Gratitude is a powerful, even magical tool that you can use to improve your state of mind, deal with challenging situations, be more optimistic, and even transform your life.
When you accept a situation you can’t change, and even express gratitude for what it is teaching you, the situation will likely become easier to tolerate. Gratitude makes life more pleasant.
You can express gratitude for an unlimited number of things. Here are some examples below.
Instead of worrying about money, be grateful for what you do have. Be grateful you have something to eat and a place to sleep. Be grateful for the good ideas that will come to you that will help you generate more income. Be grateful for assistance from unexpected sources. Be grateful for new ways to save and make money. Be grateful that where there’s a will, there’s often a way, or at least an important spiritual lesson to be learned.
Instead of disliking parts of your face or body, be grateful for and focus on the parts you do like, change what you can, and accept what you can’t. Be grateful for your hair color, or the beautiful shade you will color it. Be grateful for your eyesight, your hearing, and your sense of taste and smell. Be grateful you have the option to eat a healthier diet and exercise so you can look and feel your best. Be grateful for the motivation to eat healthily and exercise. Be grateful for all the ways you’ll benefit from doing so.
Instead of worrying about your health, take your power back and be grateful for up-to-date, cutting-edge health information. Be grateful there’s often a natural and safe alternative to many ailments. Be grateful you will be able to heal.
Instead of feeling lonely because you’re single, be grateful for the good things about being single. Be grateful for your friends, pets, family, hobbies, and neighbors. Be grateful for what you’ve learned in past relationships. Be grateful you’re forgiving yourself and everyone else and letting go of the past.
Instead of being angry at someone, be grateful for what they are teaching you. Be grateful you’re taking the higher path so you avoid incurring karma. Be grateful you see the big picture and realize no one is really your enemy. Be grateful for all your teachers, and that you have the opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives too.
Instead of disliking your job, be grateful for what you learn and the money you earn. Be grateful for your boss and coworkers, even if they are impossible to deal with. Be grateful for work-related stress for what it teaches you, and that you can overcome it in creative ways.
Instead of worrying about a particular problem, be grateful you’ll find a solution.
Instead of fearing war, visualize and be grateful for, practice, and be an example of peace.
Instead of going through the same old routine every day, take a day off and make it a gratitude day. Do things you don’t normally do, even if it’s as simple as relaxing with a book. Express gratitude about everything, all day. By the end of the day you’ll have a fresh perspective about life and yourself.
Copyright © 2013 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo