because you will be indentured to them. In other words, don’t sell your soul to demons. We believe it’s a serious threat.

The best way to access guides of the Light on the other side is to practice regular meditation, which allows you to detach from your active mind and become more aware of subtle, helpful signs.

Through regular mediation you can do even better: access your higher-self, or God-self. It is here where all the answers to your questions reside, though sometimes you are not meant to know the answer to a question until later, if at all.

With practice through regular meditation, you’ll have all the help you need from spiritual guides and your higher-self. Just be aware that spiritual troublemakers exist too.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package gives you a quick and easy way to meditate and access your higher insight, and shows you how to protect yourself spiritually, even against demonic energy.

Copyright © 2014 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

“Spiritual Guides” Not Always Helpful

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The expectation or hope of dramatic, obvious contact with a spiritual guide or guides too often leads to disappointment. Much emphasis has been placed on spirit guide contact by many spiritual authors, but frankly, we believe your higher-self should receive more attention.

Below are seven tips for gaining authentic spiritual guidance.

1. It’s very important to note that not all “guides” offer absolute truth and wisdom just because they are not in a physical body. Some have strong biases and may not be objective with their advice to you.

It’s easy to mistake a disincarnate soul (someone who died but did not go to “the Light” for a variety of reasons) or a mischievous or dark entity for a “guide.” If the guide offers input that sounds impartial or prejudiced in any way, doesn’t feel uplifting or of a higher vibration, or feels negative and gives negative sounding advice (e.g., telling you to do something that would incur karma), demand that it leave and ask for spiritual cleansing help from whomever you pray to.

For example, if you make contact through a ouija board, pendulum, or some other means with an energy who claims to have been someone famous, such as Elvis, be wary. Even if it really is a deceased, famous personality, there is no guarantee that the information imparted will be truthful and non-subjective. Besides, it’s common for dark entities to play such games.

2. Everyone perceives spiritual guidance differently. Some hear (clairaudience), some see (clairvoyance), some just know (claircognizance), some feel (clairsentience), some taste or smell, and some experience various combinations or all of the above (clair-all). This is true with past life recall also. If you just know or feel, you may not directly hear or see your guides or past lives.

Although you may very well have one (or more) main guardian angel or guide, it’s likely that most people are not supposed to have a consistent, direct, conscious link to him or her while incarnated. Why, you ask? If you could pick up your spiritual telephone and had an invisible, on-call adviser to give you direct answers, 100% sure-fire direction any time you needed it, this would be cheating; you would not learn the lessons you’ve incarnated to experience.

Furthermore, we agree that help from angels of the Light and ascended master guides is available to many, but the insight you receive may be so subtle that you won’t be able to identify much about the source, other than to know that it feels genuine and pure.

3. It’s entirely possible, in our opinion, that many people have created, in their mind, a name and image of the helpful spiritual energy they call their guide. We don’t see anything wrong with this, as long as it’s only to identify the energy.

4. We don’t feel that associating a name with spiritual insight or discovering the name of a guide is important because it may not always be a guide from which you are deriving information, and it’s easy to become dependent on a guide.

5. Receiving outside help is great when needed, but relying on yourself as much as possible in meditation by connecting with your subconscious mind and your higher-self is usually best. Your subconscious mind is where all past and present life memories are stored, along with all fears and defenses. Your higher-self is also your link to your super-conscious, or all that is. Some say it’s a direct connection to God, your god-self.

Our Direct Your Destiny ™ e-package offers extensive tips and tools to help you get the most of your inner guidance.

6. If you meditate regularly and connect with your higher-self, you will have all the help you need, which may sometimes include the help of other-dimensional guides of the Light. All you have to do is focus on the dilemma or question, and if you are meant to know the answer, you will know it, when you are meant to realize it, one way or another.

Through years of practicing meditation, we regularly receive flashes of insight and the answers to questions by detaching just enough from the conscious mind to allow higher-self insight to flow to the doorstep of consciousness. Sometimes it seems as if the answers are waiting there for us to perceive.

7. Meditation is so important for self-awareness and stress reduction. Develop and practice it as a regular discipline and you will benefit in many ways, including receiving regular spiritual guidance and the ability to discern cosmic noise from divine insight.

In summary, we believe it’s to your advantage to put aside the desire to commune with specific spiritual guides and instead focus on becoming or remaining grounded and centered, and accessing your inner awareness and your higher-self.

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo