The Truth About Praying

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Praying, as it is done today, whether it is done by people of traditional faiths or those who don’t subscribe to organized religion, isn’t always enough, by itself.

It’s commonplace to essentially sit quietly and ask God (or whomever you pray to) for what you want. Granted, a lot of this sort of praying is of very noble intent and can be very powerful, such as praying for someone to heal.

However, we believe conventional praying, without any other action, can be futile. Do you really believe that if God (or Buddha, or whomever) happens to be paying attention, or loves you that day, you get what you want, but if he or she isn’t or doesn’t, you don’t? That sounds too arbitrary to us, and our findings unfailingly tell us that the universe isn’t random in nature.

If you really want results, you must do more than just ask or hope for something.

The additional work, aside from taking action and doing everything you can to manifest your desire, is spiritual, and it may or may not already be part of your routine. If it isn’t, we strongly suggest you incorporate it as soon as possible.

The following is adapted from our Amazon Kindle e-book version of our e-package, Direct Your Destiny, available here,, and is a productive supplement to conventional praying:

Mystic’s Magic Formula

If you apply the Mystic’s Magic Formula, you will reach your goals if they are part of your predestined path. If they aren’t, your efforts are likely still part of your destiny, but may be more for a learning experience. Remember, the journey is often more important than the destination.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These steps are nondenominational; they can be used by anyone for all areas of life, no matter what religion or belief system you subscribe to.

1) Make time to consider your situation from a spiritual perspective. Review your assumptions and expectations and let them go.

What happens when you drop your expectations? You’re not disappointed and you more easily embrace what happens and see alternative, and perhaps better, paths.

2) Accept what has happened, what is, and where you are (essential in order to move on).

Although it’s perfectly acceptable (and very healthy) to express anger in a constructive way, holding on to resentment or resisting “what is” isn’t. It will only interfere with your life.

3) Gratitude: express it for where you are, everything rewarding in your life that you have, and the good that will be, and strengthen your faith by continuing to emotionalize the desired, end result.

We believe productive use of gratitude is one of the most potent spiritual tools available to you.

4) Invite help from your higher-self, guides of the Light and, or God (or Buddha, or whomever you pray to).

Ask for help accepting the situation, repairing it if it’s destined, and, or moving on. Ask and you shall receive. Perhaps not always what you want, but usually what you need. Trust the results.

5) Calm your mind and fears and awaken your awareness through meditation.

You can’t stop your subconscious mind, but you can detach from your fears, and meditation is a very efficient method.

6) What’s the next step? Ask this every step of the way and be open for clues.

7) Assume responsibility for yourself and your situation (no blaming).

8) Navigate your path with the tools available to you: numerology and astrology, meditation, past life regression, graphology, and others (but not black magic!).

9) Do what you need to do, when you need to do it (and do “the right thing” in all situations). Sometimes no action is appropriate.

In adding these steps to your collection of spiritual tools, along with praying, you’ll take the right action at the right time, yielding greater peace of mind and a more fulfilling life.

Copyright © 2013 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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