Tag Archives: destiny

Fate vs. Free Will–Tale of Three Spiritual Seekers

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The fate vs. free will debate involves three main points of view. Either you believe everything is fated, nothing is fated, or somewhere in between.

Below we outline the three general belief systems regarding fate vs. free will represented through three separate spiritual seekers.

1. The first seeker believes there’s nothing she can do to improve her lot in life. She contends that everything in her life is fated so why bother trying to make it better? Unfortunately, she’s also pessimistic and completely fatalistic.

Of morbid disposition, she spends her free time alone watching TV and hoping she has better circumstances in her next life.

Based on some of the feedback we receive, we’re misunderstood as this type of spiritual seeker. In truth, we’re very different from this type.

2. The second seeker is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the first seeker. He believes anything is possible, no matter what, and shuns the notions of personal fate, karma, and immutable personal adversity.

He is a regular inspirational seminar participant and his library is full of all the New Age best-sellers because the authors of those books, like him, mostly reject the idea of predetermination and immutable personal adversity. It’s all sunshine and rainbows; “You can do it!” We love inspiration, but only if it’s rooted in reality.

Unfortunately, this seeker eventually faces the real world when life happens to him. Circumstances beyond his control destroy his lofty ideals, he feels like a failure because he wasn’t able to create whatever he wanted, and he lives the rest of his life depressed, with a victim consciousness.

Those of this group who do manage to achieve great success display a lack of humility by insisting their will alone manifested their dreams, instead of humbly admitting it was also because fate and karma were on their side, this time.

3. The third seeker embraces the philosophy that most of the key circumstances and events in everyone’s life are fated, acknowledges that everyone has their own unique personal adversity and free will to react to it in a positive way, and that there are many things in life that you can’t change no matter how inspired you get.

But he plays the long game. He believes that those dreams he can’t manifest in this life may very well be reachable in future lives, so he keeps working hard and dreaming. He sees this life as one of many, just like the many years in your life. Keep striving, he believes, and he will get there, in time, and at the very least, reap other benefits along the way.

Being of detached mind and accepting what he can’t change, few things faze the third seeker. Ironically, he is more inspired than the second seeker, in part, because he sees this life as an enormous opportunity that many souls on the other side would like and is grateful for every single day.

Considering the philosophies of fate and reincarnation, in which more than half of the world’s population believes, are valid (these theories have yet to be invalidated), which spiritual seeker will get the most out of life? Clearly, the third one, in our view.

You have nothing to lose by embracing the philosophies of free will, predestination, and reincarnation (only the hopelessly idealistic reject the notion that everyone has unique, unavoidable personal adversity), but you do have much to lose if you take the hapless approach of the first two seekers.

Below we list three ways that will help you make the most of your spiritual journey.

1. Realize what you really want by getting to know yourself better, including your subconscious personality, which is outlined wonderfully by handwriting analysis. Subconscious memory exploration through hypnosis mp3s also works wonders. Once you have self-knowledge, including knowing your timing (outlined excellently by comprehensive astrology and numerology), you stop fighting the path most natural for you.

2. Take the essential steps to reach your goals and work on your discipline if necessary. Katharine Hepburn said, “Without discipline, there’s no life at all.” Your health, relationships of all types, work, and of course achieving your goals all require discipline. Meditation is a good practice that helps you increase your discipline. Subliminal MP3s for self-discipline can give you an extra push if you feel you need it.

3. Make time to dream every day, without limits. We call it “dream-castling” and you can be as outrageous as you want–it’s your imagination. While always keeping in mind your realistic everyday and long-term goals, go wild with your imagination about what things would be like in the best-case scenario.

For example, say you want to write a best-selling book. Imagine what it would be like to help people with what you’ve learned (the hard way). Think of what it would feel like to sell millions of books and improve countless lives, and of course enjoy the money and credibility that would come with it.

While you may not be able to achieve every extravagant desire in this life, there’s always your next life, and what matters most is the experience and what you learn along the way.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge, make the most of your fate, and dream big.  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Spiritual Truth–Thoughts Create Only Some of Your Reality

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You’ve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind.

In the real world, you’ll find it’s not so simple.

While we are strong proponents of positive thinking and we believe you can make the most of your life by changing what you can and how you view that which you can’t change, conscious thought is only part of what influences your life.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Just think positive thoughts.

One major problem with it is your subconscious mind. We’ve learned a tremendous amount over the years about how the subconscious mind works through our study of handwriting analysis, hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression. Your subconscious mind will generate thoughts all on its own through the ever present, hidden fears, defenses, and biases. You can detach from those thoughts through meditation, and work with them through hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression, but since the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, it’s not always possible to rise above them.

The process of thinking positive thoughts also competes with what your heart, intuition, or higher-self actually believes or knows to be true.

For example, if you’re intuiting that there’s no way you’re going to change your boss’s mind, and that’s how it turned out in the end, thinking positive thoughts is futile, unless the positive thoughts are for accepting what you can’t change and working instead on what you can change.

Below we ask seven questions that indicate thinking positive thoughts only creates some of your reality.

1. Did children in the hospital (or their parents) battling terminal diseases create that reality through their thinking?

2. Did Syrian war refugees create their current reality through their thinking?

3. Did rape victims think about rape too much, thus manifest it?

4. Will preaching mind over matter to a paranoid schizophrenic cure her of her mental disease?

5. Did generations of poor people in developing nations think their way into poverty?

6. Did a lack of happy thoughts create a record high murder rate in the summer of 2015 in the city of Chicago?

7. Are plane crashes the result of too many passengers not thinking positive thoughts about arriving safely at their destination?

Our long-term findings show that positive thinking, although important, takes a back seat to the unforeseen and predestined (positive and negative) events and circumstances in your life. No matter what you think, you can work with fate, but you can’t cheat it.

We’re asked sometimes why we focus on fate to the extent that we do. We want you to avoid being unexpectedly disappointed or hurt by the sometimes vicious hand of fate, and we frown on New Age opportunists selling escapist myths packaged as truth.

It may seem depressing at first, but in order to make the most of your life, you need to first do four things:

1. Avoid the “anything is possible, you can do anything” mind-set, beyond the occasional daydreaming or “dream-castling” about your aspirations and goals. Why? Because when you are at least moderately realistic about your goals, you’ll avoid wasting time and setting yourself up for major disappointment, or worse.

2. Accept that there are many things in your life that you can’t change, such as how others think and act. Whatever it is you want to manifest through conscious creation and, or the law of attraction, if your goal depends on the behavior of others, think again. You may be able to persuade a million people to buy your new software app if that type of success is part of your predestination, but if not, it won’t happen (or if it does you’ll eventually experience a reversal of fortune), and there’s nothing spiritual about attempting to control and manipulate others.

3. Get to know yourself. Self-knowledge, including your subconscious strengths, fears, and defenses (which are outlined superbly by handwriting analysis), along with your timing (which is outlined terrifically by comprehensive astrology and numerology), allows you to prepare for life’s inevitable challenges and get the most out of the rewarding phases in your life.

4. Make an effort to react to people and events as positively (or neutrally) as you can whenever possible. Strive to remain detached and compassionate. This will help to stop creating any additional difficult karma for the future.

The notion that thoughts create 100% of your reality is deceptively comforting. Like all delusions, you’ll find that it eventually crashes against the rocks of reality. Children like to believe that Santa can leave whatever they want under the tree, but eventually they grow out of that fantasy.

Alas, you can prepare for life’s challenges and make the most of your fate, and it’s up to you how you view that which you can’t change.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-knowledge and make the most of your fate  https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2016 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Fate–Outrageous Accounts of Famous People Denying Predestination

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Famous people throughout history have said some interesting things about fate.

Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th century French military leader, one of the most triumphant military commanders of all time, said, “Circumstances–what are circumstances? I make circumstances.” It seems Napoleon didn’t believe in fate.

But he also said this, “There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed,” perhaps during his final defeat at Waterloo, or as he spent the last six years of his life in a British prison, before his demise at age 51.

“I don’t believe in providence and fate, as a technologist I am used to reckoning with the formulae of probability.”
Max Rudolf Frisch, Swiss playwright and novelist

Interestingly, Max Frisch seems to entertain the notion of fate in his 1957 novel “Homo Faber.” The main character, Walter Faber, believes in reason over predetermination, yet ultimately rethinks that position. Malcom Forbes in the Montreal Review puts it this way:

“Faber exercises his rational mind by regaling us with statistics relating to the likelihood of improbable accidents and incidents befalling us. He downplays any significance of providence but from this point on experiences a series of extraordinary coincidences, mainly in the form of chance encounters. When Sabeth turns out to be the daughter he never knew he had he is compelled to re-evaluate the faith he placed in technology over fate. ‘I’m a technologist and accustomed to seeing things as they are,’ he informs us early on in the novel. But when the unforeseen occurs and when the improbable morphs into the unbelievable, he is left floundering. Faber revises his whole outlook at the close of the novel when lying in his hospital bed, vanquished and desolate. ‘Life is not matter and cannot be mastered by technology,’ he decides.”

“Fate laughs at probabilities.”
E.G. Bulwer-Lytton 19th century English novelist and playwright

“Fate is for losers.”
Douglas Coupland, novelist and artist, appointed member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

His quote, “Fate is for losers,” is amusing considering how his writing career began, according to Wikipedia: “He completed courses in business science, fine art, and industrial design in Japan in 1986. Established as a designer working in Tokyo, Coupland suffered a skin condition brought on by Tokyo’s summer climate, and returned to Vancouver. Before leaving Japan, Coupland had sent a postcard ahead to a friend in Vancouver. The friend’s husband, a magazine editor, read the postcard and offered Coupland a job writing for the magazine. Coupland began writing for magazines as a means of paying his studio bills. Reflecting on his becoming a writer, Coupland has admitted that he became one ‘By accident. I never wanted to be a writer. Now that I do it, there’s nothing else I’d rather do.'”

“It is nobody’s right to be waited on and nobody’s fate to do the waiting.”
Margaret Heffernan, writer and businesswoman

Perhaps she is seeing ahead in the future where artificial intelligence takes care of all the service industry jobs? Does she believe it should be illegal for a woman to be a housewife, even if that’s her desire? Or, is this her way of dealing with guilt about her success or perhaps she’s merely indulging her audience? “It’s not your fate to ever work in a service job” sells more books than “You have to start somewhere.”

“Change your plate. Change your fate.”
Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author and wellness activist

While we applaud Kris Carr for overcoming cancer and we also believe that diet and wellness has a lot to do with longevity and vitality, you can’t change fate with vegetables. When fate summons you, you have free will to react, but no amount of antioxidents and green juice will change what is destined. That is a catchy marketing phrase though, isn’t it?

“Not what we experience, but how we perceive what we experience, determines our fate.”
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, 19th century German writer

While we admire and agree with her suggestion that positive thinking can improve your life, we disagree that changing your perception will change what is destined. Denying the cold, hard realities of life won’t make them go away.

These final six quotes, we believe, encapsulate the essence of the philosophy of personal fate:

“If there’s any business that instructs you in the strong hand of fate, it’s show business. You can plan and plan, but it’s what happens to you that really determines what your career will be like.”
Sam Waterston, American actor, director, and producer

“My fate cannot be mastered; it can only be collaborated with and thereby, to some extent, directed. Nor am I the captain of my soul; I am only its noisiest passenger.”
Aldous Huxley, English writer and philosopher

“All things are subject to decay and when fate summons, monarchs must obey.”
John Dryden, English poet and playwright

“Fate is nothing but the deeds committed in a prior state of existence.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Fate leads him who follows it, and drags him who resist.”

Learn how to make the most of your unique personal fate in our Direct Your Destiny e-package. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Fate: Movie Stars, Fame and Predestination

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Fifty Hollywood actors of similar talent toil for years looking for that big break, frequently crossing paths through the same auditions and talent agencies. Eventually, two of them make it to A-list status, yet the others languish in obscurity. We don’t call it luck, we call it fate.

It makes me believe in fate. In most cases, the readings where I’ve been really bad have usually been the ones where I got the part.”
Robin Wright

After reviewing thousands of people’s comprehensive astrology and numerology charts, our objective findings consistently show those who are fated to become famous do, and those who aren’t, don’t.

That may sound “void of promise” to you, but we prefer to tell it as we see it to help you save time, money, and avoid heartache. Besides, life is about the journey, not the destination, wouldn’t you agree?

Consider these other quotes about fame and predestination:

“Casting sometimes is fate and destiny more than skill and talent, from a director’s point of view.”
Steven Spielberg

“When I was growing up in Terrell, Texas, I felt that it was not where I was supposed to be. I knew that I was meant for a different destination. I think that the minute I was born, there was something inside telling me where I would go, it’s like energy – an intangible destiny.”
Jamie Foxx

“…I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. And then fate reached in and took me in its hands. I was discovered right out of high school and started getting work.”
Sally Field

“We are all tied to our destiny and there is no way we can liberate ourselves.”
Rita Hayworth

“I’m a great believer in fate. I think things happen in spite of, and despite, yourself.”
Randolph Scott

“Fate pulls you in different directions.”
Clint Eastwood

“Fate gives you the finger and you accept.”
William Shatner

Those who deny fate assert that force of will and hard work allow you to achieve anything. Perhaps there are multitudes of aspiring Hollywood actors thinking to themselves, “If someone like Brad Pitt can make it big, so can I.”

Do you believe Brad Pitt is just a pretty face and got lucky in his career? We disagree. The patterns symbolizing fame and money success in Brad Pitt’s comprehensive charts are beyond stellar, even breathtaking. The aspiring stars that never get a break, despite working as hard as anyone else, simply lack the necessary patterns. In other words, it’s their fate to never get that big break, and the unique patterns in their charts represent it. Again, we know this doesn’t sound encouraging, but we’ve found that being direct is ultimately more helpful to you.

Interestingly, extreme infamy is equally as easy for us to identify in the charts, as is an exceptional fall from grace, significant career beginnings and peak points, and key love life connections, to name a few.

After years of doing this type of work, we’ve learned the importance of working with fate and accepting what you can’t change, and It’s always heartening to see patterns of extraordinary success in an individual’s comprehensive charts.

After recently watching on a long flight Ex Machina and A Most Violent Year staring relatively young (36 years-old) Oscar Isaac, we appreciated his talent. We then reviewed his charts and were intrigued with how his overall lifetime mega fame and career staying power is similar to that of Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. He’s staring in the upcoming Star Wars movies, episodes VII and VIII.

The theory of personal fate (same meaning as destiny) tells us there’s a reason for everything and things happen when they’re supposed to happen.

However, fate does not mean you should always wait around for things to happen. Get centered, figure out your talents and what you really want, and take action. Fated events sometimes just happen to you, completely out of your control, and other times they occur when you follow your dreams and work toward success.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you make the most of your life now with 5 incredible subconscious programming and affirmation-packed audio MP3s: Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax Subliminal MP3, Improve Appearance and Become Sexier Subliminal MP3, Success and Abundance Subliminal MP3, Enhance Love Life and Friendships Subliminal MP3, Forgive and Let Go Subliminal MP3. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Our Favorite Spiritual Laws

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Everyone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited.

Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction.

Our long-term empirical findings indicate everyone is bound to specific spiritual laws, just like heavenly bodies are bound to Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion, which outline how they orbit the Sun.

Below we list our favorite spiritual laws.

1. The law of karma dictates that every good intent, thought, and action will return to you, in time. How great is that? Also, any injustice will balance itself out, eventually, so seeking revenge is pointless, and it incurs further karma anyway.

At the same time, this law demands personal responsibility. Thus, if you find yourself on the receiving end of some tough karma, the best approach is to change what you can and accept the rest.

You don’t ever have to worry if life is fair because the law of karma dictates it’s perfectly fair. We believe what goes around comes around, usually in future lifetimes, not this life.

You can “create your reality” to a certain extent but your actions now will have as much or more impact on your future lives. This is related to another law, the law of predestination.

2. The law of predestination (same as destiny, fate, and predetermination) is wonderful because all those rewards you’ve worked so hard for in past incarnations catch up to you eventually, sometimes in this life. At the same time, life’s challenges are also part of personal fate. Perceiving them from a different perspective, as necessary experiences for a higher purpose, makes them easier to digest.

3. The law of reincarnation causes you to keep incarnating until you get it right. How do you get it right? Do your best and react with love and compassion instead of fear, as often as possible. Easier said than done.

The great thing about the law of reincarnation (in conjunction with the law of personal fate) is that you take with you a lot of what you establish while in bodily form: talents, wisdom, health karma, money karma, and so on.

Lofty goals may not be so lofty when viewed from the perspective of multiple lifetimes. Have you always had a burning desire to be a famous actor, for example, but you don’t see it happening in this life? Keep dreaming and using your free will to work toward your goal, even if it’s only doing community theater in your free time. Thoughts are things, and although they may not manifest in this life, they may eventually if backed by enough energy.

4. The law of as above, so below (i.e., celestial phenomena is symbolic of life on Earth) mandates that patterns in comprehensive astrology and numerology charts reflect life circumstances and events. This is one of our favorite spiritual laws because you can use the knowledge to prepare for and limit life’s challenges, and maximize life’s rewards.

5. The law of universal order, as with the law of as above so below, shows that the universe is orderly, not chaotic. Heavenly bodies spin and orbit predictably, the seasons change when we expect them to, pumpkin seeds grow pumpkins and not strawberries, and horses birth foals and not lambs. The law of universal order underscores the human experience, allowing for the measurement and interpretation of overall personal fate through comprehensive astrology and numerology.

Ultimately, the above spiritual laws are exciting and inspiring because they indicate that life is so much more than a random series of events. It has infinite spiritual meaning, and you can take unconditional love, compassion, and lots of other good things with you into the next phase of your soul’s journey.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you make the most of your life today with 5 incredible subconscious programming and affirmation-packed audio MP3s: Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax Subliminal MP3, Improve Appearance and Become Sexier Subliminal MP3, Success and Abundance Subliminal MP3, Enhance Love Life and Friendships Subliminal MP3, Forgive and Let Go Subliminal MP3. https://spiritualgrowthnow.com/directyourdestiny/

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Addressing Skepticism About the Concept of Karma

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Long-term empirical research tells us that the concept of karma is valid, though we regularly encounter people with misconceptions about the spiritual tenet.

For example, we received this anonymous e-mail recently: “Who are you to tell anyone they deserve what happens to them. This is your belief, not a fact. I do not believe in karma. Period. You people have your views, and they’re your views, but kindly accept that there are those who disagree.”

Actually, we’ve never said that people “deserve what happens to them.” That statement implies a vengeful god that punishes people for their sins.

We don’t believe anyone deserves to be conned, robbed, murdered, raped, or forced to endure any other atrocities that regularly occur on planet Earth.

The truth, as we see it, is actually quite different, and to understand it you must view it from a spiritual perspective.

Spiritual laws of the universe go far beyond the third dimensional physical plane, which is why it’s impossible to escape full personal responsibility for every one of your actions.

Definition of Karma

We define karma as everything you do, say, or intend–starting from when your soul first existed–which could have been thousands of years ago, on Earth or elsewhere–coming back to you in equal measure. Your karma today is mostly what your soul created before this life.

Virtually everyone alive today has lived multiple existences and generated both positive and negative karma; everyone has been both a “good person” and a “bad person,” many times.

Spiritual laws are like gravity–they simply exist. A cat jumps out the window of the thirtieth floor. A witness states, “The cat got what it deserved.” Well, yes, the law of gravity dictates that it won’t end well, but saying that the cat deserved it sounds rather cruel. It’s simply what happens when the cat jumps out the window, according to the immutable law of gravity.

Likewise, pillaging that village 10,000 years ago has consequences, even though you were following orders and thought you got away with it.

7 Key Findings About Karma

1. As mentioned above, most of the karma you endure (or enjoy, if rewarding) originates from prior existences, not this life.

2. Karma isn’t instant. What you do today may not come back to you for lifetimes, though if you do the right thing, the positive situations and feelings you generate (if you’re not a sociopath) sure can make your current existence more pleasant.

3. Negative circumstances and events in a person’s life may not be karma, but instead part of a soul plan to help others. For example, a person who suffers discrimination may not have discriminated against others in a previous life, but the situation brings attention to the problem of discrimination and helps to reduce the amount of discrimination in the future.

4. As long as you treat people fairly, respectfully and don’t cause intentional harm, you aren’t generating negative karma. For instance, divorcing your spouse won’t incur negative karma as long as you do so peacefully. What is best for you is often best for everyone else, even if they resist it. Note: false guilt can generate karmic circumstances.

5. Unfulfilled desires aren’t always rooted in negative karma. You may cherish the idea of a perfect love relationship and yearn for it, yet never attain it. It’s not because of negative karma, but unrealistic expectations.

6. Sometimes a challenging situation is not about karma but instead a helpful lesson for you. For example, you realize much later in life that the strife in your family relationships you painstakingly endured helped you solidify your convictions and make you a stronger person, which will serve you well in your next lifetime.

7. Sometimes difficult times are not karmic payback, but your collective timing. Our findings show that life is cyclical and that everyone’s timing is different. If your timing is not conducive to your goals at this time, it very well may be in the future. Hang in there.

Now that you know karma isn’t a dubious explanation of life circumstances, that cause and effect is a valid spiritual law, you can avoid the blame and victimization game and act with a fresh perspective.

Learn more about karma and other spiritual laws with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package.

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

7 Signs You Are Captain of Your Destiny and Fate is Not Real

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The fate vs. free will argument has been around for eons. We believe you have free will to make the most of your fate and even shape it, but not how you may think.

The motivational and self-help marketplace is full of well-intentioned professionals promising to make you the captain of your destiny. You can do anything you put your mind to, anything, they say. All you have to do is work hard, believe in yourself, and follow their advice.

We’re all for inspiration, but we like it to be rooted in reality.

Very few in that industry will concede to the concepts of reincarnation and personal fate. After all, you only have one life, they say. Others claim you’re just a body and brain with no soul. Fair enough–everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

Unfortunately, if the motivational advice doesn’t work, a follower will feel like a failure, not understanding that outcomes depend on fate and that the journey is just as or more important than the goal.

The definition of fate, in part, includes events and circumstances in your life that you have no control over and cannot change. It’s pretty straight forward, but we’ve encountered many people who deny this basic concept or alter the definition to fit their agenda.

Are you in complete control of your destiny? Below we list seven signs you are the captain of your destiny.

1. You’re able to control the choices and actions of others–what they think, say, and do. You never face any insurmountable obstacles in your interpersonal interactions because you’re the master of your reality. Your superhero cape is as beautiful as you are brilliant!

2. Your health and that of everyone you love is like that of an Olympic gold medalist swimmer. There are rarely any physical limitations or illnesses to distract you from living the dream life you demand. If you ever do encounter any, you cure it with your magic wand and then go on to have the best year ever!

3. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, you believe you control your subconscious mind. All those hidden fears and defenses (e.g., arrogance) don’t bother you, and you never screw up because of them.

4. You’ve never experienced anything but success in your career. Every money-making venture you’ve undertaken has turned to gold, exactly to your high expectations. Nobody ever blocks your plans or projects because everyone knows you are the CEO of your existence and to do so would be an affront to the power of the universe. All you have to do is get in touch with the abundance of the universe and it’s yours, right?

5. All your relationships, including early life, family, romantic, and professional are completely harmonious. There’s no resistance, strife, or negativity. It’s common for you and all your loved ones to spontaneously break into song about the perfection of your relationships.

6. Every time you travel, nothing goes wrong. Delays, cancellations, bad weather, rip-offs, and other travel problems are for other people, because you are the controller of your reality.

7. Whenever something unwanted or unexpected happens in your life, you wave your favorite motivational book at the problem and call out, “I am the wizard of my reality! I command thee to go my way!” Magically, things do go your way because you create everything in your life, exactly to your tastes.

Unfortunately, nobody has super-human powers that will change their preordained fate.

Sometimes it may seem like you changed your fate, but the change was destined, as was using your free will within the framework of your fate.

We believe you can make the most of your fate and you can even shape your future fate (i.e., your fate in future lifetimes) by how you respond now to people, events and conditions in your life.

You can’t eliminate your fate, but you can do your best, which will optimize the rewards and limit the challenges in your life.

Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you make the most of your life today with 5 incredible subconscious programming and affirmation-packed audio MP3s: Sense of Humor/Confidence/Relax Subliminal MP3, Improve Appearance and Become Sexier Subliminal MP3, Success and Abundance Subliminal MP3, Enhance Love Life and Friendships Subliminal MP3, Forgive and Let Go Subliminal MP3.

Copyright © 2015 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

9 Examples of Passing Your Spiritual Tests

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Are you passing your spiritual tests? We believe everyone frequently has the opportunity to pass spiritual tests, and in the process create a better world and good karma for the future.

Sometimes it’s not easy, but if you do the right thing and respond with honesty, unconditional love, and tolerance, you’ll pass the spiritual test.

Don’t feel bad if you sometimes fail a spiritual test because everyone is here to learn and that’s part of the process. As long as you make an effort you will reap the benefits in the future.

Below are examples of how to best handle spiritual tests.

1) While out with a group of friends, several of them gossip about a woman across the crowded bar, judging her for being “easy.” You happen to know her and that she’s a very kind person. Instead of keeping your mouth shut in order to keep the peace, you speak up, defend the woman, and call out your friends for projecting their sexual shame onto her.

2) You’ve tried to get along with that coworker of yours, but he always manages to push your buttons and strike when you least expect it. Instead of striking back, you detach, try your best not to take his actions personally, and accept him for the jerk that he is.

3) While shopping one day, a man walks by and accidentally drops his wallet full of cash. He looks loaded and you could really use the money, but you remind yourself that you’re not entitled to a stranger’s money unless they give it to you. You pick up the wallet, run after him, and hand it back.

4) Your ex-husband treated you horribly, but you never speak badly about him in front of the children, even though you’re aware that he does. It’s painful at times, but you hold your tongue and remind yourself that they’ll realize the truth when they’re older.

5) You have the option to lie about your sexual orientation and date the opposite sex, but you decide it would be selfish and unfair to deceive someone in order to hide your true orientation. Instead, you gather your courage, care less what others think, and live your life the way you really want to.

6) You fell out of love with him years ago. Instead of staying because of the money and having an affair with the other man you’ve fallen for, you’re honest with your husband and set him free so he can find someone more compatible.

7) You’ve experienced a lot of racism and you have no tolerance for it. However, when an acquaintance is accused of racism and you know it’s not true, you defend her. You understand that it would be unfair and unwise to use anyone in an attempt to stop racism.

8) A coworker and friend is accused of something she didn’t do. You know the truth, but if you speak out, it could jeopardize your job. Instead of saying nothing and allowing her to suffer, you tell your boss the truth.

9) You’re in love with your girlfriend but one day you check her phone while she’s in the shower and discover she’s been cheating. You have the opportunity to expose some nasty secrets to her boss and get her fired, but you know that revenge would only create negative karma. Instead, you bite the bullet, accept her infidelity and that it will take you some time to get over the betrayal and pain, and move on.

Make those spiritual tests more easily identifiable and tolerable, identify subconscious fears and blocks, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-package.

Copyright © 2015 Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Watch Out For Psychics Who Say “Nothing is Set in Stone”

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Recently, someone e-mailed the following feedback and question about fate, free will, and psychics to us:

“First, I want to say that the older I get the more I believe you are right that the major events in our life were planned by us before we reincarnated. While many may find this frustrating and not want to believe that they don’t have total control over their future, I actually find it comforting.

“There have been many times in my life where I have put forth great effort professionally and personally and things just didn’t work out despite how hard I tried. It’s actually comforting to a large extent to know that those things just weren’t meant to be and there is a larger plan for me.

“Unlike other people who may find your philosophy off putting or limiting I like knowing that the next step or steps in my life are inevitable (if I understand you correctly) as long as I put one step in front of the other and take action and do my best along the way.

“I wanted to ask though, I have been to psychics before and many of them have been quite accurate in predicting events in my life though their timing has been off, why is it that many psychics believe that the future is not fixed and free will can change anything? This actually frustrates me when they say this because I don’t agree!

“Major events in my life have unfolded despite my ‘free will’ and efforts to change them. I just don’t believe things are ALWAYS in my control. You would think a psychic would realize this? Why is it so many don’t?”

Our Response

We believe it’s important to always proactively take appropriate action and assertively strive to reach your goals, yet also realize that the belief of being able to entirely “control your destiny” is largely futile and an ego-self construct.

Directing your destiny is about taking the most appropriate action (free will), which is innately part of your destiny, and also directing your future life destiny through doing the right thing now–destiny is something that extends beyond this life, into future lives.

As we always recommend, keep forging ahead in the direction you feel is optimum.

We believe the major events in your life are predestined, as is meeting the major players. The minor ones may not be, unless they influence you greatly. For example, if you have a “chance” conversation with a stranger who gives you information that leads you to significantly change your life direction, that was likely destined. You then used your free will to achieve your destiny; you moved in that direction and made those choices because they felt like the best options (such decisions hardly seem like “choices”).

You would think that most psychics would tell you that many of your future life circumstances, events, and conditions are set in stone, if they really can predict the future. However, many of them don’t, for one or more of these reasons:

1. They don’t know any better.
2. They don’t want to disappoint you.
3. They don’t want to believe it themselves.
4. They want an excuse as to why their prediction didn’t manifest and it’s easier to blame it on the faulty “nothing is set in stone” myth, or you for “not taking the right path” or “not trying hard enough.”

So what do you do? Keep doing everything you can to reach your goals, yet take comfort in knowing that there is much in life that you can’t alter or avoid, and that your energy is better allocated toward embracing and working with your fate instead of attempting to override it.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Worried She Will Miss Her Destiny

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We received the following question recently:

“What happens if you don’t take action at the right time to manifest your destiny? Does this mean you will miss it? Or miss important events in your life? Will the opportunity present itself again at a later time?”

Based on our empirical research, we believe that at least 75% of the core events, circumstances, and conditions (rewarding and challenging) in your life are predestined. That means those things will transpire no matter what.

To make an analogy, if you miss an exit ramp and that opportunity is passed up, that exit was only part of the 25% that really wasn’t part of your core predetermination. If it, or rather the lessons related to it, were part of your path, something similar will present itself, in time.

Children and Fate

If you are meant to be a parent or mentor for a particular soul, it will happen even if you are unable or choose not to have your own children. The soul will find you through adoption, as a niece or nephew, or perhaps as a neighbor. The bond will usually be special from the beginning, and you’ll both likely recognize the significance.

Career and Fate

If you are meant to influence people through a certain type of work, it will happen even if you don’t consciously plan it. It’s likely you will feel passionate about the work, and sharing it with others will give you pleasure and be something that you just feel compelled to do. The specific form of the work may not be destined, but if it’s meant to be, you’ll somehow get the message, technique, or lesson out to the public.

Love Relationships and Fate

If you are meant to enter a serious relationship during a predestined window of time, you will. That is not to say the relationship is guaranteed to be all that you expect and desire it to be.

If you’re already involved, yet are meant to meet another soul mate, perhaps because your current relationship has expired even though you’re still going through the motions, a marriage certificate or commitment will not prevent destiny. You have free will to act responsibly and honestly, although we’ve witnessed time and time again the swift current of predetermination making a mockery of marriage vows.

If a person has very challenging love life karma, it could very well be their fate to endure excessive anxiety about it. Regrettably, those with challenging love life karma may strong-arm a partner into a “permanent” relationship, then when it falls apart, blame their partner. Enduring romantic satisfaction just isn’t part of their personal fate. However, generating gratitude and acceptance of what they can’t change (which tends to foster happiness) is always an option.

How You Know Which Path to Take

Whichever action feels most right, that you naturally take, especially that which you all but can’t help but take, is part of your fate. Even the apparent mistakes, especially those from which you learn the most, are destined.

The best approach is to let go (daily meditation helps a lot), follow your heart, and avoid fear-based decision-making.

As we mentioned, if you don’t take action at a point in your life to attempt to seize on an evident opportunity, and you likely will if it’s meant to be, fate will find you regardless, within the bounds of your unique personal destiny. By the way, contrary to popular New Age thought, these words all have the same meaning: fate, destiny, predestination, and predetermination.

Life is only meant to be fair related to the degree your karma is rewarding.

Also understand that you aren’t being punished if you have tough karma. Your soul (not your personality) has chosen it in this lifetime for whatever reason, which can be discovered, in part, through past life regression. Realizing the root reasons why often makes it easier to tolerate.

Copyright © 2011 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo