Numerology: 7 Things Those With a Lot of Number 5 Like

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Constantly witnessing the repetition of numerological and astrological patterns accurately reflecting personality and real life events and circumstances in peoples’ lives forms the basis for our related metaphysical theories.

In other words, the more you see specific patterns in the charts relating to specific behavior or desires, for example, the more you can expect to see the same dynamic in the future.

Regarding comprehensive numerology, we sometimes find a subject who has a significant over-abundance of a certain root number, such as the number 5.

Related extreme under or over-abundances usually represent difficulties in life, but the person frequently has substantial talent involving the qualities of the number.

Below we list 7 things people with a lot (dozens of factors) of the number 5 in their comprehensive numerology charts have an affinity toward.

1. As an employer, if you announce to your employee who has a lot of number 5 energy that you have a new assignment for them that involves a lot of international travel to strange foreign lands, you’ll have a very happy employee. Sure, almost everyone loves to travel, but those with a lot of 5 need to move around and even yearn to perpetually migrate like a fish needs water.

2. You’ve just told your lover that you need some space after three years in a serious relationship. Is that excitement in their eyes and a smile they’re hiding? Probably, if they express the high side of an excess of the number 5. They need freedom and are inwardly eternally grateful that you have set them free. Don’t worry about them not having new opportunities for love or lust, because they will undoubtedly have more than you ever will.

3. The person with a lot of 5 energy just heard about a party tonight with an open bar and unusual entrees from across the globe. They are so excited for the opportunity they decide to have a pre-party drink to celebrate.

4. Watch out for him, the one with a lot of number 5 energy. Thrill seeking is his game, and he has no limits; you may not be able, or desire, to keep up. The experience he racks up through his worldly pursuits such as rock-climbing in Austria, back-woods skiing in Utah, surfing in New Zealand, kayaking in Alaska, and hiking throughout Europe defines him as an experience addict and he wears the label like a badge of honor.

5. Although she’s very discrete and plays safely and fairly, there’s nothing she likes better than a new lover. You see, each lover teaches her something new about herself and she’s adaptable and safety-oriented enough to constructively make the most of each romance. It’s almost like there’s a new world to explore in each love interest. Although she may appear to love them and leave them like she’s cold-hearted, she’s not; she just has a different perspective.

6. He’s going to be very happy in a life with a lot of changes. New residence, new location, new people, new experiences–the more changes the better. Big, exotic city with cool places to explore? Right on! Good that he can work anywhere he has his laptop and an Internet connection because living in one place forever, especially in a traditional, quiet area of the world like a rural U.S. city, would drive him to depression. He is so in need of newness and change that his subconscious would generate misery to make him feel alive again.

7. Forever clever, those with a lot of the number 5 energy thrive on craftiness, in a good way. It’s thrilling to them to express their acute intelligence and wit and sometimes they get into trouble for occasionally being a bit too sly.

Copyright © 2012 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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