The law of attraction dictates that you attract that which you focus on. But this spiritual law is only one piece of the puzzle. You must take into consideration other, equally important spiritual laws, some of which transcend the law of attraction.
These findings, our interpretation below of 13 basic spiritual laws, are the result of our extensive empirical research. Most of the 13 are directly linked to the law of attraction. We are convinced that these laws affect everyone, just as gravity affects everyone on Earth no matter what their belief in it.
Understanding and capitalizing on all of these spiritual laws will help you live your highest potential and enjoy more peace of mind, satisfaction, happiness, and joy in your life.
1. Law of higher-self/soul influence over personality: Your soul’s agenda, spanning multiple lifetimes, supercedes your personality demands if those demands contrast with your soul’s intentions. Everyone has a higher-self/soul, yet you must make an effort to get more in touch with it to receive the wisdom and guidance you seek. The information and tools in this package will help you become more in touch with yours.
2. Law of subconscious personality domination: The beliefs, fears, and defenses of your subconscious mind rule your life. The graphology tools in this package can help you learn more about your subconscious mind and its hidden beliefs, fears, and defenses.
3. Law of reincarnation: Your soul, not your personality, chooses to incarnate again and again on this planet and elsewhere to learn and love.
4. Law of predestination/personal fate/destiny: All souls choose their major predestined circumstances and events of each incarnation prior to incarnating, even though the current life personality is often not aware of those choices and even if the current life personality doesn’t believe in predestination/personal fate/destiny. No one can cheat their fate. Sometimes fate comes knocking at your door, other times you must make an effort to meet your fate. In the case of the latter, you often meet your destiny by doing or initiating that which feels most natural, for better or worse.
5. Law of karma: Everything you put out (intent, thought, action, etc.) will return to you (in this life, or more likely in a future life) even if you don’t believe in karma.
6. Law of dharma: What you must do in this life.
7. Law of projection: You see the world as you are, not as it is.
8. Law of polarity: In this world there will always be opposites such as hot and cold, peace and war, love and hate, wisdom and ignorance, and dark and light.
9. Law of intent: Your true intentions are what drives your free will. Sometimes your conscious intent differs from your unconscious intent, which can cause conflict.
10. Law of as above, so below: Patterns and considerations of comprehensive astrology and numerology charts represent life circumstances and events, they don’t “affect” you or “make things happen.”
11. Law of asking for assistance: If you want help from others, including spiritual guides, masters, and helpers in other dimensions, you must ask for it.
12. Law of universal order: The universe is ordered and far from being purely chaotic. You see the order every day in the change of seasons, the way cherry trees grow cherries and not pears, and the way planetary motions are predictable. This universal order permeates human existence and allows for accurate interpretation of personal fate through empirical methods involving comprehensive astrological and numerological charting.
13. Law of free will: Each individual has free will to take appropriate action within the confines of their destiny. However, people do what feels most appropriate, what feels right, and our findings indicate that those actions regularly match their personal fate. In other words, much of the action they take and subsequent results match their unique karmic plan (as indicated comprehensive charting methods), which supports the theory of predestination.
Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo