Tag Archives: spirituality

DNA, Twins, and Souls: A Shocking Angle to Heredity vs. Environment Debate

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As identical twins, we are supposed to be genetic mirrors of each other and conventional scientists attribute our differences in personality to environmental influences.

Contrast that with our controversial viewpoint: we associate our unique personalities and distinct physical differences to the influence of spiritual heritage; everyone, including identical twins, has a unique soul.

Life is much more than mere biological science. Why not consider the influence of spirit too?

We contend that you aren’t just a hunk of meat with a brain and that the unique qualities and spiritual heritage of each soul shine through and influence the physical body and personality.

The mainstream scientific community rejects the notion that people are spiritual beings having a human experience. In their view, it’s either heredity or environment.

Interestingly, more and more geneticists now believe that identical twins aren’t really “identical.” This New York Times article sheds light on the issue:

“From the moment that most identical twins separate, they may well have different epigenetics, a term that refers to the way genes are read and expressed, depending on environment. They are already different products of their environment, the environment being whatever uterine conditions rendered them separate beings in the first place.

“The casual observer is fascinated by how similar identical twins are, but some geneticists are more interested in identifying all the reasons they might differ, sometimes in significant ways. Why might one identical twin be gay or transgender and not the other? Why do identical twins, born with the same DNA, sometimes die of different diseases at different times in their lives? Their environments must be different, but which aspect of their environment is the one that took their biology in a different direction? Smoking, stress, obesity — those are some of the factors that researchers have been able to link to specific changes in the expression of specific genes. They expect, in time, to find hundreds, possibly thousands, of others.” (Bold emphasis ours.)

The researcher links differences among twins, such as sexuality and health, strictly to environment: “Their environments must be different…”

Being identical twins, with different sexual orientations, health issues, and personalities (and the same early life environment), we find their orthodox approach shortsighted.

The concept of DNA genetic coding is linked to personal fate.

Behavioral geneticists assert that DNA genetic coding largely predetermines psychological, emotional, and physical make-up.

We find this fascinating because we believe that key elements of personality are predetermined, yet we also believe that they’re missing what comes before that–the history of the soul before it enters the body, and how that history and karma influence the personality and lifetime.

Unseen, spiritual considerations overshadow conventional science and the mundane just as the vast universe outshines Earth. You have free will within the framework of your fate and karma, but you have far more power of choice in spirit form, before you incarnate.

Being identical twins and having scrutinized twins through empirical research involving past life regression and comprehensive astrology and numerology, we are in a unique position to offer a noteworthy perspective: Each twin expresses the personality traits they are fated to (not by chance), everyone has a unique soul and past life history which greatly influences each lifetime, and the vast majority of everyone’s key life circumstances and events are preordained.

As the New York Times article linked above about the twins who were switched at birth implies, even if you put a person whose karma and destiny does not include wealth into an affluent environment, they won’t get rich just because of the environment.

Our findings show the reverse is true too: someone from a poor background whose karma and destiny includes extraordinary prosperity will achieve it. In short, environment doesn’t trump karma and fate.

Find out more about your spiritual heritage and how to make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/.

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Booze, Drugs, and Spirituality

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Marijuana is now legal in several states in the USA and other states may follow suit.

Many of the news stories about the American weed revolution compare pot to alcohol.

The pro-pot people say it’s less harmful than alcohol.

On the surface, pot does seem to help one relax and be more creative. What’s the harm in that?

But going deeper, we don’t believe smoking pot is as harmless as some claim. Few people discuss the toxic side effects we’ve noticed: it distorts your perception, interferes with your peace of mind, blocks mental clarity, and saps your energy. The same is true, we believe, for excess alcohol consumption.

For example, we’ve noticed that if we have more than a couple drinks, even only once a week, the toxic effects make it more difficult to perceive ourselves, others, and situations clearly. We’re also less focused, centered, and our overall feeling of wellness decreases.

When we smoked pot in junior and senior years of high school and the first couple years of college, we noticed thehead-in-the-sky side effect was much worse, for at least two weeks afterwards, and included feelings of laziness, depression, and anxiety. We lost that naturally happy and light feeling. It also seemed to block our intuition and usually took us at least three weeks to feel truly clear-headed again.

Some people have a stronger physical body than average and have a higher tolerance for drugs and alcohol. But whether they notice it or not, we believe everyone experiences the side effects we mention above, and there can be a deeper negative impact for people with weaker than average defenses, physically and, or spiritually.

Note: Although we recommend avoiding drugs and excess alcohol, we aren’t prohibitionists. Our position is decriminalization, yet heavy penalties for driving while under the influence or other careless and, or destructive behavior.

We believe in personal freedom, yet also absolute personal accountability. Go ahead and do what you want, but we hope you realize it’s difficult to be your best when you handicap yourself with drugs and booze. You don’t want to have to repeat your lessons again because you failed to remain clean and relatively sober, do you? The karma you incur by harming yourself and, or others is a burden you should strive to avoid.

Some spiritual gurus advocate tripping on certain drugs for a “spiritual awakening” (e.g., taking psychedelic drugs on a “vision quest”). We strongly recommend you avoid doing this. Aside from the likelihood that the insight you perceive will be distorted, drugs and excess alcohol can open the door for devious or even demonic entities, many of whom relish creating havoc in your life and are experts at avoiding detection. They can even convince you that the drug or drink is not negatively influencing you or your life.

What to do Instead

It’s natural to want to relax and escape the stresses of life. How can you do this without relying on drugs or excess booze? Learn to meditate, and do it regularly! If you’ve been partying for years, and especially if your diet isn’t very healthy, it will take you some time to cut through the haze. But daily exercise and meditation can leave you feeling far better than booze or any drug, with no side effects, and you’ll also reap the many benefits of heightened self-awareness and intuition.

Related Articles:
Freedom From Misery for the Spiritually Sensitive and Empaths- 9 tips
15 Meditation Tips to Get More From Your Spiritual Discipline
Spiritual Detox — Symptoms of Spiritual Hitchhikers and Demons and How to Clear Your Aura

Let Go of Drugs and Avoid Alcohol Subliminal MP3s

Copyright © 2014 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Wall Street Excess and Spirituality

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Wall Street professionals are getting a lot of heat in the press lately for the exploits of few. Although we target Wall Street excess in this article, we believe the vast majority of financiers are honorable.

Our view is that the financial shenanigans that you see today are 10-15 years (at least) in the making, largely due to negligent, even reckless, and outdated government policy, regulations, and oversight. Politicians on both sides of the political spectrum are to blame, as are those who elected them.

An aside, though we find many foreign countries and their citizens appealing, we are grateful that we had the opportunity to incarnate as citizens of, what we believe is, one of the greatest countries on Earth. Also, we both minored in economics in college and consequently gained a vast appreciation for, and have absolute faith in capitalism, which your modern way of life depends upon.

As Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you (the government) run out of other people’s money.” Considering the way the government imprudently spends your tax dollars, it’s clear that the private sector is far more efficient in financial matters. The financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 pales in comparison to the never-ending, out of control spending of the U.S. government.

Furthermore, it’s a myth that fiscal white-collar villains are always white, male Republicans. The desperados hold varying affiliations and are from diverse walks of life. In fact, Democrats accepted just over 50% of Wall Street’s 2008 election contributions.

Also remember that when the super-wealthy get wealthier, it’s your good karma to benefit as well (think Bill Gates and Microsoft). The growth of the world’s economies through private enterprise benefits all, despite what some media sources might tell you. For those of you who live in the U.S.A. and other free market economies, remember that you have the freedom to take advantage of the system in any legal and ethical way you see fit, which will in turn increase your own and the world’s prosperity and standard of living.

Below we offer 7 examples of Wall Street dubiousness from a spiritual perspective.

1) When your derivatives trader acquaintance tells you with a wink and a nod that lack of proper over-sight and dreadful Securities and Exchange Commission regulations (helped along by celebrated Washington politicians, Democrat and Republican, who deal–emphasis on the word deal–with the more than 2000 lobbyists employed by the financial community) has helped create an environment where it’s easier than ever for the scammers to dodge the feds, feel compassion for her as you see a succession of future lifetimes of hers as being on the other side of a bad deal, getting ripped off repeatedly.

2) “Un-checked leveraging and bear-raids on failing companies using suspect short-selling tactics, which is like taking an insurance policy on your enemy, knocking them off, and getting away with it while enjoying the payout, has allowed me to rake in over $100 million this quarter alone!”, beams a trader. As you look at his aura and sense dozens of demons driving the bus, resist the urge to scream and run like hell. As soon as you get home do a spiritual cleanse.

3) You tour the trading floor of a high-profile firm and sense that many pros live on the edge in adrenaline, drug, and alcohol-fueled existences. The battlefields on which they work seem as fierce as any in the Middle East. While the rate of burn-out is high, have heart for these guys and gals who go for the gold. Just don’t get in their way, refuse to allow that rare broker to trade wildly, jacking up their commissions, and don’t pay excessive commissions on trades.

4) As levels of cronyism on publicly-traded firms’ boards escalates, don’t bother telling the CEO who abuses corporate finances that he is sailing a sinking ship. Know he’ll get his karmic punishment in time, even if it’s 50 lifetimes from now. When he says in a speech that his faith is very important to him, try not to laugh out loud and announce to the crowd, “Is that the faith of the Dark Lord of Pilfering you speak of?”

5) Whispers of insider trading and excessively creative accounting in non-private firms, even occasional false invoices used to purchase illicit services and goods, is enough to make you consider retribution. But be strong, it’s not worth your energy. Do what you can to combat the wrong-doing, but be careful to avoid gaining negative karma.

6) Through her bias, or even sometimes in exchange for favors, Alice the high-profile analyst over-inflates the projected worth of the equities she rates, hood-winking 1000s of investors. Nobody will notice, right? Sure, nobody but your spirit, Alice, and you’ll carry these deeds with you into your future lives. “Enjoy!”, you can’t resist saying to yourself. But have faith, she will eventually learn that it’s best to be honest, even when nobody is watching.

7) The train-robber-esque world of unregulated Credit Default Swaps (CDSs), has over the past several years turned speculation on corporate credit into a casino-style sport instead of merely hedging downside risk. “10, 20, 30 or more times your investment in leverage with only the risk of losing your initial capital! Who cares if I wreck a few companies and bring the financial industry to its knees!” exclaims George the gangster. You sigh to yourself as you sense he’ll, on a soul level, chose to endure multiple lifetimes of balancing the spiritual debt he’s acquired. Send him lots of Light, he’ll need it.

Is every Wall Street worker void of all shame and a conscience, you ask yourself? Of course not. Just as with any profession, there exist bad apples. Again, we believe the vast majority of American financial merchants are principled.

Ultimately, investors, employees, and consumers vote with their feet. If you don’t like the way some executives operate, don’t work for the company, don’t buy their products and services, and avoid investing in their equities.

Copyright © 2009 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Sex Not Spiritual?

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Some people are surprised when they discover that along with our other spiritual products and services, we offer hypnosis and subliminal audios for better sex. Their idea of a spiritual lifestyle may mirror that of modern-day monks, nuns, and priests, so they can’t fathom how sex would fit into the picture. A spiritual lifestyle to them does not, and should not, include sex.

For others, sex is an important part of their spirituality. For example, they may use tantric sex to connect with their partner on levels that go beyond just the physical. Personally, we feel that if you’re incarnated on this planet, you may as well enjoy it to the fullest, and that includes (responsible, honest, and safe) sexual expression.

But it’s not surprising many feel that sex is not spiritual or feel conscious or subconscious shame, guilt, or fear associated with it when you consider the influence of many organized religions’ doctrine.

Traditional religious leaders have a long history of preaching that sex, outside of marriage, is “bad,” “sinful” or “wrong.” These beliefs originate from puritanical times when sex was not supposed to be enjoyed, even within a marriage.

Through past life regression research, we’ve found present-day negative unconscious feelings and emotions about sex can sometimes result from living one or more lifetimes of being punished for sex or otherwise having a unfortunate experience with it.

A 21 year-old acquaintance of ours, whom we’ll call “Sam,” reflects this dynamic. He told us recently that he doesn’t want to have sex until he gets married because he feels it’s dangerous and he’d rather wait for the love of his life. While this might be an admirable position to some, we refrained from telling him the love of one’s life sometimes doesn’t arrive until much later in life, and that he may be denying himself some potentially invaluable experiences.

Sam was raised by very religious parents and his outlook on sex has certainly been influenced by their fear-based views. However, he seems to feel an unusual amount of fear about casual sex. While meditating, we spontaneously perceived what may have been Sam’s most recent past life in which he, or the body his soul was incarnated into at the time, died in 1984 of AIDS contracted through promiscuous sex. Because of that, it’s certainly understandable why Sam would have the intense subconscious drive to want to be (more) careful (this time).

Unfortunately, we also perceive Sam as someone who would be much more comfortable with sexual variety. He’ll try to tame that desire and will likely succeed temporarily, but as we’ve seen happen before many, many times with others in similar situations, eventually the repression may result in unhealthy, even destructive expression.

Because of this, whether or not abstinence is truly spiritual, we believe, is debatable.

Others seem to have a very free-spirited attitude about sex. They don’t understand why a bare breast, a thong at the beach, or a sexually open relationship, for example, causes so much commotion. It’s very possible that these non-conformists experienced lifetimes in past cultures where sex or public nudity was not considered “bad” or “dirty” but simply natural, fun, creative, and a major part of their happy lives.

What about karma, fate, free will, and sex, you ask? Based on our empirical research, one’s sexuality and what is largely experienced in relation to it does appear to be karmic and predestined. But since you also have free will in conjunction with your personal fate, sex is as spiritual as you choose it to be. As long as you are acting responsibly, safely, and honestly, and you are not hurting yourself or anyone else in the process, you are not creating any negative karma.

Copyright © 2008 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Movie Review – What the Bleep – Enlightening But Short on Spiritual Truths

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Overall, we enjoyed the movie “What the Bleep….” Some parts of it we responded with, “Well said!” Other parts, “You forgot some ideas!” And still others, “What the #%*$!”

Some of the movie’s key points that we appreciated the most are as follows: blame and victimization are of no use; self-understanding and taking full responsibility for personal circumstances and behavior is integral to self-actualization; everyone has the power to influence his/her physical, emotional, and mental health through thoughts and feelings; it’s been clinically proven that stress, for example, contributes to illness (not that clinical proof is necessary to acknowledge the effects of stress or positive thinking/feeling); self-actualization relies on the ability to detach from and leave behind addictions, expectations, dramas, and desires of all kinds (all part of the ego-self) so that one can more closely align oneself with the spiritual self.

We especially enjoyed Ramtha’s commentary about romance and the pursuit of romance being a personal addiction for many people.

However, it’s interesting that the financier of “What the Bleep…” is a Buddhist and that there was no mention of reincarnation in this spiritually oriented film. Reincarnation is one of the most important spiritual concepts (in Buddhism especially) and it is intimately tied to free will, karma (what goes around comes around), dharma (what one must do in this life), and fate (predetermined circumstances and events).

One of the experts featured in the movie is Dr Joe Dispenza (a chiropractor), who has authored several scientific articles on the close relationship between brain chemistry, neurophysiology and biology, and their roles in physical health. He has a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr Dispenza says “I wake up in the morning, and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen…When I create my day, and out of nowhere, little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process and the result of my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net, in my brain, that I accept that that’s possible. So if we’re consciously designing our destiny, if we’re consciously, from a spiritual standpoint, throwing in what the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life, because reality equals life.”

While we admire many of the movie’s messages and agree with the idea that “Human beings have the potential to shape their own experience for better or worse…” we strongly question the message that “…unlimited possibilities are truly within our grasp (in this lifetime).” This implies that a person can erase karmic circumstances in his/her life and live in a never-ending utopia, fulfilling all ego-self desires and skipping the important, tough lessons in life. To be perfectly candid, our cosmic fu-fu detectors are sounding on high while digesting that last bit.

Jeffery B. Satinover M.D. (a former practicing psychiatrist) is also featured in the movie. He has completed a master’s degree as a member of the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics group and Yale’s newly-established W. H. Keck Foundation Center for Quantum Information Physics.

In his book “Reflections of the Nature of God,” he says The worldview that modern science has depended on, for the most part, is that if you have 100 percent knowledge of an initial condition, then all subsequent conditions are known as well. If this were true, there would be no such thing as free will, whether human or divine. God himself would be a merely passive observer who not only doesn’t but couldn’t have an effect on the world. And human beings couldn’t have an effect either, because if all physical events are in effect, laid out ahead of time, like a complex play in billiards, then nothing one does can alter the outcome. It’s all completely determined.”

Its great how he suggests that we free will exists, but our position is that he’s too haphazardly blending physical science and spirituality; they are two distinct, separate domains.

We feel Dr Satinover also misunderstands the role of free will while incarnated and how much we have before we incarnate. He also seems to reject the philosophy that fated events are necessary in order to learn specific lessons.

For instance, a person can’t “create” a wonderfully harmonious relationship with his/her father if one of that person’s karmic lessons (that they chose while in spirit form) is to endure an abusive relationship with that parent.

He goes on to say, “This is the fundamental premise of the modern worldview. However, it turns out and what modern physics has now demonstrated is, that’s not true. That actually, at the most fundamental level, all the most important physical processes are, in part, determined by ‘factors’ that have no detectable presence in the physical world. A range of possible outcomes are determined mechanically, but untold numbers of decisions are being made by ‘something’ that from among these possibilities selects every actual outcome…”

He’s alluding to the idea of a higher power, or God and the importance of its influence and we applaud this, but he again carelessly mixes physical science with spirituality. Doing so is like saying that because a circumstance is so in a dream state, that we should expect it to be the same way in waking hours.

Different dimensions have different sets of laws, just as we have mostly probabilities while incarnated on earth and more possibilities while in spirit form planning our next physical existence.

We shape and contribute to those same possibilities every day. We believe that we design our next lifetimes by every thought, intent, and action in this life (and previous ones), yet we also feel that it’s impossible to manifest what one wants (on a personality level) now, in this life, if those desires don’t match one’s current life blueprint.

Both Dr Dispenza and Dr Satinover in “What the Bleep…” imply that the universe is a huge quantum sea of possibilities and that since this is the case that we should be able to create that which we want and leave the rest behind.

This is akin to a drunk believing s/he can manifest absolute sobriety for the night an hour after s/he downs five stiff drinks; it’s too late to “create” something (instant sobriety) after an alternative is set in motion/secured (intoxication).

Most well-respected quantum physicists today (those with PhD’s in quantum physics) along with the founding fathers of quantum physics,who also believed themselves to be mystics (including Erwin Schrodinger, Max Planck, and Niels Bohr), firmly held that it’s erroneous to group physics and mysticism in the same dimension. Planck said that trying to merge physics and mysticism “makes no sense at all,” since spirituality is associated with the source of everything on a soul level and quantum physics relates to the most infinitesimal level of the physical world of matter and energy.

Good spiritual teachers acknowledge that there’s a difference between the ego-self and the spiritual self. The ego-self wants to satisfy all of its earthly desires. The spiritual self is here to learn and grow. Meanwhile, most everyone wants “more” out of life on a personality level. Often, ego-self demands (“perfect love,” “better family relations,” “more money,” etc.) clash with “what is.” Said differently, you can’t always get what you want.

Please understand, we agree that it’s possible to influence our realities and even create as we wish to a certain extent while incarnated (if it’s within the boundaries of personal destiny), but we feel it’s impossible to skip difficult karma. In other words, you can’t cheat fate and you can’t just erase personal challenges because you don’t like them.

On the one hand, the experts in the movie “What the Bleep…” emphasize the idea that everybody is fully able to create their own realities to match the desires of their personalities.

At the same time, one of the more important (and we feel more truthful) messages of the film is about the idea that the ultimate spiritual goal is to leave behind/detach from personal addictions of all kinds, expectations, dramas and desires (the ego-self) so that one’s personality can more closely meld with the spiritual self.

That’s quite a contrast in philosophies! It appears as if the film is promoting the message, “dump the tough lessons and karma and create what you want now in this life, it’s yours!” while saying simultaneously, “free yourself from your desires!” The former is the antithesis of spirituality and the latter is a sacred ancient spiritual concept.

In brief, the movie “What the Bleep…” addresses some key aspects of quantum physics (while ignoring opposing quantum theories such as“hidden variables”) and some important spiritual ideas (while ignoring the concepts of karma, dharma, reincarnation,and fate), and blends them together in a feel-good mixture of cosmic truth and New Age fu-fu. The connection between the provided metaphysical concepts and select laws of quantum physics is questionable at best.

Aside from a few spiritual fallacies and mixed messages in “What the Bleep…,” we really liked it. In striving for spiritual awareness, we must think far outside conventional earthly thinking in order to begin to grasp universal truths. This film is a big step in the right direction.

Copyright © 2005 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo