Are Your Vices Causing Spirit Possession?

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Possession and spirit attachment can be very tricky, both in identifying the problem and removing it. Sometimes people know they’re being spiritually attacked, but don’t realize their vices are making the situation worse.

The theory is simple and has been acknowledged by various cultures all over the world since the dawn of time: after death sometimes souls don’t go to the Light, which can cause problems. The secondary issue involves dark entities targeting individuals.

A client told us she feels she has been spiritually attacked for years by entities, and also attacked by people around her who are influenced by the entities.

That may sound crazy to someone who has little knowledge of the subject. But to us, after practicing Spiritual Detox for over 20 years and experiencing spirit possession and attachment, we believe it’s a very common, misdiagnosed, and misunderstood problem.

She told us she feels like a magnet for negative entities; every time she goes to public places where there are a lot of people she walks away feeling terrible and that the constant bombardment by entities is causing physical health problems. She tries to be positive and uses visualizations and other self-healing methods, but it’s draining to deal with all the time.

Those of you who are spiritually sensitive know what it’s like to feel awful just from walking through a crowd or sitting next to a depressed or angry stranger. Add spiritual attack from nasty people or spiritual entities and life can seem unbearable, at times.

Her way of coping is to take valium, smoke pot, or drink wine. These are popular ways to relax in our society, and for people who aren’t spiritually sensitive, they might not be too harmful (but they still lower resistance to psychic attack for anyone) for very occasional use if consumed with caution.

Based on what this client told us, we do believe she’s being attacked by dark energies, and that she initially opened the door to them with black magic in a previous lifetime. We’re not blaming her; we’ve all been “good” and “bad” in past lives and we too dabbled in the dark side many lifetimes ago (and thus we know how dangerous it is and why we tell people to avoid it all costs).

Unfortunately, once you open that door and unite with them to get what you want in the short-term, you’re indebted to them for the long-term– many lifetimes– and it’s not easy to extract yourself.

Also, the more potential you have to be a shining Light in our world and do a lot of good, the more dark energies will try to keep you down.

The good news is that she can overcome this, and it won’t be as difficult as it may seem.

However, she needs to avoid the pot, any other drugs, and excess alcohol. Why? Because the use of those substances poke holes in your protective energy field or aura and Light, and lower your resistance to negative energies and draw them to you.

Dark energies relish excess alcohol and drug use, and encourage alcohol consumption and drug use because they make it easy to control people, especially spiritually sensitive people like her and us. They also get off on working through drug and alcohol (or sugar) abusers to mess with others. We used to party a lot in the late 80s, so we’re very familiar with this problem. It’s much easier to avoid excess alcohol and drugs completely when you are fully aware of the spiritual side effects and accept responsibility for your protection.

How to protect yourself from dark energy:

Dark entities are like dirt; they’re everywhere and you need to clear yourself regularly to avoid complications.

Diet and daily exercise is very important. Swimming in a salt-water pool or the ocean is very beneficial, but not required. You can’t fend off the bratty energies if you’re not feeling well. Avoid sugar as much as possible and eat enough quality protein for strength.

Belief and intent: You can protect yourself, and your confidence about it will help a lot. Before we did this kind of work the dark side scared us. Now that we’re more aware of it and how to protect ourselves, they’re just annoying, like bratty children who need to be controlled. They still occasionally bother us, but so do cockroaches and we know what to do to get rid of them.

Avoid all drugs permanently. This is required if you want to feel better, increase your resistance to dark energy, and fulfill your potential. Also, pot and other drugs will cloud your intuition for days, even weeks after use. Use meditation, reading, sex, exercise, art, and other healthier ways to escape instead.

Renounce any contracts (known or unknown) with dark energy from the present and past lives. The free Spiritual Detox script includes this step:

Call in help from powerful, benevolent spiritual helpers. The free Spiritual Detox script will help you do this. We recommend using it daily until you’re feeling better, then at least once a week to clear yourself of the spiritual clutter you pick up daily. It only takes 10 minutes to read. You might find yourself resisting and making excuses (we’ve experienced this before when we’ve had troublemakers onboard who didn’t want to leave) but do it anyway. Also try it as an alternative to pot, a pill, or a drink when you’re feeling sadness, anger, or anxiety (you should feel more relaxed afterwards).

Remember that your spiritual helpers are always there for you when you need them.

If you’re feeling depressed, angry, fearful, or having a tough time quitting bad habits and addictions, our Spiritual Detox™ MP3 can help.

Copyright © 2017 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

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