The Science Council defines science as “the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: objective observation; measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using mathematics as a tool); evidence; experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses; induction; reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples; repetition; critical analysis; verification and testing; critical exposure to scrutiny–peer review and assessment.”
Critics label the mystical sciences as “non-science based stuff that has no supporting evidence” since you won’t find it in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Our viewpoint that astrology, reincarnation, psychic work, and other metaphysical disciplines are just as valid as conventional science such as biology, is controversial, even though these fields of study involve all parts of the scientific method (besides peer review) outlined above.
Critics dismiss past lives, but Extensive Near Death Experience scientific research supports the theory of reincarnation.
The astrology my-science-is-science-and-yours-isn’t skeptics laugh at the idea of it, but time and time again, are only acquainted with modern Sun sign astrology, horoscopes, and other trivial forms of astrology. It’s not very scientific to claim to have invalidated a body of work without first examining that body of work. Complex patterns in ancient astrology and numerology allow for pattern recognition, the foundation of predictive astrology; these disciplines are less indistinct as sciences than cynics believe because they deliver exact patterns based on the energies associated with the location, time, and date of birth.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” –Albert Einstein
“One who scorns the power of intuition will never rise above the ranks of journeyman calculator.” –Albert Einstein
“But instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.” –Nikola Tesla
“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” —Albert Einstein
“Learning many things does not teach understanding.” –Heraclitus
The mainstream scientific approach has serious defects. James Delingpole outlines the failure of peer review: “…Peer review is the benchmark by which most new scientific research tends to be judged. If that research is to be taken seriously by the scientific community then it must be accepted for publication by one of a fairly small number of academic or quasi-academic journals, such as Nature, Science and Scientific American. Peer review is not a perfect system. In the golden era of Twentieth century science it wasn’t even thought necessary: neither Watson & Crick nor Einstein were peer reviewed. But in today’s abstruse, fragmented world where the various branches of science have grown increasingly recondite and specialized, peer-review has become widely accepted as the least worst method by which quality science can be sifted from junk science… What we see happening is the deterioration of ‘peer review’ into something more akin to ‘pal review.’”
The crisis of modern science is horrific, evidenced by 157 peer reviews failing to catch a fake cancer study.
“…Many studies have shown that peer review does not improve the quality of scientific papers. Scientists themselves know it doesn’t work. Yet the public still regards it as a sign of quality, and says, ‘This paper was peer-reviewed,’ or ‘this paper was not peer-reviewed,’ as if that meant something. It doesn’t. Science is as corruptible a human activity as any other. Its practitioners aren’t saints, they’re human beings, and they do what human beings do—lie, cheat, steal…sue, hide date, fake data, overstate their own importance, and denigrate opposing views unfairly. That’s human nature. It isn’t going to change.” —Michael Crichton, “Next”
The glaring flaws in modern science are illustrated further by the accepted norm regarding the true history of civilization on planet Earth, despite evidence to the contrary; ancient history might be far different than what mainstream archeologists accept as truth.
“What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.” ―Isaac Newton
“Certainly there are things worth believing. I believe in the brotherhood of man and the uniqueness of the individual. But if you ask me to prove what I believe, I can’t. You know them to be true but you could spend a whole lifetime without being able to prove them. The mind can proceed only so far upon what it knows and can prove. There comes a point where the mind takes a leap—call it intuition or what you will—and comes out upon a higher plane of knowledge, but can never prove how it got there. All great discoveries have involved such a leap”. –Albert Einstein
Psychology is disregarded as a hard science because clear consensus on many areas within the field doesn’t exist, according to skeptics. So it may not be considered a “real” science, but surely it has credibility. Few objective people would deny the concepts of emotional repression or projection, for instance.
The heard mentality in the conventional science world silences many, but not all, as evidenced by the quote below.
“The reason they don’t pay attention to it (astrology) is that it would embarrass them in front of their colleagues. There’s no proven body of facts…that says human behavior does not contain elements that are related to planetary patterns at the time of birth. Instead, there’s a broad and arrogant understanding among social science professionals that folklore, like astrology, is for simpletons. Without doing any simple experiments to test some of the tenets of astrology, it has been completely ignored by psychologists in the last two centuries…Most of them are under the false impression that it is non-scientific and not a fit subject for their serious study. They are dead wrong. Whether or not the present-day practitioners of astrology are using scientific methods has no direct bearing on whether the body of knowledge they employ is true and valid.” –Dr. Kary Banks Mullis, Nobel-Prize winning scientist
We encourage you to keep an open mind toward unconventional thought, such as the mystical sciences of astrology and numerology, along with psychic work and reincarnation because an open mind, with a healthy sense of discernment, is vital to making the most of your life.
Learn more about spiritual myths, meditation and how to use it to your advantage, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package:
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